Aliens Vs Predator Banned in Australia, Developers Fire Back

The Land Down Under is known for many things, like koalas, giant cans of beer and Crocodile Dundee (not to mention all around manly-man Saxton Hale from Team Fortress 2 lore), but it’s also home to some of the most draconian video game rating laws on the planet. How the system works is that if a title is rated over MA15+, then it’s “refused classification” and cannot be sold in the country. Big surprise, then, that the upcoming Aliens Versus Predator by Rebellion has been banned. The game features two of the most acclaimed movie monsters of our time, and the films they’ve starred in have never been stringy on the violence.

If a developer wants to skirt a ban then they have to modify the content of their game so it meets the harsh criteria. Bethesda and Valve have both bowed to the iron will of the Australian government, but Rebellion is not backing down. They’re not going to modify the content, and they have one of the sassiest PR responses I’ve ever seen:

“The content of AVP is based on some of the most innovative and iconic horror movies, and as such we wanted to create a title that was true to the source material. It is for adults, and it is bloody and frightening, that was our intent. We will not be releasing a sanitised or cut down version for territories where adults are not considered by their governments to be able to make their own entertainment choices.”

Take that, Australia! That’s a nice intelligent response, but I doubt it’s going to sway the Australian government. How do you guys feel? I don’t think we’ve talked about Australia’s ratings before, so give me you thoughts on those, too. On the subject of AVP itself, who’s picking this up? I know I am!

Source: Kotaku

Written by Twitter: @mi7ch Gamertag: Lubeius PSN ID: Lubeius SteamID: Mister_L Origin/EA:Lube182 Currently Playing: PUBG, Rainbow 6: Siege, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Total War: Warhammer 2

11 thoughts on “Aliens Vs Predator Banned in Australia, Developers Fire Back”

  1. Well recently a lot of my family have moved out to austrailia from england and I’m one big game fan, trouble is my parents are considering moving out there too, and if a government was making the choice that I couldn’t play a game I want too then that is in my opinion out of order, this is the exact reason ratings were invented, so that we have the choice and not so a few people think that what they belive is what the contry wants, Rage over and out.

  2. This is nuts. Obviously, being a highly liberal American, I am all about free speech and the right to make up your own mind. As much as America drives me nuts, I still love it b/c we get to play whatever games we want, as do most other nations like us.

  3. I’m from australia so this really annoys me. the video that was shown of the predator’s gameplay (i think at E3) looked amazing. but at the same time i wouldnt want to buy a watered down version of the game.

    i understand the government wants to protect younger children from games that are obviously intended for an older audience, but i dont see how this is any different to needing to show ID to buy alcohol, cigarettes or rent/see R18+ movies. and as with any of them, if the parents are willing to buy it for their children, i dont see what the drama is.

    If, in the unlikely event, that a full version of AVP ever does get released in australia, i would happily pick up a copy. but judging by the current stand-off, id say my chances are slim and none

  4. I support Rebellion on this, I’m glad they stood up to the Australian Government B.S. and I wish more devs would do the same.

  5. No matter what people will find ways to get the game into the country if they want to play it that bad. I think it was the right choice by Rebellion because Australia has no rights to tell the people what games they can and cant play.

  6. I like to first say that I got a hands on demo of this game at E3 and it looks awesome, even the early levels I saw, and I’m very excited to see this series get reborn.
    Now correct me if I’m wrong but I think this censorship law only simply states that retailers can’t sell this game, however owning it is legal. So you would be able to order this game from an online distributor. However I don’t live in Australia I have only read a dumb down version of their media censorship laws. Now while it is easy to jump on the Australian Government I can see why they do it. The other day I was looking for a Christmas gift for my nephew who is now 3, so my search took me too Toys R Us action figure and toy car section. I have to admit I was a little upset to see a Halo and Gears of War action figure range in this store. Now as someone who still collects “toys” like the McFarlen torture souls I defiantly recognize a market for these figures however I stop going to Toys R Us for them long ago, and to be honest when I was 17 I was no longer playing with action figures or shopping at Toys R Us either. Further more as an old associate of toys r us, I can tell you a 17+ customer base is very, very, small. So why are we putting these action figures that are clearly from a 17+ rated game in a toy store? (I’d also like to note this toy store pride itself on the fact it doesn’t sell toy guns because of the violence) Obviously to target children, who are too young to play M rated games! I’m sorry Epic and Bungie but I wouldn’t let my 6 year old play your game, part of me thinks this is the same as cigarette and alcohol industry targeting minors. Now with that said, I do think it’s a parents job to regulate the media that your child is exposed too, but as quickly as our children are latterly bombarded with images it’s hard and almost impossible job to accomplish, and when stunts like this keep getting pulled, I can see why censorship laws get passed. I personally think this is unwise and irresponsible actions that these game companies are taking, especially as your industry is fighting tooth and nail for self regulation, you can really only hide behind free speech for so long, censorship laws do exist in the United States, and harder ones have been passed before, just look at what happen to comics in the late 1900s.

  7. Go Rebellion go! Live up to your namesake and never take a heavily-accented “No!” from them Aussies!

    Seriously though, it’s about time the former PENAL COLONY that VALUES ITS CRIMINAL HERITAGE to grow a pair and accept games that are a bit explicit. I’ve got some friends down under and they hate Aussieland’s dictatorship just as Rebellion apparently does.

  8. I am Australian,and these censorship laws piss me off. I recently read a full statement from whatever idiot politician that put these policies in place and it doesn’t seem that any R rating will be introduced. I don’t like the odds of anyone swaying the government to scrap this decision. It is stupid! alcohol,R rated movies, hell even porn is easily accesible to kids. I don’t understand why the no R rating 🙁

  9. I’m Canadian… What does ‘law’ mean again?

    sheesh all mighty. For you Australian folks, just get a north american chap to mail you the goods.

    Or, pirate it and sell it to the politicians kids.

    I had the first game a long time ago, and I remember it was really difficult to play as the Alien. So disorienting. Maybe I was just too young.

  10. That article seems to say it’s not the fault of the government, but they passed the original law and can’t seem to change it so…that sounds like the fault of the government, which that Atkinson guy is a member of!

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