It’s Super Bowl Sunday, so naturally that means it’s practically a holiday weekend here in the You Ess of Ay. Everyone gathers around the pigskin shrine to worship the gods of beer, brutality and testosterone. These gods require ritual sacrifices of meat and snack foods, apparently.
Regardless of your religious affiliation this weekend (go Steelers), one thing I’m sure we can all agree on is that many video games have been played. As for me, I’ve been tearing through Gran Turismo 5 like a mad man in the past week, with some 999 on the side as well as Game Dev Story. Up next after I’m done with these games are Little Big Planet 2 and another game I’ve had my eye on: Magicka. If you’re unaware, Magicka is a Diablo style adventure game that you can purchase on Steam, where several players battle together to link magic spells and decimate droves of enemies. It sounds like a blast, and is getting a lot of praise.
So, what are you guys playing this weekend? Who do you have in the Super Bowl? And have you heard of Magicka? Go, go, go (Packers)!
Ah american football. No matter how many films I watch involving it as a major plot point I still don’t get it. Ah well.
I’ve been playing Mass Effect 2 to completion (I wonder how Jeff’s getting on?) and had my whole squad survived. Fuck yes! Also, Miranda + Engine Room = Fuck yes too!… accidental pun *ahem*.
Anyhoo, I got a lend of Ass Bro and MoH so they’re getting a little attention. Or at least they were until the Killzone 3 Beta finished downloading. Can I just say that Operations may be my favourite game mode EVER!? I can’t wait for it to come out and (hopefully) play it with my friends. Is anyone here contemplating getting it? It would be nice to have a GamerSushi squad. We could be the Sushi Squad! Wait… no, NO, bad acronym, BAD! *ahem*
Is another moderator messing with your post? Or are you rooting for both teams? Packers for me, and I’ll be doing something else during the halftime show, thank you very much. Maybe continuing with my LBP2 level that hopefully gets more plays than my first level in the first game. Or maybe I’ll be playing No More Heroes 2, which I just started this weekend and is awesome! But really I’ll be grading my high school students’ English midterms, which is not as fun. At least I have some scotch to help me along.
And I have heard of Magicka, but sadly my computer can’t handle anything anymore. Too bad, too, because that game looks pretty cool.
PS – I was in Best Buy today and thought of 999 randomly, based on your constant praise. They didn’t have it there, though! I’ll get in on Amazon, I guess.
PPS – Touchdown Green Bay!!
I’ve been trying to get through Dead Space with out pausing every ten minutes and also a little Team Fortress 2 here and there. And I also heard that Magika is broken but the developers are releasing pretty constant updates for it and that it can be an extreme amount of fun once you get the awkward controls down. So yeah.
[quote comment=”15462″]MAGIKA IS HARD AND BROKEN.[/quote]
That’s what she said.
I just finished Dragon Quest IX and am now working on Shadow Complex. Yes, I’m late. Sue me.
Bout to hit up reach again. Im also delving into AC2 Brotherhood
Magicka is awesome up until the end area’s, when mobs are extremely resilent and can overwelm/one shot you (lookin at you Yeti’s and Dwarf Shammies!). The controls are crazy just because of so many combinations available. It’s like playing the old mortal kombat’s, trying to do all the different combos every second.
My favorite was using lightning bolt which one shotted most creatures…and accidentaly one shotted Mitch sometimes too lol.
Now that I’m not raging about one-hit Yetis, I can sum up my thoughts on Magika.
It’s a really really cool idea, and being able to cast complex spells is something that can only be done on the PC. You can make thunderbolts, wild fire, summon the dead (and Death), and mix spells into powerful beams. You can also “cross the streams” with two spells of an adversarial type (say frost and fire) and make a huge explosion.
The story is nonsensical, and it’s pretty much Pop Culture References: With Magic! There’s Star Wars references (chapters 4-6 have Star Wars names) Star Trek references (KHAAAAAANNN!!!!) and BttF references. It’s really funny at first, but it does tend to go a bit over board at times. The King tossing the warlock shooting purple lightning down a sewer drain was really funny, though. It even pokes fun at that really old skiing game where you would go off of rainbow colored jumps and get eaten by yetis.
The game is a technical mess, though. Co-op is cool, but at several points, mine and The Nage’s game were showing two different things. Boss fights would bug out, and the game just plain crashed a few times. I hope the developers are getting patches out like wse11 said, because they’ve got a cool property on their hands.
I just found out they have released 8 updates since January 24. Here is the proof so you can not call me a liar:
Nice find. I didn’t mean to disparage your claim, but it seems to me that the developers have more work to do to balance the game and iron it out. Good thing it was only ten dollars (actually, less than that because of the exchange rate).
I’ve been playing NBA 2k11 for the past 2 weeks or so and might try to play the dead space 2 demo but like Eddy i would probably turn my head and cover my ear for most of it.
[quote comment=”15474″]Nice find. I didn’t mean to disparage your claim, but it seems to me that the developers have more work to do to balance the game and iron it out. Good thing it was only ten dollars (actually, less than that because of the exchange rate).[/quote]
I did not mean it like that i just wanted to show some proof and make sure I knew what i was talking about.
[quote comment=”15480″]I’ve been playing NBA 2k11 for the past 2 weeks or so and might try to play the dead space 2 demo but like Eddy i would probably turn my head and cover my ear for most of it.[/quote]
Nice! What do you think of NBA 2K11? I really do think it’s one of the better sports games I’ve ever played. Now that I say that, I should probably get a review of it up, eh?