Sony Committed to 10 Year Console Cycle

Playstation 4Something that we’ve discussed on GamerSushi quite a bit for the last year or so is the collective desire to keep the “next generation” talk as far away from this generation as possible. As much as I love the thought of upgraded games, I like the idea of enjoying the current generation even more, especially because I feel like this generation is only recently hitting its stride. Every year around E3, I dread that one of the big three is going to be the first to drop a new console on us, and I watch the press conferences with fear and trembling.

However, it seems that Sony won’t be doing that to us any time soon. In a recent interview, Sony Computer Entertainment big wig Kaz Hirai again stated Sony’s intentions to see that the PS3 has a long and healthy life. Here are some quotes for your enjoyment:

“As regards home consoles, the PS3 was put into business in 2006, and it has a 10 year life cycle… This means that we aren’t even at the halfway point. There are certainly many more desirable first and third party titles coming out. As we announce and implement new initiatives on an annual basis, I still believe in the importance of improving the software and feature set of the PS3. I think the value of the PS3 will continue to rise. Because of this, a near-future PS4 or next-generation home console is not something that we are even debating now. That is to say, we are still concentrating fully upon the PS3.”

Even though the dude could be lying through his Ridge-Racer-loving-teeth, this brings me some comfort. The idea of just enjoying our consoles until 2015 or so is a pleasant one, at least for me.

So what do you guys think? Are you happy that we’re far away from a PS4, XBox (Insert Number) and Nintendo (Virtual Reality Machine)?

Source – Eurogamer

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

8 thoughts on “Sony Committed to 10 Year Console Cycle”

  1. I giggled and imagined PC’s in 2015 vs a PS3…

    Either it means PC gamers will get shittier and shittier ports of old-looking games, or PS3 won’t be able to run ours… GUESS WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?!?!?!?!

    I like the idea of longer cycles, maybe it will mean cheaper parts / less need for upgrades for PC enthusiasts?

  2. I agree with what Julez is saying, consoles are pretty much in line with the average gaming computer, and as new and exclusive parts are made (huge cpus, craploads of ram, some video card that is just a picture of a high res photo), the games being made will want to be at the highest technology. Which will mean more PC based games, and then Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo will want in and make improved consoles.

  3. [quote comment=”15592″]I giggled and imagined PC’s in 2015 vs a PS3…

    Either it means PC gamers will get shittier and shittier ports of old-looking games, or PS3 won’t be able to run ours… GUESS WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?!?!?!?!

    I like the idea of longer cycles, maybe it will mean cheaper parts / less need for upgrades for PC enthusiasts?[/quote]

    Considering PC games are more likely to get canceled in favor of console versions…I wouldn’t get too giddy,lol

  4. What is the average generational lifespan, like 9-11 years? I say we’ve got another two or three years at best. Technology is fast. It doesn’t like to wait. The 3DS is (imo) foreshadowing the next generation, kind of like it did when the DS was announced back in ’04. Nintendo’s portables kind of foreshadow the next generation, from what I can see.

  5. I’m very glad to hear this. Games look shiny enough now and there’s enough room for them to get even shinier since devs have now got their heads around consoles (even the PS3! Shocking!).
    As an example, Bioware’s port of Mass Effect 3 was as good as any 1st party title, ie. It ran damn well. I can’t really speak for the 360 since I still don’t have one, but Halo Reach was meant to be a huge improvement in terms of graphic fidelity and what the upgraded engine could accomplish.
    Basically, I’m confident the consoles have life in them.

  6. [quote comment=”15596″]What is the average generational lifespan, like 9-11 years? I say we’ve got another two or three years at best. Technology is fast. It doesn’t like to wait. The 3DS is (imo) foreshadowing the next generation, kind of like it did when the DS was announced back in ’04. Nintendo’s portables kind of foreshadow the next generation, from what I can see.[/quote]

    More like 4-5.

  7. Just remember that technically the PS2 is still in its cycle, because it is still in production and still is sold. Just because the PS3 might have a 10 year cycle doesn’t mean it won’t have a successor before then.

  8. [quote comment=”15595″]
    Considering PC games are more likely to get canceled in favor of console versions…I wouldn’t get too giddy,lol[/quote]

    I know Anthony, that’s what I was getting at. I’m not too worried about it, even though I’ve got a beast of a machine, most of my gaming time goes to CS 1.6 and I still run it at 800×600 !

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