Bundled releases seem to be a growing trend this fall with Gears of War 2 joining the Metroid Prime Trilogy and Fallout 3 as an all-in-one package that includes the downloadable content (DLC) released for the “stop-and-pop” shooter since it first went on sale last year. This includes all the map packs as well as the cut level for the single-player game.
While I’ve heard mixed reviews about the cut level and the multiplayer continues to be spotty, I really can’t complain about the price tag, which is a nice reasonable $39.99. Considering that the game originally launched as a full priced title, and you’re getting all the DLC included (which ran at about ten bucks a piece), this is quite the sweet deal. If you’ve been on the fence about Gears 2, or you just haven’t gotten around to picking it up, September first is when this bad boy drops into stores.
I can’t quite seem to recall Gears 2 actually winning any Game of the Year awards, but I’m certain that it’s sold enough copies to warrant a bundled version. Who’s going to treat themselves to some Gears of War, and what do you guys think of re-releases that package DLC?
Source: Destructoid
When was Gears ever named game of the year?? .__.
Hmn, 1st of September… what other major release by another huge player in the industry is set for that date? lol
Gears 2 might not have won any “Best of” awards, but Horde mode w/ 4 other friends is some of the most fun multi-player in any game.
Game of the Year is just what they call these kinds of bundled releases. I think most people who want this have already bought it, but good for them for doing this.
It won a lot of “Best of” awards in categories such as action and Third Person Shooter.
Gears was a … competent shooter. It was fun without being amazing. Still, the lower price tag is a step in the right direction…I’m sick and tired of $60 per game.