This Spring is going to be an usual one for us gamers. Heck, even this January is going to be odd. With some well-reviewed games like Bayonetta and Darksiders already hitting the shelves, as well as Mass Effect 2 dropping this week, it seems that we’re going to have our hands full with more than our Christmas gaming purchases. And that’s not even considering that Heavy Rain, Bioshock 2, Splinter Cell, Final Fantasy XIII and Crackdown are all on the way before the summer.
So, before (yet another) flood of good gaming options, what are you guys sinking your time into? Are you still working on the games you just got, have you purchased new ones, or have you returned to the old favorites?
Right now, I’ve been playing Left 4 Dead 2 on the XBox 360 and really enjoying the enhancements to the game. As much as people griped about its release, I’m impressed with just now how much content there is, and how well some of the new mechanics have been implemented. Really, kudos to Valve on proving some people wrong. In addition, I plan on starting some Brutal Legend tonight or tomorrow while I wait for Mass Effect 2 to be in my sweaty and anxious hands.
So, what are you guys playing? Go!
Mass Effect 2…I’m SO glad I got it when I did off of steam (December, but I had to update my graphics card, so about 3 weeks ago really). Got to play a great game, and the wait for the great sequel isn’t as bad. In that roughly 3 week timespan, I’ve sunk about 100 hours total, 72 into my main character which I’ll port into the sequel. Will be a bit of a balancing act between playing that and going to college, but I’ll manage. I figure I’ll play ME2 obsessively until Aliens Vs. Predator comes out in February on Steam. Should be a fun year! =)
Nothing! Well I’m still playing the usual mix of L4D (1) and TF2 but nothing special as of late.
The only game I want to play/complete is Mass Effect in preparation for 2 but every time I hover over the icon to play it I just remember all the bad stuff about it (elevators!). I got to like the second to last mission as well but I doubt I will ever complete it at this rate.
I hate slow game release times, I’ve been turning to movies instead having just filled my bi-annual Terminator 2 quota.
Playing TF2 and L4D2, and sorceforts once in a while. I’m actually is trying to get into comp TF2 if I ever bother to get a Headset with a working microphone
I’m currently playing a lot of Dragon Age: Origins…Having a lot of fun with a elven mage. I even got Leliana to like me 😀
MW 2 (Level 60!) and Uncharted 2, NCAA Football 09 online dynasty with Zayven, Braid and Critter Crunch on the PSN.
I’m actually playing Boarderlands. Pretty impressed.
Also played Zelda: Twilight Princess for 20 minutes while I reformated my brothers computer, and it made me miss the simple days. I haven’t played a Zelda game since the SNES… So my plan is to go buy A Link To The Past this week.
I’m playing a LOT of WoW, got back on it after MW2’s antics and I’ve been playing steadily ever since. But everything will be put on hold for Mass Effect 2, as Mass Effect 1 was my favorite game this generation.
I’m spending more and more screen time with CS:Source and TF2 than I have in the past weeks… all that will change as soon as Mass Effect 2 hits however!
Nothing, really. Got 100% of the achievements in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2, but that’s about it. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.
[quote comment=”10015″]MW 2 (Level 60!) [/quote]
Prestige level 60 or not?
[quote comment=”10012″]
The only game I want to play/complete is Mass Effect in preparation for 2 but every time I hover over the icon to play it I just remember all the bad stuff about it (elevators!). I got to like the second to last mission as well but I doubt I will ever complete it at this rate.
Citadel elevators aren’t that bad…you can always use the fast travel…but I admit the future will be a scary place if elevators turn into ME’s elevators…
MW2 (Anthony as my final kill ftw! lol) Prestige 1 level 33ish and that’s it. I’m going to play Borderlands again as I’ve yet to play ZIoDN or even get MMUR.
Also, you forgot to mention God of War 3 Eddy in your post!
[quote comment=”10027″]MW2 (Anthony as my final kill ftw! lol) Prestige 1 level 33ish and that’s it. I’m going to play Borderlands again as I’ve yet to play ZIoDN or even get MMUR.
Also, you forgot to mention God of War 3 Eddy in your post![/quote]
Your mom.
MW2 and FarCry2. One of my friends stole BFBC from me so I might have to go beat him up until I get it back, mustn’t be rust for BFBC2!
I just finished playing AC2 last week(didn’t get it until the first of January), which was a really fun game. So now I’m back to MW2 and even played some TF2 last night.
With Splinter Cell Conviction and Red Dead Redemption pushed back to April, the next game I’ll probably buy is Bioshock 2 in Feb. I just can’t decide what I should get it on: PS3, PC, or 360?
I’ve been playing a lot of CS:S and CivIII on my computer. My console diet has consisted of DA:O, replaying the first mass effect in a mad attempt to get to lvl 50 before the second comes out, and i’ve been thinking about picking up Fallout 3 again. Love that game.
When Mass effect comes out tommorow, though, everything comes to a halt.
On wednsday for my school’s mid-year break, Im going to engulf CE ME 2. Thats going to be the most sweetest break of all time. I am prepping for total mind blowingness.
I FINALLY GOT BEYOND GOOD & EVIL! and it is in fact quite awesome. I also decided to replay Fallout 3 with a guy with STR 1, PER 2, END 1, CHA 9, INT 9, AGI 9, and LUK 9. It’s actually an awesome character. Best part about it was that I found a dead Deathclaw outside of Super Duper Mart and got a Deathclaw Gauntlet at level 3. LEVEL 3. Yeah, it’s tight. It’s good to know FO3 is still incredibly fun even after beating it.
Can’t stop playing Borderlands, and I always try to get in some TF2, with a bit of God of War Collection on the PS3 when I get the chance.
@ Newaythisckesgr8
If you have a strong enough PC, then play Bioshock 2 on PC. Pretty simple reasoning.
Glad to hear that playing through Fallout 3 again has been sweet so far. I’ve been thinking about doing it lately myself.
I’m still waiting to get the PC release of AC2 and then I’ll be gonzo for quite some time.
I’m borrowing AC2 from a friend which should be fun. As well as that I am either getting BFBC2 or Crysis for my birthday.
Should be a fun few months 🙂
Do you have mods for your FO3? Lemme tell ya, it’s a whole new game if you get a few of them. Makes it even MORE addictive (Hard to believe I know)
[quote comment=”10035″]@ Newaythisckesgr8
If you have a strong enough PC, then play Bioshock 2 on PC. Pretty simple reasoning.
I definitely have a strong enough PC to play/run BS2 beautifully…it’s just that most of my friends are all on 360, so I would be missing out on multiplayer with them.
I guess I could give up playing with them if it means a better looking experience.
Not much time for gaming with grad school kicking up once more, but still working through an NCAA 09 online season with Anthony (a pity we won’t have that rematch this season) while still chipping away at Demon’s Souls and Bioshock. The unholy destroyer of free time that is Elder Scrolls 4 stares at me with evil intent every time I look over my games, though. And this is all assuming that I don’t turn on Fallout 3 to complete a side mission and end up playing it for six hours.
Zayven, wait til you get hooked by Uncharted
@Newaythisckesgr8 – Don’t sacrifice your friends for looks. If you’re going to have a great multiplayer experience because of your friends, then play it on console. Looks only go so far. i.e. Crysis. Looked great but when it came out, most PC’s could hardly run it. Even when you could play it, it was a pretty poor experience.
If you’re actually going to have more fun online with friends, then shoot for that option every time over graphics and mouse/keyboard.