PS3 Slim Due First Week of September, Price Dropped to $299.99

ps3_prints_moneyWell, after months of speculation, it’s happened. Sony dropped the PS3’s price to $299.99 and announced a 120 GB PS3 Slim. Does this change anything for any of you guys? Do you think this will allow Sony to surge past the 360? Or are they destined for 3rd place for this cycle?

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Age: 34 PSN ID: Starkiller81. I've played games since before I can remember, starting with my dad's Atari and I haven't stopped yet. Keep them coming and I will keep playing them.

15 thoughts on “PS3 Slim Due First Week of September, Price Dropped to $299.99”

  1. Well, I was gonna pick up a PS3, just to have one, since it seems to have all the good games exclusive to itself, but, that price is still just a bit to high for myself.
    It’s still the highest price out of the three. And, I don’t believe that this will help it much at all.
    It may start to catch up with the rest of the group, but it’ll still be behind.

  2. No way. 300 bucks? Xbox 360 is like 150, and in my opinion has a better arsenal of games. PS3 might get some more buys, but $300 is still way to much.

  3. [quote comment=”8054″]No way. 300 bucks? Xbox 360 is like 150, and in my opinion has a better arsenal of games. PS3 might get some more buys, but $300 is still way to much.[/quote]

    It’s $199.99 for the cheapest Xbox. And thats without a harddrive, I think?

  4. Would’ve been nice if they did this earlier, instead of having people fork over 400+ dollars =/ I’m happy with my fattie though =D

    I remember posting here that I don’t have any space in my room to put that big boy. But now, if the ‘slim’ is slim enough, I might have a chance to get one :DDD

  6. [quote comment=”8060″]On amazon and ebay they go for 150 with hardrives and there new.[/quote]

    well, yeah on those places. I can find cheaper PS3s on there, too. Here, we are talking about walking into a Gamestop or Best Buy and buying one

  7. [quote comment=”8060″]On amazon and ebay they go for 150 with hardrives and there new.[/quote]

    Personally, I wouldn’t trust anyone selling a “new” 360 with a hard drive included at that price point. Just sounds like “fell off a truck” to me.

    As for the PS3, I’m definitely tempted. I think I’d like to have a blu-ray player, and I know there are some exclusive games I’d like to play.

    Also, FFXIII might help justify the purchase, even though there will be a 360 version. I have to wonder how much the game will or won’t be changed as they port it over.

  8. Yeah, If you’re just a kid who plays Halo, I’m sure the 360 sounds the Beeest (jk jk). But the Blu-Ray player and 120GB (as a backup for me) definetly has me interested. I haven’t had a console in years, if there were any I would buy, this would be the one.

  9. Holy crap. I’m gone for a week and you guys add a rating system and a deluge of articles. Awesome!

    Seriously, though, this is great news. I was debating getting a PS3, and with this price drop, it’s getting more and more tempting. Cheap(ish) blu-ray, free online play…I may just have to saunter on over to my local gamestop soon.

  10. No, I dont think it will push them past. I think I may end up getting one of these, just so I can finally OWN a PS3 and have a blueray player. 😀

  11. That price makes me hungry for some sweet PS3 gaming, but I’m still waiting for “the game” to come out that makes me want to slam down the wad of cash and say gimme a PS3!

    I probably still have another price drop to look forward to before that actually happens, though. Once again, not a complaint.

  12. I don’t think it will take over the 360 just yet, if ever, but this is definitely a step in the right direction for Sony. If they would stop letting Microsoft buy out the exclusives and DLC etc. THEN Sony would be in full swing. That said they now have a slew of exclusives coming out so as a combined factor then maybe…

  13. i might buy a ps3 slim sometime after it comes out mostly because i nabbed a copy of mgs the twin snakes and have been enthralled into the series. it might not pass the 360 yet but there getting really close

  14. Now I’m contemplating getting one for my dad so when I take mine to college he’ll still be able to play GT5 (when it comes out) and Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars (The Best PSN Title IMO)!

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