In my misspent youth, I was a huge wrestling fan. To this day, I can name who held the WWE title starting with Bob Backlund all the way up to when Stone Cold Steve Austin won it. After that, it changed hands every other week and I couldn’t keep up anymore. I stopped watching in 2000, but have recently started again. So naturally, like any nerd, I’ve been wanting to play a wrestling video game.
Thankfully, THQ has been working on a brand new revamp of their WWE franchise, now called WWE ’12. Judging from the video below, which showcases a full match with commentary from the developers, it looks like it’s going to be pretty special. Barring horrible reviews, I am almost guaranteed to pick this one. So hit the video below and take a look at CM Punk (yay!) vs. John Cena (boo!).
[youtube width=”500″ height=”310″][/youtube]
What do you think? Anyone play the Raw vs. Smackdown games? Does this look like an improvement to you? Do you smell what THQ is cookin? Can I be anymore of a dork? GO!
Still waiting for Nintendo to release a revamp of Pro Wrestling. The Amazon was awesome.
When the WWE All Stars game came out a while back with the cartoony graphics I remember saying that if it had a special “horde” mode where you got to be Andre the Giant tossing fools out of the ring in some 70s Japanese stadium, I’d run out and buy it immediately.
Wrestlemania 2000 is still one of the most fun multiplayer experiences I’ve ever had.
I personally never liked wrestling, especially when I was old enough to understand it was fake. But I always wondered what would happen if during the title fight the guy who is supposed to throw it, just destroys the other guy.
also with wrestling games they always seemed too slow for me and my twitch instincts.
(Eddy Edit: Removing the off-topic portion of this. In the future, use our tips@gamersushi e-mail address if you want to inform us of stories, or our Facebook wall.)
[quote comment=”17426″]I personally never liked wrestling, especially when I was old enough to understand it was fake. But I always wondered what would happen if during the title fight the guy who is supposed to throw it, just destroys the other guy.
also with wrestling games they always seemed too slow for me and my twitch instincts.
(Eddy Edit: Removing the off-topic portion of this. In the future, use our tips@gamersushi e-mail address if you want to inform us of stories, or our Facebook wall.)[/quote]
That guy would likely be fired afterwards. One of the things that wrestlers must do, is never refuse to do a job (lose). After all, someone agreed to lose to make you the champ, so you have to return the favor.