In case you weren’t watching the Eastern Conference Finals tonight on TNT, you may have missed the epic reveal trailer for Modern Warfare 2, full of explosions, intrigue, accents and lots of sweet action. In particular, I’m a fan of the rope sequence ascending through the flames. It pretty much made me pee a little. Anywho, watch it and leave your comments! Who else is excited to play this game in November?
12 thoughts on “Finally, a Proper Modern Warfare 2 Trailer”
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I gotta admit, that’s looking pretty good. I think I saw a guy with skull face paint, I hope something like that makes it into multiplayer.
Infinity Ward needs to start spreading their wings a bit. Hopefully another million seller game will get them out of the CoD release cycle.
Saw it looks awesome!! Just two questions 1) Will their be a campaign segment where you play as Russian spetsnaz?
2) Will riot shields be usable in the game? That would be awesome.
Will try to pick up when it comes out hopeful offline coop is good.
Jesus, did anoyne see the guy use the ice climber pick (or whatever its name is) to dismount the driver?? DO WANT!
if this game is half as good as the trailer it will be the best game ever
I think this game is going to be 10x as action packed as the last one.
I see lots of knife action so that must be a pretty big part of gameplay. I cant wait.
I just jizzed in my pants.
But anyways, since I am getting CoD 4 in a few days and M games are a constant struggle with my parents, I’m gonna start talking bout getting this game really soon.
That looks very sweet. Can anybody say Africa?
From Rio to Russia. Gonna be awesome. Atleast we know you’re gonna be playing as a SEAL (most likely) As evidenced by the SDV (Swimmer/Seal Delivery Vehicle) and that rope through the fire at the end is a trademark SEAL extraction technique.
Mmmm electrical torture 😀 … and that knife scene i nthe lockers looks like maybe there’s a traitor in the group? Skull face paint looks so cool o-o (when the tunnels collapse)… and explosions galore 😀
Yeah, so FINALLY we get the full trailer. And I’m impressed. I’m…GAH! Can’t wait for 11-10-09!
Actually, I don’t know if it was just my TV, but when I was watching the ECF’s, the MW2 was CUT SHORT. As in, the network switched to a Hyundai commercial before finishing the MW2 trailer. BLASPHEMY!
But anyway, I got to see it on the interwebz, and I’m totally psyched. I can’t wait to dissect the video for weapons and such!
holy shit.
Snowmobiling, scuba diving, and copter rappelling… Oh my!
They’re really going all out on this one.
The only bad part about this trailer is the “11-10-09” part… so far away…
Also just noticed a little bit after 2/3 into it it says “checkpoint reached” in the top left.
[quote comment=”6791″]holy shit.[/quote]
Pretty much narrows it down! Totally looking forward.