Halloween is almost here, which means candy, costumes and violent movies. And violent movies always lead to violent and over-the-top video games, which seems like an appropriate subject for us to examine this week. Most games are violent, it’s just the nature of the medium. Games require conflict and unlike books and movies, it’s difficult to make a character’s internal conflict fun and playable. Thus, violence.
GamesRadar has a delightful list of the Bloodiest Fighting Games of All-Time, but I thought I would open the floor for all genres. Some violence in games is so cartoonish that I can’t help but laugh at it. Personally, Fallout 3’s bloody explosions during VATS never gets old for me and neither does the chainsaw animation of Gears of War 2. Perhaps the most violent was Mutant League Football, where you could literally kill the other team and win by forfeit.
So what games struck you as the most violent? Has violence gotten worse as graphics have improved? What was the first game that shocked you? Go!
Source: GamesRadar
Soldier of Fortune might be a little dated… But it was actually fun, and extremely gory for it’s time. SOF2 even more so if I remember correctly.
I think I played it when I was 13 or 14, lol.
Borderlands. Fallout has Bloody Mess, Gears has the Lancer…
In Borderlands, nearly every possible way you kill something ends up with a giant spew of blood n guts…
And the 69 Bajillion guns add to the messy kill experience.
Dead Rising one and two. Hand-held chainsaws. Knives taped to boxing gloves. Grabbing zombies by the hands and tearing their arms off.
Good times.
If its arm pulling fun you want Mitch, how about Chewbacca in Lego Star Wars? I’m sure a few 5 year olds have never played with their lego the same way 🙂
RE4 was the first game that shocked me with how violent it was. There are so many horrible ways Leon can die.
I would occasionally fail to save a the mall denizens in Dead Rising on purpose, just to see them get ripped apart by zombies -classic Romero style! Ha! Take that Gordon! Gory fun for the whole family!
[quote comment=”14307″]Soldier of Fortune might be a little dated… But it was actually fun, and extremely gory for it’s time. SOF2 even more so if I remember correctly.
I think I played it when I was 13 or 14, lol.[/quote]
Yes! That’s what made SoF such a good play at some of our old school LAN parties. There’s nothing quite so satisfying as completely mutilating a teammate.
Another surprisingly violent game? Limbo. For real.