GamerSushi Game Night: StarCraft 2

gamersushi game night starcraft 2

It’s been a long time coming, but the GamerSushi staff are finally ready for another game night. The last official one we had was in Halo 3, with a few random Halo: Reach sessions when that dropped. Now that Eddy has built his new PC, we’ve decided that the time is ripe to have another GamerSushi Game Night.

This time around we’re going with StarCraft 2, so you PC gamers will finally get a chance to trash us. Nick may put up a fight, but Eddy and I will basically roll over and die as soon as you start harassing our mineral lines (seriously though, don’t do that).

While we still need to nail down a specific date (it will be sooner rather than later, don’t worry), what we need you guys to do is put your Character ID below and give us an indication of what time works best for you. Obviously, with the time differences, it’s going to be hard to get it perfect, but we’ll give it our best shot. Much like Halo 3, we’ll probably do this a couple of times to ensure that you’ve had your fill of beating the crap out of us.

Sign up below so we can get an idea of how many people will be participating and we’ll go from there!

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Written by Twitter: @mi7ch Gamertag: Lubeius PSN ID: Lubeius SteamID: Mister_L Origin/EA:Lube182 Currently Playing: PUBG, Rainbow 6: Siege, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Total War: Warhammer 2

23 thoughts on “GamerSushi Game Night: StarCraft 2”

  1. guh grrr… disappointment… What is wrong with some nice friendly TF2, or hell, even the original, not as user friendly, Starcraft? Sorry but I won’t be able to join you guys for this… unless I find a nice discount on SC2 anytime soon.

  2. Are you guys going to record this and put it up on the sight, because i believe it would be a hell of a watch, unfortunately i dont have starcraft 2 sorry guys.

  3. Unfortunately I won’t be able to join you guys, I don’t have SC2 at the moment. I’ll have to get it now.

    However, I hope you guys continue this with other games, I’d love the opportunity to play with you guys in TF2, CS, or whatever else you guys like. 🙂

  4. Also can’t/won’t play SC2, But I WILL reinstall TF2 to play with you guys. I’m not afraid of being garbage. I also got CS:S the other day for 4.99 so that’s okay. At least I’ll be wandering into your territory then!

  5. I think the general consensus, ie just me, Julez and Apollo, is that the game being played should be switched to TF2 or CS:S…

  6. Hideinbush 834.
    I will also be a roll over. Seems full circle, it was your review and that video of ‘star battles’ you put up that helped me decide to buy the game.

  7. Gotta say, the prospect of playing CS:S with Eddy and Nick is about enough to make me piss my pants with excitement. Seeing as how I dont have a new gaming computer, I’ll have to sit this one out if it’s SC2 🙁

    1. No worries, we’ll try and do CSS or TF2 another night. We just really wanted to do a small game of SC2 if community members wanted in.

      For future reference – do any of you guys own servers where we could play CSS/TF2?

  8. Hm.. I normally play on the EU server, but I’ll try to get my hands on a trial pass for NA.

  9. IIbrookII 808

    Tue-Thur and Sundays any time would be the best for me. I’m in the Centeral time zone if that helps at all.

    I’m super stoked for this. Great idea guys!

    I would also love to join in on the CSS action.

  10. Well this event had just pushed me over the edge to buying this game. Hopefully it arrives at my house prior to when this is going down.

  11. @Muaddib

    Sorry this is random but my brain finally started working. Did you play CS 1.6 today in MEAN’s server? I saw the handle and was scratching my head as to why it sounded so familiar and checked my friend’s list but just couldn’t figure it out. I think it’s a unique enough name to ask you here [sorry admins!].

  12. I haven’t played any version of CS for at least a year, uninstalled them actually, so it definitely was not me.

  13. Looks like we’ve got 9 dudes that want in, including Muaddib. I’m thinking a Sunday night would work well for everyone, from the sounds of it. We’ll talk it over and have Nick plan out the evening.

  14. [quote comment=”17151″][quote comment=”17150″]Looks like we’ve got 9 dudes that want in[/quote]

    Said that, she did.[/quote]

    Well played, good sir.

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