Sackboy and his Sackbot’s have struck again, with another gem that makes me feel inadequate about my creativity. Using the beta, an adept gamer has created “Sackfighter Dogfight”, a game that owes more than a little to Sega’s classic jet-fighter shooter. Complete with barrel rolls, cinematic camera movements and even a gun that can overheat, LBP 2 just shot up high on my want list. Take a look at this:
What say you? Impressed yet? This thing isn’t even out of beta and it’s making that calculator from the first game look like child’s play. Anyone going to get this? Do you have any game ideas you want to share?
B-b-b-but… how? How on earth can people figure the tools out so well? I want to try and make something now but I know it won’t be as awesome as anything I’ve seen so far. 🙁
My reaction to watching this:
Are you freaking kidding me???
I can’t even wrap my brain around how something like this even gets made in that engine. Super impressed!
Is that snow at the 3:49 mark? Awesome!
How freaking amazing is that?