So I’ve been noticing some new faces around here. Or rather, new names, with no faces next to them. Which is indeed a problem.
At GamerSushi, we use Gravatar to add profile pictures next to our names. So, if you’d like to see that happen, just head on over there and sign up for the service. It’s really easy, and just requires the same e-mail address you use for the account you made here. Add a picture, and then you’re good to go. The best thing about it is that any site with Gravatar will use this information. Kind of rules.
Let’s get some badass new avatars, dudes.
Come on, dudes, get some Gravatars!
Headless dudes are freaky as shit, so…
Get you free TVs… I mean, Gravatars!
*cough* HL2 1st beta map reference *cough*
I’m actually not a commie, but I am a Ukrainian, and when looking for Cossack pics for my Gravatar, I just gave up and went with an inspiring bust of Stalin.
He looks like Mario.
Gravatar is awesome, being able to change my avatar on one site and have it take effect on thousands of other sites is win.
[quote comment=”3920″]
He looks like Mario.[/quote]
lol, an old and serious mario.
[quote comment=”3945″][quote comment=”3920″]
He looks like Mario.[/quote]
lol, an old and serious mario.[/quote]
Ha ha, stalin jokes
I tried gravatar a while ago but it didn’t work. Mebbe this time?
Thanks a lot, I emailed and asked abooout a month ago.. Jerks.. Maybe if everyone gets avatars I can be the only one left with a ghost, defeating its ambiguity entirely!! MUHAHAH EVIL ME!
[quote comment=”3982″]Thanks a lot, I emailed and asked abooout a month ago.. Jerks.. Maybe if everyone gets avatars I can be the only one left with a ghost, defeating its ambiguity entirely!! MUHAHAH EVIL ME![/quote]
Dude, I replyed to you that day.
But don’t worry, I get ignored a lot… :,(
So my Hunter with a cup of coffee can come here now? yay! now you guys can share the coffee-love that Steam gets when Im playing L4D
Woot for T~Bagging the hell out of poor nubz on Battlefield 2!!!
(Hoping it shows up or i look like an idiot =D)