It is Friday today, faithful readers and I hope you are having fun, fun, fun, fun and looking forward to the weekend. As I have no career per say right now (except for my first year of college starting in September), I’ve kind of lost my appreciation for the end of the work week, but I still recognize the need to unwind. Now that I’ve completed my roundabout intro, I’d like to present you with the newest short from Corridor Digital, a couple of YouTube videomens similar to Freddy Wong. Their newest video offers up a neat interpretation of a game we all know and love, Team Fortress 2. It’s just a ridiculous as you’d expect it to be, but that’s half of the fun.
These are the same guys that made Minecraft: The Last Minecart in case you were wondering. What did you guys think of their latest video-game themed outing?
A spy and a sniper working together? Blasphemy!
These guys are fantastic, they make so much cool stuff.
That’s so cool. What’s funny was that today (well yesterday, since I’m writing this at about 0:55 GMT) I was at an anime convention and there were a few TF2 cosplayers. I asked two guys dressed as (you guessed it!) The Spy and The Sniper to pose for a picture with The Spy knifing The Sniper. Great guys. They were BLU though unlike in the video. The only RED was a Medic. There was a lot of “MEEEEEEEDIC!”, “DOC!” and “DOKTOR!”‘s everywhere she went lol (I was guilty of a Heavy’s cry of “MEEEEEEEDIC” FTR, lol).