Yes, the trailer for the live action Prince of Persia movie is now available for all of us geeks to “meh” at, studying the long-haired Gyllenhaal and the no doubt unfaithful translations of a great game to the silver screen. It looks like they’ve at least nailed down the basics, which include some sand, a dagger and action, but who knows where it’s going from there. I won’t lie though, looks like kind of a mindless good time. Thoughts?
Well without Pirates of the Caribbean anymore, I’m sure Disney was looking for something else to catapult the engaging youth into. I can’t take Jake Gyllenhaal (god that name is a bitch to spell) seriously in this role. It’s ridiculous. It’s preposterous. It’s unbelievable. I’ll have nothing to do with this atrocity, thank you, come again.
Never played the games, but I’ll give this a watch just for Jake Gyllenhaal. Looks like it should be worth a rental at least.
Yeah, old Jake is looking pretty ludicrous with that long hair.
This could be fun.
I don’t know what you guys are talking about, he looks fine. Just like the prince; I’m probably unbiased because I don’t know who the hell he is (I’m not much of a movie fan).
It looks like it has the trappings of an entertaining action movie. To call it an atrocity is over the top. Was “Tomb Raider” a brilliant film? Not remotely. Was it (at least mildly) entertaining? Yes.
That’s really all you can expect from these kinds of films.