E3 2010 is a mere two weeks away, and the excitement for gaming’s annual gala is building to a fevered pitch. If you listened to our first podcast from a few weeks ago, then you’ll know that we’re all pretty excited about this year’s E3. We offered up a few predictions about what the Big Three are going to be bringing to the table, but we’d love to hear what you guys are thinking about.
Predicting reveals or big surprises is always fun, and once E3 rolls around we’ll collect them in one big post and see who was right on the money and who was way, way off (PS4?). Since you already know what we’ve put our money on, we thought that we’d make a post to let you guys sound off on what you think this year’s big news will be at E3. Gears of War, Move, Natal, a new Zelda? Let us know!
Before you get to speculating, we would just like to mention that the weeks leading up to E3 are usually plagued by rumors, half-truths and damn lies, so don’t expect us to post on every single piece of news that comes out. Most of them are unsubstantiated rumors, but if something huge comes up, we’ll probably let you know about it. Alright, with that out of the way, get to your predicting!
Valve teasing Episode 3, or some other related trolling. Then again, they do it all year long, so I can’t really call it a prediction. Gotta love em’.
[quote comment=”11624″]Valve teasing Episode 3, or some other related trolling. Then again, they do it all year long, so I can’t really call it a prediction. Gotta love em’.[/quote]
Hahahahaha, Episode 3. Yeah yeah, and the government will learn how to budget realistically. Hahahahaaa…
Ahem, anyway, you totally forgot about Fallout: New Vegas. What the frack, Gamersushi? I thought you were better than this. Go to your room, young man.
So yeah, it seems New Vegas will be doing some interesting stuff at E3, so I’m psyched.
New Vegas, CoD7 and a bit more of Move, Natal etc fo sho.
I’d also imagine that we’ll see a bit more on the likes of Gears 3, KZ3, Spec Ops: The Line and, say, Dead Space 2. They’ve gotta make an appearance.
For brand new game info announcements: Resistance 3 mebbe? Also, I pray that there will be word of a new Syphon Filter game (on PS3?).
Sony will probably shed light on subscriptions and Microsoft may add new features to Gold to counteract this yadda yadda.
In terms of new consoles? 3DS and PSP2-with-2-analogue-nubs. If I see a new home console that ISN’T a slim variant I will organise a hostile takeover of the company and halt all future plans. For 5 years.
*tentitively* Valve games on PS3 plz?
Oh! Kevin Butler. Or else…
This isn’t so much a prediction as a prayer. TESV! It’s been like 3 years!
…oh yeah, and episode 3, portal 2, all that jazz.
Since we know Valve is making a full fledged game, Portal 2, then they can only be working on a small project on the side. This brings to mind when Portal first came out. To Valve this was an experiment, and it worked out great. If some of you don’t know already, Valve recently hired “IceFrog” who has been deleping DOTA, a mod for warcraft III if im not mistaken. This is probably going to be another one of Valve’s experiments and I think that if episode three doesn’t show up at E3, then whatever this thing is will show up.
[quote comment=”11632″]This isn’t so much a prediction as a prayer. TESV! It’s been like 3 years!
…oh yeah, and episode 3, portal 2, all that jazz.[/quote]
Sums up what I want pretty much. It feels like so much longer than 3 years and hopefully they will of learned their lessons from oblivion.
Episode 3, portal 2, yankow.
Really im excited about The Conduit 2 coming to wii…
Really FPS’s are a ton of fun on the wii, its a shame that they dont take advantage of the platform.
I want to see a playable build of the new Deus Ex game. Thief 4 would be nice, too, but I think it’s a bit too early.
Maybe the Twisted Metal developers will be showing their new car combat game that is “not Twisted Metal” (I still don’t buy this claim, by the way).
I’d love to see Bethesda announce an Elder Scrolls spin-off game, like the old Battlespire or ES Adventures: Redguard games. I’d also really like to find out what this unnamed wii project they mentioned late last year will turn out to be (provided it hasn’t been canned).
I’m similarly excited about Conduit 2. I really didn’t expect them to make a sequel given that the first game wasn’t a huge success. Loved those controls, though. Anyone who thinks motion controls are a waste of time needs to play The Conduit.
[quote comment=”11643″]
I’m similarly excited about Conduit 2. I really didn’t expect them to make a sequel given that the first game wasn’t a huge success. Loved those controls, though. Anyone who thinks motion controls are a waste of time needs to play The Conduit.[/quote]
Yeah online play was pretty damn awesome until people found ways to hack it :C