Telltale’s Jurassic Park Will Draw Inspiration From Heavy Rain

telltale games jurassic park

When big companies go to translate their franchises to video games, there are usually two routes they typically take: make a first person shooter, or emulate God of War. When Universal Studios wanted to make a game based on Jurassic Park, they didn’t want another FPS associated with the JP name and a third-person brawler would have been a little far fetched. Knowing that the franchise needed a gentle hand, the movie company approached Telltale Games, the development house known these days for keeping the dying adventure game genre alive.

According to Telltale executive director Kevin Boyle, the nature of making a Jurassic Park game has forced the team to rethink how they typically go about making adventure games. While large parts of the game will no doubt resemble the classic point and click style of Back to the Future or Sam and Max, Mr. Boyle says that there where be frantic moments that require Heavy Rain level reactions and input from the player.

Kevin Boyle and his team think that the best way to combine the character-building moments of Jurassic Park with the thrills of dinosaurs leaping at you is to mash-up the precise pace of adventure games with the slam-bang action of Heavy Rain’s quicktime events. The series will be episodic and five episodes are currently planned for a PC/Mac release.

What do you guys think about this? Does this sound interesting enough to get you to look a bit more closely at Jurassic Park? I know it worked for me.

Source – The Escapist

Nintendo Busts Out Jazz Renditions of Classic Themes

Nintendo has a lot of great franchises under their belt, and all of them have instantly memorable themes. Perhaps the most iconic of these, besides the Mario over-world theme, is the music from the Legend of Zelda of series. Ocarina of Time seems to be a veritable gold mine of classic songs, and at a recent gathering called Nintendo World, Ninty assembled a bunch of musicians to play a jazzed up version of the many songs found in Zelda.

Pretty wicked, if you ask me. Also, I really appreciate the saxophone player’s Street Fighter-themed dress shirt. Two more awesome mash-ups after the jump! Continue reading Nintendo Busts Out Jazz Renditions of Classic Themes

GamerSushi Asks: What Are You Playing, 2011 Edition

Back to the Future PSN

Time to check in, folks. We are officially done with our break.

January is already underway, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to slow down on playing games. In fact, as I’ve mentioned, I’ve been playing more games lately than I’ve played in awhile. It’s been a total blast getting to spend time on the games I got for Christmas, and I’m really excited about some things that are coming up.

For me, I’ve been playing Red Dead Undead Nightmare, and am about to finish that tonight, actually. I’ve also been playing some Halo: Reach mutliplayer, Lost Odyssey, and I finally jumped into “My Player” mode on NBA 2K11, which is some of the most addicting sports play I’ve ever experienced. Seriously, even if you don’t like sports games, you might want to check it out. In the immediate future, I have plans to knock out Final Fantasy VI on the GBA, and I’m probably going to grab Call of Duty: Black Ops this weekend as well as the Back to the Future PSN game.

What are you playing these days? Have you finished those Christmas games? Are you trying to clear out the backlog to get ready for 2011’s steady stream of great releases? Go!

GamerSushi Top 10 Games of 2010

Another year of gaming has gone by, which means it’s time for us to reflect on the games that really made 2010 stand out all its own as one to be remembered. This trip around the sun has produced some clunkers, disappointments, triumphs, wins, fails, works of art and everything in between. We saw quality releases from January through December, and a few surprises that threw us for a major loop in the best way possible.

To create this list, the GamerSushi staff (myself, Nick, Anthony, Mitch and Jeff) all made our own individual top 10 lists. From there, Nick used the powerful science of magicmatics to conjure up a final list, based on some mumbo jumbo he did with a point system. What you see is something like an average of all of our lists together, and one that we’re all happy with, minus a few honorable mentions of course.

So, without further ramblings from myself, I present the Top 10 games of 2010!

Best of 2010

Continue reading GamerSushi Top 10 Games of 2010

Hottest January Releases

Well, 2011 is just getting started and I’m sure many of you are still playing the games you got for Christmas. Sorry to say, there is no rest for the weary, because big blockbuster games are about to drop already. I have barely dipped my toes into Fallout: New Vegas and Black Ops has replaced Gran Turismo 5 as my constant obsession, but I have barely made any headway into any of these massive games. And with new games coming out, I’m pretty stressed.

The following is a list of some of the more notable releases this month. Are there any on there that you plan on getting right away? Or are there some that you are going to wait for a price reduction? Let us know what you think!

Hit the jump for the list:

Continue reading Hottest January Releases

Finding the Sweet Spot in Demos

Enslaved Demo

With the break we took on GamerSushi over the last couple of weeks, I suddenly played more video games than I’ve played in a long while. Correlation? Probably.

One of the games I sampled in my several week long buffet was Enslaved. The game was good, but not great, although I would still recommend it for anybody looking for an Uncharted fix with not-quite-as-good gameplay. Sadly, the game underperformed like crazy, and is reportedly one of the bigger busts of the year in terms of sales.

Part of me wonders how much of this has to do with the game’s demo. Like many games, Enslaved’s trial covers the first level of the game, which provides a basic introduction to the world and the main character, Monkey. And when I say basic, I really mean it. It’s meant as the set up for the story rather than the gameplay, with incredibly linear platforming sections and only the slightest of combat. Much of the game revolves around the co-op aspect with the AI partners you encounter, and the platforming and combat grow from there. The first level is in no way representative of the game as a whole, so it’s baffling to me that Namco Bandai and Ninja Theory would choose that as the sample that they wanted people to play. Continue reading Finding the Sweet Spot in Demos

Dead Space 2’s Excavations Trailer Digs Up the Plot

I think it’s almost a given that in most sci-fi settings, humanity is represented as a collection of greedy jerks, spoiling planets for our own personal gain. That’s how the original Dead Space came about in a way, as the Marker, the terrifying alien obelisk that created the Necromorphs, was found during “planet-cracking”, the method of stripping a world for resources. Since Dead Space 2 is inbound for a January 25 release (28 in Europe), the new, extended Excavations trailer catches us up on the background information series, complete with the requisite horror and gore that the series is known for.

As the first big release of 2011, Dead Space 2 will go a long way in setting the tone for what will be an excellent year for us gamers. With a new spine-chilling single player campaign and an added multiplayer mode, Dead Space 2 might just cause us to shout with joy…if anyone could hear you scream in space, that is. Is Dead Space 2 a must have for you, or a rental? Go!

Angry Birds to be Released on PSN Tomorrow

angry birds

Stuck with a dumb phone instead of a smart phone? I’m in the same boat and frankly, I am tired of hearing about Angry Birds, as I am sure the rest of you are. It’s probably just one of those stupid games that tweens like and…wazzat? It’s coming out on the PSN tomorrow as a Playstation Mini, which means you can play it on your PS3 or PSP? I’ve suddenly had a change of heart!

All kidding aside, I’ve heard so much about this game that I am quite excited to finally get a taste of what iPhone games are like, albeit translated through a console. I’ve played several other Playstation Minis and they are very enjoyable, good for small doses of gaming. I’m sure Angry Birds will fit right into that niche. Now I can go back and watch that skit from the VGA’s and understand it!

Is anyone else excited to get a chance to play this phenomenon? Any Angry Birds fans have tips for us newly angry birds?

Source: Playstation Blog

GamerSushi Asks: What Are Your Gaming Resolutions?

RDR Undead Nightmare

Happy new year, folks. Yesterday marked the first day of the brand new year. Surprisingly, this blue and green ball keeps spinning along through space, un-attacked by alien oppressors. One day, though, this will happen. I have foreseen it in the moving cinema pictures.

Anyway, now that the holiday season is largely over, how did your gaming go? What games have you been playing? For me, I’ve been knocking out quite a few games. I started with Forgotten Sands, then moved onto Enslaved, and now I’m playing Undead Nightmare and lots of NBA 2K11. One of my resolutions this year is to just enjoy more books and games, getting a healthy dose of each one of those every week. Something called Web Zeroes and writing a couple of books got in the way last year, but I won’t let that happen this year.

So what about you guys? Do you have any resolutions or gaming related goals you’ve set for this year? Any non-gaming ones? Go!