GamerSushi Asks: Best So Far?

re5-1The future-sounding year of 2009 is rapidly drawing to a close. I mean, seriously, can anyone else believe that it’s almost September? While we haven’t gotten to the incredi-blast of games yet, there have been some titles for everyone to enjoy over the course of the year so far.

For me, if I were to have to pick a game of the year right now, before the holiday releases, I’d pick Resident Evil 5 hands down. There was simply so much game for the value there that it really took me by surprise, and the co-op action just adds to it all the more. On top of that, Capcom completely succeeded at giving the game tons of replayability. Besides that, I’d also have to say that Battlefield 1943 and Wolverine would be in the running.

What about you guys? What is the best game you’ve played this year? It doesn’t have to have come out this year, even. Go!

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

24 thoughts on “GamerSushi Asks: Best So Far?”

  1. well ive mostly been playing gears of war 2 this year. but other than that ive been playing a lot of fallout 3

  2. Call of Duty World at War’s new zombie goodness has really made the title shine, and I’m still playing Shi no Numa and Der Riese.
    I’ve also had good times with ’43, BlazBlue, and my other games that I dusted off and replayed. Can’t wait for the November Omgasm.

  3. I’d have to say RE5 as well. I played that co-op with a friend, and it was amazing. Once I got the longbow and the tribal outfit for Sheva, the game just became that much better! ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I close behind RE5, I’d say Red Faction: Guerrilla, inFamous and Battlefield 1943.

  4. Psychonauts, World at War, Gears 2 and Fallout 3 are from 2008.

    This is about 2009,lol.

    I would have to say that RE5 is also my pick. Better than SF IV and all the rest.

  5. [quote comment=”8088″]well fallout 3 had new dlc packs in 2009 so that counts[/quote]

    Yes, if you were talking about those DLCs. Which I can’t wait to get Broken Steel for the PS3 next month!

  6. I loved RE5 but I have to go with InFamous, I fell in love with that game from the start. Prototype was pretty fun but side by side I guess Im just a huge Sucker Punch fan.

  7. The fact that people are still playing Fallout 3 and Psychonauts and stuff just says alot about how good they are. Ive played Fallout 3 more than any game from 2009.

  8. [quote comment=”8091″]The fact that people are still playing Fallout 3 and Psychonauts and stuff just says alot about how good they are. Ive played Fallout 3 more than any game from 2009.[/quote]

    I understand that and am not denying that. same here with Fallout 3. Just pointing out that Eddy was asking about games released in 2009

  9. @Anthony: he said it didn’t even have to come out this year.

    And I would have to say F.E.A.R. 2 because I find that blowing someone to pieces simply by using a shotgun quite amusing ๐Ÿ˜‰

  10. Fallout 3 hands down, I don’t even care if it was 2008 release (was it?). It’s the game I’m still investing the most time in.

  11. [quote comment=”8093″]@Anthony: he said it didn’t even have to come out this year.

    And I would have to say F.E.A.R. 2 because I find that blowing someone to pieces simply by using a shotgun quite amusing ;)[/quote]

    Well, damn, thats what I get for skimming these things at work,lol. Apologies all.

    And yeah, Fallout 3 or LittleBigPlanet get my vote.

  12. Warhawk, inFamous and Fallout 3 are too hard to make a choice between which I liked most. I loved RE5 too, but they steal it for me.
    @ Anthony: Do you know if the Fallout 3 DLC packs are getting a worldwide PS3 release? I can’t find anywhere that gives me a reliable answer.

  13. [quote comment=”8096″]Warhawk, inFamous and Fallout 3 are too hard to make a choice between which I liked most. I loved RE5 too, but they steal it for me.
    @ Anthony: Do you know if the Fallout 3 DLC packs are getting a worldwide PS3 release? I can’t find anywhere that gives me a reliable answer.[/quote]


    From the official PS3 blog and Bethesda:

    Good to hear you guys are hard at work on it.
    Am very excited for these packs ๐Ÿ™‚

    Will the end of September release be true of Europeans too? Or will there be a post on the EU blog for us?

    Ashley Cheng replied on July 13, 2009 at 10:52 am
    Weโ€™re working to get it out for Europeโ€™s PSN around the same time, so yes.

  14. [quote comment=”8104″]@Anthony
    YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY : D That made my day![/quote]

    Haha, no problem. I can find anything on the internet.

  15. IMHO RE5 is way over rated. I mean, sure it’s fun, but its pointless to play single player (unless your farming for gold in 4-1) as Sheva is a DUMB SHIT. Plus, the really cool unlockable weapons were way to easy to get and upgrade compared to the others in the series. Like RE4’s Hand Cannon, where it could take you hours to unlock it, and then a few playthroughs to upgrade all the way. I mean, I had the Hand Cannon, Hydra, and the Burst Pistol in RE5 all the way upgraded in about 2 hours worth of work. I had only borrowed the game from a friend for a week, and in that week I had made it (in gaming terms at least) my bitch. Still a good game which I did enjoy, it just fails in comparison to RE4 and the rest of the series (especially RE2).

    Now, for my favorite games of our Lords Year of 2009, I would say it’s a toss up between Shadow Complex or FEAR 2.

    Shadow Complex takes all the badass upgrading, puzzle solving, and exploration of a game like Super Metroid, and pile drives it together with awesome action set pieces and robot walkers, armored power suits, and other breath-takingly sweet pieces of tech that look like they’re straight out of Ghost in the Shell.

    FEAR 2 is just awesome. I just don’t know why I’m so wildly in love with the FEAR series, FEAR 2 in particular. Is it the horrory inner being within the action shell, or is it the amazing gun play centered around the Slow-Mo component? Or is it the multiplayer, which for some reason feels so fresh because of the awesome weapon balance? (ASIDE FROM THE GAME BREAKING POWER WEAPONS YOU FIND IN A MAP, WHICH SHOULD BE TURNED OFF IN RANKED PLAY AND HAVE THE OPTION TO BE TURNED OFF IN PLAYER MATCHES. RAWR RAWR, ALL CAPS >:( )

    Or is it the fact that even though Monolith knows that their player base is dwindling on the consoles, and losing steam on the PC, that they’re saying “Fuck it all, why not?” when most devs would throw in the towel and say: “Time to work on the Sequel” and releasing new content for FEAR 2 (Like the brutally awesome Slow-mo Team Death Match being released for free, or the new single player expansion pack being released shortly afterwords?) to take care of their loyal fans still playing

    Two games right there that, IMO, are two of the best to be released this year.


  16. I only played RE5 on single player and I had no issues with Sheva. I don’t know why everyone harps on that.

    Shadow Complex looks fun, but it is ripping off one of the best games ever made, so by default it already starts behind the 8 ball. I have no problem with them taking the style of that game, but you can never surpass Super Metroid.

    Fear 2 was awesome, I agree.

  17. Hm, I suppose Sheva is adequate when you need her to be, but at the same time it was the dumb little things she did that irked me. How she would stand there staring at me when a chainsaw wielding enemy was bearing down upon us. Or how she would use all my glorious Red + Green herb combos when I was only missing minimal health. Just tiny, annoying stuff that added up over time and made me feel like she was just like Ashley, only that she had picked up a gun and backpack and decided that she would shoot some bad guys up and try to be helpful.

    On the topic of Shadow Complex, I fully agree that nothing could surpass the greatness of Metroid. Hell, partly the reason for my loving SC so much was my great appreciation for the Metroid series causing insane nostalgia throughout my play through. Still, the main character, Jason, is one of the best I’ve seen, mainly because I adore his personality (like his saying “Owned” after defeating a huge, bipedal tank, or when commanded to hand over his awesome exo-skeletal suit by a soldier in a much larger suit, on the basis that he doesn’t know how to use it, Jason replies with “I’m a fast learner.” then proceeds to mess some shit up… It might just be that I have an inherent weakness for one liners) and that makes the game just so much more enjoyable.

    Finally, it’s kind of cool to see someone else who enjoyed FEAR 2 besides a few of my friends and myself. Most people I talk to either think it sucks or has never played it. It always bums me out to hear that kind of stuff.

    Sorry for the rantyness of my original reply. It was pretty late when I typed that up, and I was in a bit of a foul mood anyways.

  18. Haha, no worries. I just never let Sheva carry anything I wanted her to use and that kept her out of my hair.

    Shadow Complex sounds cool and I love that style of game. Would love to get it on the PSN, but not likely,lol.

    When I first played the demo for FEAR 2, I almost wet myself. I literally had to stop playing and calm myself.

  19. RE5 as a SP game is alright, but RE5 as a co-op game (how it’s meant to be played) is contender for GotY, and one of the best of this gen.


    Unfortunately, RE5 has just been knocked off its pedestal, and now Shadow Complex has taken up the mantle of GotY. I absolutely LOVE this game.

    It’s the classic Metroidvania 2D side scroller, but with fantastic next-gen visuals thanks to the Unreal 3 engine. Everything about this game from the battles and power-ups to the exploration and item hunting is so well done. You can really tell the game devs poured a lot into this little XBLA game. Everything feels really well thought out and solidly implemented. This $15 arcade download looks and plays better than alot of those $60 titles out there.

    They just don’t make this kind of game anymore, outside of the Castlevania games on DS, and it’s a damn shame because Shadow Complex has been such a breath of fresh air. I haven’t even finished the game, but it’s already my GotY. Uncharted 2 and MW 2 will have to be pretty fantastic to steal the crown away from Shadow Complex.

  20. Wow Nick, I really wasn’t expecting to hear such good words about Shadow Complex. I’ve only seen trailers and some clips on EP about it, but I thought it looked awesome. Can’t wait to try it out.

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