PAX 2010 Photo Roll

PAX 2010So, if you’ve read my PAX 2010 round up, then you’d know that I visited a fair few booths over the past few days. Just like E3 before it, PAX was an opportunity for the developers of the various titles on display to overwhelm our senses with giant facades dedicated to the grandeur of the event. Since not everyone can go to PAX for various reasons, I thought I would bring my camera along and snap a few photos. Perhaps you might spot my photobomb. Hit the jump for shots of the exhibit! Click on the photos to enhugenate.

The Washington State Convention Centre
PAX 2010 Convention Hall

Get your damn hands off her…
PAX 2010 Delorean

The Helghast Invade Seattle
PAX 2010 Killzone 3 Helghast

Immediately after I took this photo, Shepard punched me and pushed my friend out a window.
PAX 2010 Mass Effect 2 Cosplay

The Koprulu High Reunion
PAX 2010 StarCraft 2 Cosplay

New Vegas had a large presence
PAX 2010 New Vegas Booth

Isaac Clarke is back
PAX 2010 Dead Space Booth

I took a photo of the new Cole, but some jerk blocked the shot
PAX 2010 Infamous Booth

Darth Malgus spots a gathering of nerds at PAX 2010
PAX 2010 The Old Republic Booth

Just one part of Ubisoft’s huge area
PAX 2010 Assassin's Creed Brotherhood Booth

Sony wants you to Move
PAX 2010 Sony Booth

Now for some real user power
PAX 2010 Tron Booth

Guild Wars 2 was surprisingly imposing
PAX 2010 Guild Wars 2 Booth

I bet they’d give you a critical hit
PAX 2010 Booth Babes

Those were the highlights of the PAX 2010 show floor. Thought I would share those with you guys, and I hope that was a decent taste of what PAX is like!

Written by Twitter: @mi7ch Gamertag: Lubeius PSN ID: Lubeius SteamID: Mister_L Origin/EA:Lube182 Currently Playing: PUBG, Rainbow 6: Siege, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Total War: Warhammer 2

4 thoughts on “PAX 2010 Photo Roll”

  1. I got my picture with Shepard and Tali! And Garrus was there too, looking surprisingly realistic. And come on Mitch, no booth babes? There wasn’t many, but there were a few!

  2. Well, since you asked.

    Yeah, there were a few booth babes, but I found that they were always surrounded by a bunch of dudes with cameras.

  3. Haha that was often true, I will admit. It was funny because some of them would stand there, take pictures and gawk, but were terrified of getting their picture taken with them. Their buddies would have to push them towards the girls. I think my favorite though was the girl for Reach who was dressed in Kat’s armor, and I was surprised to see it was actually a girl under the helmet.

  4. I’m partly greatfull, yet partly saddened, at the lack of Booth Babes. On one hand I hate it when an article with pictures of Booth Babes get a longer conversation than a deeply insightfull discussion on videogame theory. On the other hand… y’know… critical hits are always welcome from the right source.
    Nice pictars.

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