It’s the temptation all gamers know, deep in their hearts: the desire to ditch all responsibilities and do nothing but revel in the glow of a great game. I think we’ve all been there from time to time (some of us more so than others). In reality, sometimes it’s just easier to sink a whole day into a title, rather than just knocking out little bits of it at a time, even if it’s at the expense of “real life”.
I got to thinking about this topic after our most recent podcast, where we posed the same question in regards to gaming binges and this fall’s releases. I’m actually fairly happy about the Mass Effect 3 delay, because that was a day I was probably going to request off from work. Now that that’s not happening, I’m thinking of taking a vacation day for either Uncharted 3 or Skyrim. Luckily, I’ve still got time to make my decision.
What about you guys? What games have made you take a day off from responsibilities before? What games would you consider doing the same for this fall? Go!
Dragon Age 2 caused some clashes with coursework as did BFBC2 when it came out. Worth every late night and bit of stress just to play them.
I try not to allow entertainment get in the way of my studies. But, since I am a chronic procrastinator, I just seem to get to play my games whenever I want 😀
Mass Effect I have skipped and will skip again for without a doubt, and Halo always. Oh and Gears. Lol pretty much any entries into any series I love.
I think I’ve told this story here before, but back in 8th or 9th grade I pretended to be sick one day to stay home and play CS. Turns out my best friend irl did the same thing. We gamed it hard for probably 6 or 8 hours that day and it was hilarious. One of my favourite gaming moments for sure.
I will definitely skimp on some work when Deus Ex 3 comes out in August, which is our busiest time of year!
[quote comment=”16565″]Dragon Age 2 caused some clashes with coursework as did BFBC2 when it came out. Worth every late night and bit of stress just to play them.[/quote]
Dragon Age 2…really?…. No offence but, this game was a disaster -_-.
On Topic: I skipped college today to play The Wither 2. This game is AMAZING!
I got the Witcher 2 pre-downloaded on my birthday last Monday and took Tuesday off to play it all day. so far it is incredible. A huge improvement over the first one.
Thankfully Mass Effect 2 came out while I was on summer break from uni, so it was no big deal that I basically became a hermit for the first 3 days. And with any luck I will finish uni at the end of this year, so by the time ME3 is released I should be free of all obligations – unless I’ve found a full time job by then… That would suck
@ awesome_ninja
I actually really enjoyed it. I even stayed up quite late on a school night to finish it. I still prefer Origins, but 2 was still (in my opinion) a very good game. Certainly it could have used another few months of development but at least now they can learn from their mistakes.
On your comment: The Witcher games are the main reason I’m getting a job over summer to save money for a good laptop that can run it. They just look SO awesome and the Dragon Age games rekindled my love of fantasy. I’m sure I’ll be skipping plenty of things to play it when I get my laptop! : )
Minecraft rally ruined the productivity of my life.
It just got so addicting and i couldn’t stop.
Built a Farm
Build a Train Line
Find Diamonds
Explore the world
Flew an airplane
Scuba Tanked
And ETC.
Not a Good idea to buy Minecraft before SATs
When I was rooming with a friend for a while, we used to skip (him as a PE teacher and me as a college student) to play multiplayer games we were particularly into. Namely Baldur’s Gate 2, X-Men:Legends, LoZ:The Four Swords, and FF:Crystal Chronicles.
The latter two, by the way, had an excellent feature that allowed you to use your Game Boy Advances as controllers for your GameCube; a feature that I think got (unfortunately) lost, but was nonetheless extremely fun.
@powen: Try as I might, I just can’t get into Minecraft. I really feel like I’m missing out on something, though. Maybe I just need an uninterrupted 8 hour gameplay. Unfortunately, those rarely happen anymore.
@awesome_ninja: Do you have a souped up PC to play Witcher 2? I just got a new PC and there’s nothing special in it, but just wondering if it would play alright with a factory graphics card, etc.
Oh man, back in college I skipped all sorts of work, class, etc. for gaming. So much so that I bombed my freshman physics class, not because I didn’t know the material, but because I never even knew they occasionally had an in-class attendance/quiz thing. Nowadays, it’s pretty rare for me to stay home just to do some gaming, but every once in a while I get burned out and take a mental health day, which usually involves a few hours of play. Skyrim might be enough to tempt me into delinquency, though.
[quote comment=”16574″]
@powen: Try as I might, I just can’t get into Minecraft. I really feel like I’m missing out on something, though. Maybe I just need an uninterrupted 8 hour gameplay. Unfortunately, those rarely happen anymore.
It was confusing at first because I couldn’t figure out how to play. Yet it would seem to me once i accomplished something huge, i just wanted to keep on going to do something bigger and better.
It may be just that I loved Legos as a kid.