Here at GamerSushi, we try to stay above the fray and out of the trenches of the massive fanboy flame wars currently raging all across the vast plains of cyberspace. That’s not to say that we don’t have our own preferences about systems and games and such, but I think we all truly wish success for all of the platforms. Except for the Kinect. And no amount of fervor can help the PSP. But I digress…
Sadly, we are the vast minority, our cries for equality and fairness bludgeoned by the maces of Microsoft fanboys, severed by the Sony swordsmen and bullied by the noogies of Nintendo nuts. Oh, and punctured by the PC polearms. Whew. Had to stretch that one out a bit. Anyhoo, I know we all have that one segment of the gamer population that just grates our nerves, so I thought I would take a poll and find out who is the biggest offender.
Please elaborate in the comments, but try to be respectful. We’re all friends here and just because someone likes something more than you do doesn’t make them evil. Just misguided!

Most of your readers are mainly xbox so this should be interesting.(mainly pc myself)
<- PC Gamer. Consoles in general annoy me 😛 I could say why, but why raise the hate in the poll?
I chose Microsoft fanboys. You have to be pretty loco to defend a company that cares so little about their hardware.
How could you forget COD fanboys….soooo annoying
Ill tell you who I think sucks the most. PC, hands-down.
Why? Im sure we have them here on GS. An xbox and sony fanboy may tear at each others throats with banter and arguments. The nintendo fanboy will loose interest and just go play zelda then go off with their DS and leave you alone. But the PC…What does the PC always do? He takes a proverbial dump on EVERYONE. Why? Its not a PC. He is elitest, he is the gaming GOD. He games how gaming was ‘meant to be’. He is better than you, always will be, and would go 25-0 and nuke you into submission if he played you on COD.
Here is what they think:
and this (NSFW Language in Image)
And thats why I think PC is the worst. They are better than you, no matter what. And oh boy, do THEY know it.
Also for your enjoyment. Types of gamers by GameRadar:
I said all of them. Why can’t we all just get along? 🙁
I agree with Sean, but I’ve had the worst experiences over the interwebz with Sony fanboys. I think it’s probably because they do stupid things like say Halo is mediocre or they hate on Mass Effect until they get it themselves (both traits that are common to any fanboy, however those are two of my favorite games so it irritates me the most). Also they always seem to be the loudest and most obnoxious, so they get my vote.
I voted all of them too. I play on a PC, but I just happen to be smarter and better than you, the two aren’t related XD.
I’m also surprised there wasn’t a general COD fanboy option, because I certainly would have picked that.
[quote comment=”15948″]I voted all of them too. I play on a PC, but I just happen to be smarter and better than you, the two aren’t related XD.
I’m also surprised there wasn’t a general COD fanboy option, because I certainly would have picked that.[/quote]
Well, then I would have to put a Halo fanboy and a Killzone fanboy and a Valve fanboy and Final Fantasy and Metal Gear Solid and Mario and Zelda and Gears and it would dilute things really fast,lol.
I have to say I am one of the four (at the moment) who voted “Nintendo Fanboys”. Probably because this is the only group I’ve had any “interaction” with. I posted something on Gamefaqs and I got blasted for my sig, which states simply: “PSN & XBL: doyourealize”. If I think hard, I can recall hearing crap from PC fanboys, too, but I guess I’m not really privy to most of these disputes…poor me.
If we’re continuing with game fanboys, I’ve had to suffer through hours of my friends talking about goddamn World of Warcraft, so that.
All equal. As supernovaforce said, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
A long time ago I was a member of the Sony Defence Force so I have to say I hate my former comrades in arms for pretty much the same reasons as Drell Assassin (Xbots are the same in terms of volume and obnoxiousness IMO, but I digress). This is primarily because I did the EXACT SAME THING with Bioshock as they did with ME2. Also I liked Halo in secret. No one on forums I frequented ever found out. What an idiot I was.
It was when I started going to GamerSushi I began to realise how much more fun talking about games was without the whole obnoxious racial and homophobic slurs being flung at each other. Granted some of us throw around the odd “WSAD” or “affordable machines” insults, but it always seems to be with good jest or at least looking at it from both perspectives.
Next time please do a specific game series fanboy article. I’m sure many of us FPS regulars have some things to get off our collective chest about CoD fanboys. Because of them, the old words like “teamwork”, “cover me while I plant/defuse the bomb” or “don’t worry, I’ll revive you” are as lost as many of the Dalish Elven words. Dareth Shiral. lol
[quote comment=”15952″]All equal. As supernovaforce said, “Why can’t we all just get along?”
A long time ago I was a member of the Sony Defence Force so I have to say I hate my former comrades in arms for pretty much the same reasons as Drell Assassin (Xbots are the same in terms of volume and obnoxiousness IMO, but I digress). This is primarily because I did the EXACT SAME THING with Bioshock as they did with ME2. Also I liked Halo in secret. No one on forums I frequented ever found out. What an idiot I was.
It was when I started going to GamerSushi I began to realise how much more fun talking about games was without the whole obnoxious racial and homophobic slurs being flung at each other. Granted some of us throw around the odd “WSAD” or “affordable machines” insults, but it always seems to be with good jest or at least looking at it from both perspectives.
Next time please do a specific game series fanboy article. I’m sure many of us FPS regulars have some things to get off our collective chest about CoD fanboys. Because of them, the old words like “teamwork”, “cover me while I plant/defuse the bomb” or “don’t worry, I’ll revive you” are as lost as many of the Dalish Elven words. Dareth Shiral. lol[/quote]
OMG….I can’t tell you how annoying playing Domination is when I am trying to capture a point and one of my asshat teammates runs past the flag to go shoot someone.
@ Anthony, that’s why I haven’t touched Blops since about January. BFBC2 has teammates which, compared to CoD players, look like they’re actively communicating to accomplish their goal. Sometimes. But still more frequently than CoD. However Battlefield isn’t everyone’s cup of tea so maybe I can’t suggest it as an alternative.
[quote comment=”15954″]@ Anthony, that’s why I haven’t touched Blops since about January. BFBC2 has teammates which, compared to CoD players, look like they’re actively communicating to accomplish their goal. Sometimes. But still more frequently than CoD. However Battlefield isn’t everyone’s cup of tea so maybe I can’t suggest it as an alternative.[/quote]
Yeah, it just didn’t do it for me.
The good news, after not playing Blops for about 2 weeks, I got on Saturday with my brother and we PWNED. Played TDM and we won 7 straight and finished in the top 2 everytime. It was amazing.
I my opinion i think PC is the best because i grew up with it. I’m not saying that all other consoles suck (except Wii, i hate that thing) but that all platforms have their Strengths and Weaknesses. I would list them but that would just be annoying. But if i had to choose just one type of fanboy it would be Microsoft, i have a couple friends who are like that and they can be really, really annoying.
Speaking as a PC fanboy, we can be some of the most obnoxious bastards to have at any gaming party. We’ll bash a lot of things about pretty much everything non-PC based, like how using the mouse is the only good way to place a first person shooter, how Halo is awful for a bunch of arbitrary reasons, how consoles are going to die out since they’re pretty much just becoming PCs and they’re cutting back more and more on the one strength most PC gamers see in consoles (which is split screen multiplayer, since a lot of games seems to be going strictly online now). I’m usually smart enough to keep my mouth shut since I know this is all about preference and I don’t like ruining other peoples’ fun, but when a bunch of PC gamers start ranting, it tends to set the rest off as well.
As bad as I perceive my own kind to be though, the most really obnoxious people I find are the Microsoft fanboys. Where I live they’re like something out of a cartoon. They ingest nothing but Mountain Dew and Pizza, speak in internet lingo, stand up when they’re playing and crouch down when their ingame character t-bags a fallen opponent, and more than one of them have had kidney stones before they turned 18. They’re the douchy frat guys of gaming and they seem to ruin every other lan party I’ve been to by plugging their 360’s into every TV screen in the house and then playing Halo: Reach while nobody else can really butt in.
I would have selected the option that all of them are as bad as eachother, but I really haven’t suffered any grief at the hands of Nintendo fanboys or Sony fanboys (I didn’t really know that there were any until this thread, I must live in a strange part of the world), so I voted Microsoft fanboys. PC fanboys would probably be a close second, since I am self-aware of how obnoxious we can be.
Consoles are holding back gaming both in terms of graphics and…Graphics!! Micro$oft is paying you to get good reviews! $ony has no good games and crappy graphics, Red Dead had WAY better graphics on Xbox btw I’m just saying! and PC’s cost over 9000!!!
yeah they all suck equally
they all suck pretty bad, but id say i lean towards PC’s being a little more annoying because of the elitism. I used to be a PC elitist and then i played some consoles… they’re both great. So why cause discord?
[quote comment=”15955″][quote comment=”15954″]@ Anthony, that’s why I haven’t touched Blops since about January. BFBC2 has teammates which, compared to CoD players, look like they’re actively communicating to accomplish their goal. Sometimes. But still more frequently than CoD. However Battlefield isn’t everyone’s cup of tea so maybe I can’t suggest it as an alternative.[/quote]
Yeah, it just didn’t do it for me.
The good news, after not playing Blops for about 2 weeks, I got on Saturday with my brother and we PWNED. Played TDM and we won 7 straight and finished in the top 2 everytime. It was amazing.[/quote]
Anthony, can I snag your gamertag from you sometime? Im a regular player of COD BO since my MW2 buddy deployed. WOuld be nice to have the GS mods tags too.
[quote comment=”15965″][quote comment=”15955″][quote comment=”15954″]@ Anthony, that’s why I haven’t touched Blops since about January. BFBC2 has teammates which, compared to CoD players, look like they’re actively communicating to accomplish their goal. Sometimes. But still more frequently than CoD. However Battlefield isn’t everyone’s cup of tea so maybe I can’t suggest it as an alternative.[/quote]
Yeah, it just didn’t do it for me.
The good news, after not playing Blops for about 2 weeks, I got on Saturday with my brother and we PWNED. Played TDM and we won 7 straight and finished in the top 2 everytime. It was amazing.[/quote]
Anthony, can I snag your gamertag from you sometime? Im a regular player of COD BO since my MW2 buddy deployed. WOuld be nice to have the GS mods tags too.[/quote]
I only have it for the PS3, but I am Starkiller81 on PSN and Edgewalker81 on Xbox LIve