More Halo 3 achievements are coming? Yes please.
It seems that someone snapped some screenshots of a menu during PAX that had new achievements listed as part of “Halo 3 Mythic”. What’s actually very interesting is I was told this very rumor at the show by someone who claimed to see it.
I chalked it up to crazy talk. Looks like I was wrong.
Could “Mythic” be the name of the next map pack? I mean, they’ve already done Heroic and Legendary. What other superlatives can you even use at this point?
One thing that is interesting is that by attaching these to a map pack, it could mean that gamers are paying to get them. Now, I guess you could argue that they pay to get achievements in the first place, but this seems a little different.
Would you pay more to get more achievements in a game that you loved? Seeing as how I have 1000/1000 in Halo 3 already… I just might.
Source- Kotaku
This is a very hard question… it depends on the cost, lol.
I agree with the “mythic” theory.
Heroic, Legendary, “Mythic” Makes sense.
We know my answer,lol.
[quote comment=”296″]
I agree with the “mythic” theory.
Heroic, Legendary, “Mythic” Makes sense.[/quote]
Definitely. Makes more sense than “Best Map Pack Ever”, for sure. I think we’re right. We are smart dudes.
I think its robbery that they make us pay for the map packs in Halo 3. I bought the game, just because you needed more time to design maps doesn’t mean that you should charge me for them.
Now games always charge for expansions and such but honestly, let the map packs be free. Microsoft Points are a ripoff anyway.
As I love all things Halo I would get this. Unfortunately I don’t have Live. I know *gasp* SOMEONE WITH AN XBOX DOESN’T HAVE LIVE? 😛
[quote comment=”307″]I think its robbery that they make us pay for the map packs in Halo 3. I bought the game, just because you needed more time to design maps doesn’t mean that you should charge me for them.
Now games always charge for expansions and such but honestly, let the map packs be free. Microsoft Points are a ripoff anyway.[/quote]
Thats a nice dream, but as long as people pay for these things and they make money, it will only get worse.
I think Gold members should get stuff for free, because we’re paying once a month for their bandwidth anyway. Also, The ‘Mythic’ Makes a lot more sense than what I thought they’d do. I thought they’d do difficulties, so the next pack would be called the ‘Normal’ or ‘Easy’ pack. Which I thought was funny, but improbable. But you know Bungie, right? That weird sense of humour…
lol! I can imagine an Easy pack…. xD
More Halo 3 achievements? I can see it now:
“No, you still cannot has Recon.”
Leave Luke Smith 1000 messages asking for Recon Armor.
On a less sarcastic note: YES! Finally, a reason to play Halo 3. I found that the multi player got really stale pretty quick.
Dude, the new acheievements will be soooo epic. Like Poor Yorick? Or how about Road Rage? Defend This? Camme…From…Behind? So ballin!
And I got these from Bungie’s update, so I’m not making them up.