Riddick: Dark Athena Gameplay Trailer

Ah, more lovely gameplay footage from the new Riddick: Dark Athena game, which actually comes out next month, if you can believe it. The more I see of this game, the more interested I get. I love the idea of stealth and action gameplay, FPS style, that really seems to blend well together. It looks like it’s shaping up to be a good time. And supposedly, we’re getting a demo of it try for ourselves rather soon.

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

One thought on “Riddick: Dark Athena Gameplay Trailer”

  1. Its gonna come down to the demo for me, Butcher Bay was great but unless they capture the same fun factor it’ll be a rent for me. I’m looking forward to that multiplayer mode you mentioned awhile ago.

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