Today is Thanksgiving down in the USA, a holiday where we all take the time to reflect on things we’re grateful for by shoving our faces full of flightless fowl and pumpkin pie. Of course, me being Canadian, today is just a regular day (besides the fact that I’m home sick), but that doesn’t mean I can’t be appreciative. One thing I’m thankful for is that it’s only two short months until Mass Effect 2 comes out and officially kills my social life. Seriously, this game is still looking quite good, and the “Empire Strikes Back” feel BioWare is striving for has really gotten my motor running. In this new video for the upcoming sci-fi RPG, we’re re-introduced to Tali, the soft-spoken quarian crew member from the first game. It looks like there’s some political unrest among the nomadic race, and Commander Shepard’s right in the middle of it.
So, what’s your opinion on Mass Effect 2 so far? Is it going to be a sure-fire purchase for 2010, or are there other games that are vying for your attention? Just for fun, what game-related stuff were you most thankful for in 2009? Oh, and Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it!
I keep seeing ME2 and I’n not thankful that this isn’t on PS3! It looks really good and I’d love the first to come out on PS3 aswel, if only to have a save file to carry over and continue my epic story. One can dream though…
To be honest I think I’m going to try get another play through of the original before this comes out but with all the juicy treats out at the moment I don’t think I have time, but so help me, I’ll make time. Does anybody know and offical age rating for UK yet or has one not been released?
To be honest, ME2 is the ONLY game i am looking forward to in the new year. the first one was incredible and if bioware can pull this one off as well, i will be so happy. Tali was my favourite partner from the first game so its great to have her back
I am glad that Bioware is bringing back some of the old crew. Now we get to see how our decisions in the first game will effected them. Garrus will be in the game but I don’t know if he will be part of the new crew. I am currently trying ti get one character to level 60 so I have a more bad-ass character for the second game should be worth it.