Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements

I want to get this out of the way: I’m kind of an achievement whore.

Combining two things that I love, achievements and Gears of War, InsideGamer has posted a leaked list of Gears of War 2 Achievements. I’ve always been a fan of puns, and there are plenty to be had here including “Tanks for the Memories” and other groan-inducing achievement titles. Apparently, this is only 60 percent complete, and the full achievement list comes on Friday.

I’ve got to say, the list looks fairly standard, but there is one jaw-dropping entry that is sure to be worthy of lore much akin to defeating Emerald Weapon in FF VII or collecting every single orb in Crackdown (both of which I’ve done):

Seriously 2.0 (50) – Kill 100,000 enemies, total, across all modes

I suppose now we know why it’s called “Seriously?”. What’s the most ludicrous achievement or accomplishment you’ve performed in a video game, XBox 360 or otherwise?

Source: XBox 360 Fanboy

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

16 thoughts on “Leaked: Gears of War 2 Achievements”

  1. Glad there aren’t any “Kill # of people with one weapon” achievements. It almost ruined it.

  2. I only play for Trophies.

    J/k. I enjoy puns, too. You are a punny guy. (see what I did there?)

    I would have to say while Final Fantasy Tactics, finding Cloud from FFVII and bringing him from level 1 to level 60 where my other characters where at is the kind of thing I look back at and say WTF?

  3. Wow my last reply on here didn’t stay apparently.

    I like the one “Its a Trap”!!! lol

    100,000 . . . thats an INSANE number. First one to get it looses XD

  4. If you think about it, it’s not a big number at all…
    it’s like doing the “Hardcore” achievement 100 times in Team Fortress 2.

    It will take a s-pun-full of time, I can tell you that…

    Got to go… Spy sappin’ my sentry.

  5. [quote comment=”62″]Glad there aren’t any “Kill # of people with one weapon” achievements. It almost ruined it.[/quote]

    Yeah, that totally ruined online play for a bit, because you have people just trying to grab one weapon. Frankly, I got tired of getting arrowed.

  6. Will the site be updated with a “Forums” page?
    I heard from “The Leet World” site that “Gamersushi” wasn’t finished.

  7. [quote comment=”143″]Will the site be updated with a “Forums” page?
    I heard from “The Leet World” site that “Gamersushi” wasn’t finished.[/quote]

    We don’t see a need for forums. Having one forum to manage is more than enough. Also, but for a few minor tweaks here and there, this site is done.

  8. Yeah, I agree with that. Just treat the comments like a board for that topic.

    if anyone has any tips on a story they saw, feel free to email me!

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