You’ve probably seen me commenting around the site, but here’s an intro anyways. I’m Mitch, Canadian blogger extraordinaire, and I’m going to be contributing posts to GamerSushi a few times a week. I hope you’ll like what I have to contribute, and I’m looking forward to bringing you guys my views on our crazy hobby.
If you’re like me, you’ve been playing Battlefield 1943 on either the PlayStation 3 or the X-Box 360 and enjoying the hell out of it. If you’re waiting for the PC version to drop in September, you might be out of luck. Gordon Van Dyke has let it be known that in order to make 1943 a true PC product, DICE is going to have to delay the release into 2010. To make up for the prolonged wait, though, DICE is adding all the neat features that PC gamers take for granted, such as higher player count in matches, Direct X 9 and 10, and joystick support.
I can’t really fault DICE for wanting to give due attention to the PC, but this puts the release dangerously close to Bad Company 2, which might over-shadow its little brother. What do you guys think? Is it worth the wait, or will 1943 get left behind in the early 2010 rush?
Source: Kotaku
YAY Mitch! Great first post!
The PC delay is a bummer. After all, playing battlefield on the PC was always the fun-est of them all. (Well, thats my opinion)
Also, if I have to choose from Bad Company 2 and 1943, I will definitely get BC2. sad face for 1943 🙁
wait forgive me if this is obvious but is mitch a character or is he real.
Typical DICE for throwing out a bunch of games at once, hoping that wanks like us scoop up all the ones we can. I for one am hoping that the PC version is as sick as the xbox one is, only for the fact that I actually get to use a flight-sim joystick, instead of pretending that I know how to fly a plane with inverted controls.
Great post Poutine. Look forward to more.
Thanks for the kind words, fellas. And yes, I’m a real dude.
The timing on 1943 for the PC really sucks, in my opinion. DICE is missing out on a lot more PC downloads from the BF faithful that are a little starved. The PC hasn’t seen a new BF since 2142.
O now that I see your avatar I remember you. But, keep in mind there is a free to play battlefield heroes out now
Lucky you Mitch, getting special perks lol. I didn’t really like 1943 all that much though. : (
Yeah, I really didn’t care for 2142 but 1942 was one of my most favorite games for a long time. Great at LANs, and great for just plain fun. I can’t wait for this game, I don’t think I’m as excited for BC2 though. Haven’t heard much about it.
-good post mitch, nice to see some community contribution-
Mitch…I love your avatar.
Ha, thanks Anthony. Metal Gear Awesome.
@rgarrow92: I’ve tried Battlefield Heroes, but it didn’t quite scratch the itch if you know what I mean. I think it’s an interesting direction for DICE to take BF, but it’s not quite what I’m looking for.
Speaking of player counts, has there been any Xbox game that supports 32-playercount online games? Well, besides Perfect Dark Zero, anyway. (Don’t tell me the game sucks, i’ve already heard it all. It did have quite a reliable online and the lag compensation was phenomenal) I’ve been thinking, if PDZ can handle 32 players, and it was a launch title, why don’t we see more games with this sort of count?