Everybody’s Played Halo: Reach But Us

Halo ReachI seriously can’t tell you guys how much I’m anxiously awaiting the beta for Halo: Reach, hitting on May 3rd. When that glorious day rolls around, I’ll be a zombie, doing nothing but thinking, eating, and sleeping in a way that is pleasing to the Master Chief. I would consider it no great secret that something about Halo multiplayer hits a special sweet spot for my competitive gaming tastes, and I can’t wait to jump back into it. Honestly, it’s almost like Christmas for me.

Complete fanboy antics aside, an embargo finally lifted on the preview that lots of major gaming sites got to experience with the game. As a result, everybody and their mom that got to play Halo: Reach is finally able to write about it, shedding some light on the details about the game’s multiplayer and how it is going to feel in our nerdy clammy hands.

I think the most interesting write-up I read about the beta would be from Kotaku, who gave a great run down of some of the multiplayer features. The things I’ve read both excite and concern me. Right now, the pros are: class-based weapon and equipment load-outs, fall damage, no dual wielding. Cons: jetpacks for everyone that chooses the loadout and the new armor lock ability, which seems to combine trip mines, EMPs, and bubble shields into one.

Anyway, if you’re even mildly interested in the Reach beta, I’d highly recommend checking out some of the previews of the multiplayer that are dropping all over the net. So, how do you guys feel about Halo: Reach? Excited or meh? Go!

Source- Kotaku

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

10 thoughts on “Everybody’s Played Halo: Reach But Us”

  1. I don’t know if you’ve read some of the stuff Bungie has posted of late, but the jet packs are actually extremely balanced. Sure you can launch yourself in the air and get the drop on some enemies, but you are a sitting duck for anyone who wants to take a pot shot, especially someone carrying a needler. Bungie actually made the jet pack sound useless, but then stated it still has tactical uses. Also the armor lock has the emp element so that if someone is camping right next to someone in armor lock ready to beat them down after their couple of seconds are up, the guy that did the lock has at least a chance. The armor lock itself does no damage despite the removal of shields. It’s Bungie, if I were you I wouldn’t worry about balancing. Also, how about a Gamersushi community game on that weekend?

  2. I really liked Kotaku’s write up. If I ever get a 360, this is one of the first games I’ll play.


    And I don’t mind Jet Packs as much as I hate friggin Armor Lock. It’s way overpowered. Even now, I know it’ll be bullshit. BALANCE IT BUNGIE!!!

  4. Cossack, the last time you performed a ‘JIZZGASM-variation’ (TM) you developed an intense hatred of a certain other FPS. But since Reach won’t allow dual shotguns or teleporting, knife-wielding cheetahs you may enjoy this lol.

  5. It does allow assassinations, though. Kind of surprised that you didn’t mention that, Eddy.

    Big old assassination trains, just winding around the map.

  6. [quote comment=”11044″]Cossack, the last time you performed a ‘JIZZGASM-variation’ (TM) you developed an intense hatred of a certain other FPS. But since Reach won’t allow dual shotguns or teleporting, knife-wielding cheetahs you may enjoy this lol.[/quote]

    Look, son, that was an Omgasm. Completely unrelated to a Jizzgasm. GEDD ITT WRHYTE. lol But honestly, in MW2 you just die too much. At least in Halo it takes longer to die, and Reach is looking like FUN, and not GHEY.

    -Cossack, you’re loveable, cold, dead, cynical fweind. :3

  7. Lol, Cossack that’s why I said ‘JIZZGASM-variation,’ the VARIATION being the important point! I jest.

  8. [quote comment=”11054″]Lol, Cossack that’s why I said ‘JIZZGASM-variation,’ the VARIATION being the important point! I jest.[/quote]

    Skuba, that’s like saying Obama’s children are the same as Osama’s children.


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