There comes a time in every gaming community’s young life where its members sit around a campfire and share about their personal gaming preferences. Since we don’t have a fire, and I’m afraid of face-to-face interactions with other humans, I thought the interwebz would be a good place for us to share what we enjoy about gaming.
In “Would You Rather’, I simply ask a series of questions, and you follow up with your responses. Give as much or as little explanation as you want with your answers. Unless they suck. In that case, you’re cut from life.
Would you rather…
1. Play a 15 hour game with a great story and lots of replay value, or a 40 hour game with a great story and no replay value?
2. Wait longer (let’s say 12 months) for a great game from one of your favorite franchises, or get a good game now that had some bugs in it?
3. See your favorite gaming franchise try new and different things, or stick to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” playbook?
4. Play an innovative platformer, or an innovative FPS?
5. Play an open world RPG, or an RPG with a linear path?
6. Get all of your games in one season, or see them spread out over the course of the year?
7. See the gaming industry move towards one universal console, or keep things the way they are now?
Answer away!
In the spirit of participation, I’ll answer my own questions…
1) I used to be a 40 hour gamer, but I just don’t have the time anymore. I’d rather play a shorter game with lots more replay value.
2) Since I’m impatient, I’d rather just get the game now. I know, it’s lame.
3) I’d like to see my favorite franchises do new stuff from time to time. I think Zelda is one of the biggies right now.
4) Innovative platformer, hands down.
5) RPG with a linear path because I love stories, and because open world RPGs tend to suck my life away. Too many options paralyzes me.
6) I’d like to see my games spread out over 12 months. When you’ve got no free time, it really sucks to pile 10 games up and no you might never play through all of them by the next year.
7) Personally, I’d kind of like to see it go towards one console in some ways. It’s really sad to me that there are PS3 owners who would love Gears of War or Mass Effect or Halo if they came out on THEIR system, just like 360 owners would love MGS or LBP on theirs. There are so few exclusives these days anyway, it seems to be the direction we’re heading in.
1) I’m not a 40 hour gamer, and not even a 15 hour one. But If I choose in those 2, I will go for the 15 hour.
2)I’ll wait. See what the inpatient geek giny pigs say. No offense ed.
3) I like new stuff, soo I go for the new.
4)My feeling right now… go for FPS.
5)Totally Open world!
6)Spread out. Cause I want to concentrate having fun with one game at a time.
7)I kinda think think the should go towards. Here again, I love new stuff.
Dang, wtf was wrong with me at the last answer!? let me retype:
7)I kinda think they should go towards. Here again, I love new stuff.
1) I’d rather play a short game. Even shorter than 15 hours, if it’s really good and offers replayability.
2) I’d rather wait for a brilliant game thats almost flawless.
3)I am all for innovation. Most likely the franchise became one of my favorites because it innovated before.
4)Definatly the platformer… I am looking at you Psychonauts
5)As much as I love freedom and the possibility to do what I want. Open world games just lose me at some point, when I am getting to absorbed with all that sidetacking. (Oblivion, anyone?) Have to go with linear games on that one.
6)I prefer the spread out. This season has more games then I can play and choosing the favored ones, was pretty tough. And next april we will stare at the ceiling, coz there is no highprofile game on the shelves.
7) As there are fewer exclusives already, I guess the industry is on its path to “universal console” anyway. But it will take quite some time, till its done.
1. Play a 15 hour game with a great story and lots of replay value, or a 40 hour game with a great story and no replay value?
40 hours
2. Wait longer (let’s say 12 months) for a great game from one of your favorite franchises, or get a good game now that had some bugs in it?
3. See your favorite gaming franchise try new and different things, or stick to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” playbook?
Try things new, old things start to get boring sometimes.
4. Play an innovative platformer, or an innovative FPS?
5. Play an open world RPG, or an RPG with a linear path?
Depends on the content and gameplay, atm i’d choose linear.
6. Get all of your games in one season, or see them spread out over the course of the year?
Over the year.
7. See the gaming industry move towards one universal console, or keep things the way they are now?
Universal console, i’d prefer them all to be on the PC but meh ><
1. 15 Hour game with lots of replay value.
2. Wait. Clearly as i haven’t bought a single game since i heard the release date of L4D, well until it was pushed back again and again that and fallout 3.
3. New and different things, Valve has proven this works time and time again, althouugh most if not all of their games are fps’s they are still the world greatest and unique fps’s out their, CSS, CS1.6(Turtle Rock), TF-TF2, DoD, DoD:S, HL, HL2, L4D and even some of the mods the community has produced for these games are great
4. Innovative FPS.
5. Open world. (FO3)
6. Depends on what games. Seasonally.
7. PC, is the universal console. (Just more people need to realize this.)
1. Uh, I just want a good GAME. So I suppose the 15 hour one. Better replay value means they’re doing something right.
2. Easy: Wait longer. I rather build up with anticipation for a game I know will be great and more than worth the wait, that get what I don’t want now. As I always say, the longer the foreplay, the bigger the…never mind.
3. Well, if this favorite franchise has a unique element that makes it stand out, keep that. Tweak the things that need tweaking, and maybe add a few new things so you can distinguish the sequel from the prequel.
4. Hmm… How about an innovative FPS-Platformer?
5. Open-World RPG. Linear path games are archaic, and open world feels more…open.
6. Spread them out. I rather pay $60 for one game, play and love that; then pay $60 for that one and play it and love; rinse, repeat, yeah. One at a time is better than convincing my mom that $480 at Christmastime.
7. Competition is better than one platform. Plus, international markets is automatically competitive.
Good questions. Can’t wait for the next batch!
1. I would go for the 15 hour replay value, i mean i still play d2 weekly at the very least.
2. Wait longer. I’d rather get diablo 3 instead of halo 3 or tf2
3. I’d prefer it to have a very minmal amount of changes if the game is good the way it is. If it gets too diffrent, it may lose the fun you found in the first game, just like empire earth 3.
4. By far a fps. Goddamn platformers =/
5. I’d go with a open world rpg but they really should give a starting option of open end or a more straight-through linear path too.
6. It defenitly depend on what games they are. I mean if i got d3 in winter 08, i would get the next game winter 09!
7. I think the future lies in multi-platforms. Besides, if there wern’t other systems, i can’t brag that my pc defenitly looks and plays better then their weak, useless bricks they call consoles.
If i would choose between infinate PCs or 100000000000 dollars, id go pc
1. 15 hours with replay. Replay is better.
2. Wait. The more time they need, the better it must be getting
3. Dont fix it if its not broken.
4. FPS
5. Open world is the best
6. Spread out, more time to play without getting left behind
7. Hmm….there probably wont ever be a single platform.
1. I’d say 40 hour game with no replay value. 15+15 still only = 30 lol.
2. Wait longer. We all know how Too Human turned out.
3. Stick with what there good at. If they want to add stuff make it in a different titled game.
4. Innovative FPS
5. Open World. Fallout 3?
6. Spread out. I wouldn’t have money for all at once.
7. Keep things the way they are. If it turned into one console it would be nintendoized. Thats a word I just made. Kalgros patented!
Thanks for all the great responses. Looks like a lot of the same responses for the most part, with a little bit of variation. I’m surprised that most of you would rather play open world games and FPS’s, but not THAT surprised
Also, something I’m curious about… for those of you who feel that there should be multiple consoles rather than one, why is that? Loyalty, like being able to get something geared for you, etc?
I don’t want one mega console because it will slowly go towards one company’s liking. Sure it will start out as everything. Then slowly all we will have is new Mario’s and Zelda’s or MGS or Halos. It will become geared to one way of playing instead of all ways. After say six months that might see everyone playing certain games more. So they switch to just that kind.
1. 40 Hour game. Rarely replay through a short game anyway.
2. Unless its on a PC and can be patched, I’d wait the year for a better game.
3. If it aint broke don’t fix it.I like Pokemon Yellow better than anything else in the Pokemon series. I wish they’d left it like that.
4. Platformer. Every “innovative” FPS I’ve played sucked.
5. Linear. Dragon Warrior III is the best RPG ever imo.
6. Over the year. I’m on a tight budget and I hate when there are games out I can’t afford.
7. If they would just make everything on a PC, I’d be happy.
Sorry, I have been off the grid all day. Spyware got me bad earlier. Prolly still have it.
1.40 hour game with no replay value. I rarely replay things until a few years later anyway.
2. Wait longer. I have lots of patience and there is always something good in the meantime.
4. Innovative platformer, like Little Big Planet. I like FPS, but I don’t love them.
5. This is tough, b/c I love final fantasy, but also open world games. I would say open world RPG, b/c some FFs are open world once you get the airship. The ones that aren’t, like X, turned me off.
6.Spread them out! Summer can be a blockbuster season for more than just movies, as we saw this year.
7. I would like to see one console so I can play all the good games out there for less cost. Just don’t let it be Microsoft. They have too many monopolies already.
[quote comment=”1190″]Also, something I’m curious about… for those of you who feel that there should be multiple consoles rather than one, why is that? Loyalty, like being able to get something geared for you, etc?[/quote]
I would have to say because it wont allow a monopoly on one type of game style. I see it like before the xBox came about, the PS2 was godly. Then the xBox came and introduced multilayer type games, while the PS2 stayed where it was with single player games being its mainstay. Then the 360 came and is now what I see to be the ‘new PS2’ in terms of this generation. Allowing for different systems will give you different things. I cant see Microsoft getting any hold on a game like FF. Can you imagine paying for DLC on FF. NEW POTIONS AND WEAPON :S
Multiple systems allows for differences. Non hardcore gamers can go get Wiis…and stuff haha
Sean you do know that the new FF is on the Xbox 360 to right?
1) A 15 hour game cause time isnt a widespread commodity as it used to be.
2) Probably wait longer as the anticiation would make me enjoy the game a whole lot more
3) Depends on the franchise like Metroid as it needs an ammo system and to have multiplayer and more fps-ish.
4) An innovative platformer like upcoming Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts because you wouldnt notice the new feaures in an nnovative fps.
5) Linear path rpg, open world ones take too much time.
6) Over 12-months so i can complete some games before overs overwise i would have 2 games finished and thats it.
7) In the spirit on “friendly” competition I would have to say seperate consoles also because of peoples personal opinions about control sceme, graphics, etc. Out of the current 3 competitors each has offered innovative grtaphics gameplay and control sceme in the last few generations.
Wow i can build up an argument. Go me.
1. 40 hour. I often put a game aside, after finishing it. Then I just buy a new game.
2. I’d rather buy a game as soon as I can. But that got me in some financial problems. So I’d rather wait these days.
3. They could try something else.
But only if that is “added”, to there normal stuff.
So stick with the plan.
4. I’d play FPS over anything.
5. Open world.
6. I like to get my game as fast as possible.
7. I like the way things are.
But it WOULD be nice, to see all of the games, on one console.
No more fan-boy bullshi’. And no more deciding, what I have to buy first. (Fable 2, or Little Big Planet?)
Catch my drift?
[quote comment=”1199″]Sean you do know that the new FF is on the Xbox 360 to right?[/quote]
I don now XD Hmm…now that you mention it FFXI IS on the sexbox. One dude is always playing it…
FF belongs with Sony XD
And I still say that multiple systems allows for different things. Plus it wouldn’t be fun to have one company monopolize gaming. Wait….
1. Honestly I would choose either but i’ll go with 15 hour games since I replay any game I have anyway.
2. I’m a Valve game fan. I wait.
3. Try new and different things. Sticking to a working formula doesn’t bother me any as long as it works and is fun, but new and different things makes it all the more sweeter.
4. Innovative platformer. I haven’t played a platformer in FOREVER.
5. Linear RPG. Being a “Tales of…” fan, I enjoy those more.
6. Spread out. I can’t buy several games at a time.
7. You know, I want to see what it would be like if we had one universal console. Maybe the ****ing console wars will actually stop and people will actually care about having fun with the games they like instead of fanboying everything up.
1. Play a 15 hour game with a great story and lots of replay value, or a 40 hour game with a great story and no replay value?
15 hour cause i like to replay
2. Wait longer (let’s say 12 months) for a great game from one of your favorite franchises, or get a good game now that had some bugs in it?
3. See your favorite gaming franchise try new and different things, or stick to the “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” playbook?
4. Play an innovative platformer, or an innovative FPS?
5. Play an open world RPG, or an RPG with a linear path?
6. Get all of your games in one season, or see them spread out over the course of the year?
Spread(add to the input value)
7. See the gaming industry move towards one universal console, or keep things the way they are now?
ONE UNIVERSAL CONSOLE OMG THAT WOULD BE AWESOME(but can also be called a computer.lawl)
[quote comment=”1208″]1.
7. You know, I want to see what it would be like if we had one universal console. Maybe the ****ing console wars will actually stop and people will actually care about having fun with the games they like instead of fanboying everything up.[/quote]
Yeah, I feel you on that one. It really does drive me crazy that some fanboys limit themselves from a whole spectrum of gaming because they’re loyal to a corporation, of all things.
[quote comment=”1212″]Yeah, I feel you on that one. It really does drive me crazy that some fanboys limit themselves from a whole spectrum of gaming because they’re loyal to a corporation, of all things.[/quote]
Most people I know seem to just buy all the consoles, or just get a 360 lol
Buying all is the best. I think…
1. Probably the latter. Those tend to be the games I enjoy more.
2. I usually like games even if they have bugs in them unless they’re major bugs that’ll get you cheaply killed in the game or something, so I would have to go with the good game with some bugs.
3. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. If you wanna try something new, then go ahead and start a new franchise. Otherwise it’s usually an attempt to try something new without risking any money because no matter what they have half of the fanbase of the old franchise buying it (while the other half can see through what’s going on and bitches about it on forums).
4. Innovative platformer probably, any innovations I’ve seen recently in FPS’s have been annoyances rather than things that help make the FPR more interesting.
5. There has to be some middleground here. I like it when there’s some freeroam and sidequests, that’s the essence of a good RPG, but I need a linear path to make me playing the role of a character in a specifically epic story. But I don’t like it when an RPG is as strictly linear as, say, Nox.
6. Spread, of course. There’s so many things wrong with them being lumped together I don’t know where to start! There’s the money issue, that I wouldn’t want to have to pay a bunch of money for all the games at once, and then there’s going to be a huge gap of uninterest after I beat all those games and replayed them a couple times.
7. A universal console that dominates all other consoles and pleases every audience would be a nice thing, but an unachievable one. There’s always going to be people with conflicting opinions who think that something else is better or can’t stand some aspect of the console and wants something different. While I think that it would be good to have that console that unifies everything, I couldn’t believe that that would ever happen.
1) 40 hour. I don’t feel like repeating a game if i already know what happens….. unless its Halo3 and i want the achivements.
2) Depends…. GoW i would be happier with if it didn’t have a million glitches and bugs, only some of which were fixed. And CoD4 has a way to get out of every map…… but a game like the TF2 I would trust to be a good game with minimal glitches on a release day. Ultamately, as long as you fix bugs/glitches instead of doing nothing, I’m fine with either one.
3) IDK lately new things have been better, like getting away from WW2 for the CoD series help a lot. And Valves been doing good with L4D and the Orange Box. But, I would love to see a new Counter-Strike, even if its almost the exact same thing as Source, only with better graphics and a little more realism.
5)Open world.
6)I’d rather them be spread out though the year just because I hate jumping back and forth between games. Like when i play Gears then switch to CoD4. I try to reload, then I throw a grenade by acident and tk half my team.
7)Depends. I would love a universal console like the 360 only with a six axis controller. On the other hand if this universal console was like the Wii, i would have to stop gaming forever…..But yes, a mix of 360 and PS3 would be awesome because it would be perfect, every1 will have the same system so they can play together, and you will have a wider range of games to play because games will not be exclusive to one console, because they are all the same. One problem I an forsee is forming a monopoly and charging a rediculous price for this system and its acessories and games.
1) Play a 40 hour game with no replay value. I mean I don’t mind playing a 15 hour game with a great story, but that story can only be great so many times over. I mean I’m an EPIC fan of TLW but if I watched every KICK ASS episode 10 times back to back in a row it wouldn’t be as funny or kick ass anymore =/. I’d rather have a great story that I can play through, sigh in awe at, and put down for a few months. Like Tales Of Symphonia or something.
2)Eh. Get a good game now that has some bugs and have it patched later. I’m a fan of free online games and thats basically all that happens in that world so I’ve gotten used to it. What sucks is when they never patch it, or take 4 years to do it, and then do a sucky job at it, and then spend another 3 and a half years fixing what they sucked at.
3)New things are always great. If they mess up, patch it. The gaming world is mostly online nowadays anyway. But I hate when Franchises go all generic. I mean sure it will be a great game, but something can be great and not spark your interest, just because you’ve seen it about 5 times before. It’s like eating chocolate cake every day of the week for a month =/ yummy..till you get diabetes and die. =/
4)Innovative platformer. Too many companies, even free game companies, are going the fps route. I mean they’re great and all, not saying they aren’t. But when it gets to the point where I have about 6 free fpses on my computer and about 8 more for XBox lying around, it’s like wtf? And the thing is, the point to fpses is to rank up and get good, and ranking takes a while. Give me one or two kick ass fpses that I can play for a year and I’ll be fine. Give me 6 or 7 and I’m more likely to give up on all of them.
5)Open world. Options are always great. ^^
6)Get them all in one season. That way, if I really really really really really really REALLY hate a game, I don’t have to wait until winter for a new one/summer/etc. ^^ Or if I finish a great game, I don’t have to replay it like 26 times and then have it stand out in my mind as the great game that sucked forever, just cuz I played it too many times. ^^
7)One universal console would be pretty could. The way things are now, it’s like movie theaters all showing movies in different formats so you’d have to go 25 miles to see the movie you want to see, or like different record labels recording their music in different formats and forcing you to buy a specific player just to listen. It’s actually pretty pointless. And like someone else said, there are hardly any exclusive games nowadays anyway.
My 7 cents :]
Ugh must learn how to correct posts. Oh and wolves can run on walls and jump like 5 billion feet, though they get pwned at long range by people with guns so yeah. Pretty balanced. Good stuff.
These are some tough questions! Being an avid gamer, it’s hard to make a choice for each question. But here it goes.
1. Storylines is what usually drives me to play a game. So I would have to say I would choose both. But I think that the 15 hour game with reply value would be much better. While the 40 hour game might have an epic story, if you get stuck on a part, you’re screwed. But if you get stuck on the 15 hour game, you could go to something like multiplayer and you don’t have to totally put the game down. Plus with the 40 hour game, if it has no reply value, it’s kind of like throwing money down the toliet. After the 40 hours are up, the game just sits on your game rack, collecting dust. The replayable games are the ones that are remembered the most and usually have sequels.
2. I would wait longer for a game that is perfect. I wouldn’t want to get a game that was full of bugs, because then it’s just no fun. I would rather the game maker spend more time on making it just right instead of feeding us with a sloppy mess. I’m still waiting for Assassin’s Creed 2, so I’m sure it will perfect in every which-way! =]
3. It’s always good for franchises to try different things, but they need to be sure that they can pull it off. Take this for example: If Bungie did something other than an FPS, it would be a little weird. I know they did other games before Halo that weren’t FPS, but it’s just sort of their ‘thing’ now. Also, if a franchise is working on a series of games, and came out with a different game that wasn’t a sequel for the series, I’d be a little pissed. It’s nice to see you’ve got other projects, but you have to finish what you started. I’m looking at you, Ubisoft. (Where’s Assassin’s Creed 2?!)
4. Phew. I don’t know which one to go with. I’d like to see an FPS that had something more to bring to the table then what most of them have now, but then again a platformer can do alot of new things. I’m basically just blowing steam out of my ass with this a question. I don’t really pay much attention to the type of game they are, though it will affect my desicion when standing in the gamestore with a different game in each hand. If I see a game that looks and sounds awesome, I’ll get it.
5. Open world RPGs FTW. However, Eddy was right with the whole ‘life sucking’ affect they had. I would sit in front of my TV at six hour intervals with Mass Effect. Sometimes with an open world as well, it’s like there is TOO MUCH to do. Side quest after side quest gets a little bothersome. I just don’t like an RPG where there’s nothing to it but the story. Sometimes you just want more.
6. Spread it out like butter on toast! All the games coming out at one time is just annoying. If all the good games come out around Christmas, I’ll have nothing to look forward to during Summer, when I don’t have work to do. But who I’m I kidding? It’s not like school stopped me from playing GTA IV! Games being released throughout the year would be the best option.
7. This last question is the ultimate one in the gaming world, I think. It forces you to choose the lesser of two evils. And for me, that would be keeping things the same. The reason why I think this is because I don’t just whatever monopolizing (most likely spelled wrong) corporation that would be in control of this aformentioned universal console. Games are already $60.00. Imagine what the prices would be like if there was only one console calling the shots! Chaos, I say! CHAOS! I do hate that some games are exclusive to certain consoles, though. But ah well. At least we don’t have some huge corporate bully forcing to buy $100 games.
Wow. That was fun. I’m glad to finally get some of my thoughts across. Till next time.
That last bit in my rant makes me sound like a douche. Let me change it:
Wow, that was fun!
Much better. =]