Went to the mall today to see a movie. The Duchess, for those that care. Not bad, I liked it. As we passed by Gamestop, I felt a great disturbance in the Force. I went inside and asked the clerk when they would be getting Little Big Planet in. She replied that they had them come in today! That sound? Was my mind blowing!
So yes, been playing for an hour and it is FUN! Have not gotten to make anything yet, as you have to watch the tutorials and stuff, but just playing it is a lot of fun. Go out there and get this game!
Nice to hear you two are enjoying it.
AArrg, need a PS3…
lolLBP. Didn’t anyone stop and think, “So what if Sackboy is a Muslim!”
lol :S yeah i heard LBP’s orginal date to be realesed had to be prosponed because some muslim said it was offensive to his religon… lol :S i dunno what was so bad about it but meh <.<