Get your envy sticks out, because I’m all set and ready to leave for PAX this weekend. While Microsoft has already revealed their lineup for the Expo (and it’s quite good), I’ve still been curious to see what Sony is going to have ready for the throng of gamers like myself.
Month: August 2008
Rumor: Waggle Your Saber With More Accuracy
Everyone knows that one of the first things they geeked out about when they imagined playing the Nintendo Wii was some kind of super badass lightsaber dueling game. This fantasy may or may not have included a sarlacc pit and jedi robes.
Well, in addition to their other two lightsaber dueling games (The Clone Wars:Lightsaber Duels and The Force Unleashed), it seems that LucasArts might have a third one in the works—this one utilizing one-to-one motion with Wii’s new MotionPlus.
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Preview: The Force Unleashed
Let’s face it, every single kid dreams about having a lightsaber or being able to force choke a bitch. Heck, I even wave my fingers in front of automatic doors and chuckle a little on the inside at my own cleverness. So it was with much anticipation and slight trepidation that I downloaded the demo for The Force Unleashed over the weekend to give my lightsaber a whirl.
All I’ve got to say is: TFU just may be the game Star Wars geeks have been waiting for.
Little Big Planet Image Importing Only Via PS Eye
In news that may come as a blow to many gamers hoping to get their “create on” with Little Big Planet, in a recent interview with, producer Pete Smith and interface designer Jim Unwin confirmed what many had feared:
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Nintendo Throwing a Bone
Who says there are no hardcore games from Nintendo anymore? There are loads of them! At least, that’s Nintendo’s story, and they’re sticking to it, thank-you-very-much. In fact, they’ll have you know that their developers are up to their pointy ears in hardcore games, and will continue to be that way… for at least 2-3 years…
Rumor: Halo by Who?
Big goings-on on the Interwebz. Rumblings, some would say. According to OXM, the next installment of the Halo franchise (Halo 4 for those keeping the score at home) is being developed by Gearbox Software, the fine minds behind Brothers in Arms: Hell’s Highway, Halo PC and the upcoming Aliens: Colonial Marines.
Preview: The Last Guy
The Last Guy (TLG) is a game I’ve heard mention of for a few weeks now, but only recently have I come to understand just what it is. And what it is, is FUN. TLG is a PSN game, recently priced at $9.99 and will be available to suck up more of your precious HDD space on 8/28.
I must admit that I have always been tempted to jump in to the MMO genre. But over the years, having lost my friends (and even some in my family) to the big hungry MMO lords like World of Warcraft, Dark Age of Camelot and Everquest, I decided to keep my distance.
Also, I never wanted to be these guys, who hooked up a treadmill in an attempt to simulate running across the plains of Azeroth in search of grand adventure.
GamerSushi at Pax!
This weekend I will be attending PAX (otherwise known as Penny Arcade Expo), the gamer’s mecca, taking pictures and video of everything that the game devs are going to be showing off.
Things I hope to do include: get a hands-on impression of the new 360 dashboard, check out the playable Left 4 Dead, attend a screening of Second Skin the MMO documentary and play Rock Band until my ears bleed.