So March is over and with it goes Mass Effect 3. Hopefully all the controversy will be left in the dust, as well. All I know is if a game in April has a crappy ending, I don’t want to know about it. Keep it to yourself, please.
It’s a varied and interesting line-up this month. HD collections, long-awaited Japanese imports and PC ports, oh my! For myself, it’s another month of RPGs, as Xenoblade Chronicles and The Witcher 2 for Xbox 360 are already pre-ordered. I’m just waiting for the release dates to plop my money down and start grinding. Which reminds me that this has been a strong year for RPGs so far. We’ve already had Final Fantasy XIII-2 and Mass Effect 3 (It is an RPG, despite the claims of the haters) and now these two gems are hitting the shelves. I’m in heaven.
What games of April are you most looking forward to? One of the RPGs? Or the under-the-radar Prototype 2? Vote below and tell us why in the comments! If I left a game out that you are craving, please let me know below, as well. VOTE NOW!
I’m so excited for Witcher 2 Enhanced Edition. The fact that I finished Witcher 2 a month and a half ago and I’m already dying to play it again is a testament to how great it is.
I’ve never played the Witcher, but I think I will dive into that world with the Witcher 2 release. I’m not sure if I’m an idiot or not for thinking about skipping the first game. Anyone that has played it care to tell me if I am or not?
[quote comment=”18987″]I’ve never played the Witcher, but I think I will dive into that world with the Witcher 2 release. I’m not sure if I’m an idiot or not for thinking about skipping the first game. Anyone that has played it care to tell me if I am or not?[/quote]
The pacing in the first game is out of whack, and the combat is very lackluster. I quit about 24 hours in, and it’s like an 80 hour game. I would just read a detailed synopsis of it online, and then play the second, which is a 30 hour well oiled machine. Witcher 2 will throw a lot of story things at you at first, so I would recommend every time you complete an object take a look at your journal and read the very well written story updates. Helps a lot.
Fortunately, they just released an animated thing that recaps the story of the first game. Yay for me!
April releases?
I’m most looking forward to finally getting my hands on Fez this month (April 13th!). Been waiting on pins and needles for that one for a long time now, hope it lives up to my rather inflated expectations. Xenoblade makes my list as well, though it will have to wait until I clear out some of my RPG glut.
[quote comment=”18987″]I’ve never played the Witcher, but I think I will dive into that world with the Witcher 2 release. I’m not sure if I’m an idiot or not for thinking about skipping the first game. Anyone that has played it care to tell me if I am or not?[/quote]
I really enjoyed the first Witcher. Thought it was a great game. You could probably pick it up cheap on Steam (I think its around $10), give it a go and that might give you a better idea if it’s your type of game or whether you’re okay with missing the first. I would give it a try if it’s cheap – you might be pleasantly surprised.
Personally, April doesn’t get me too excited, other than the Witcher 2. However, between spending time with family, prepping for a second kid on the way and slowly chipping away at my current backlog, it’ll probably be late Summer/early Fall by the time I get around to Witcher 2.
[quote comment=”18992″]Fortunately, they just released an animated thing that recaps the story of the first game. Yay for me!
Nice find Eddy! Thanks for posting that, I’ll send it to my friends who are looking to pick up the Witcher 2.
Since both of the exciting titles are games I’ve already played (The Witcher 2 and Xenoblade Chronicles), I’m going to have to agree with Mitch here. Although the enhanced version of The Witcher 2 is kind of exciting.
[quote comment=”18992″]Fortunately, they just released an animated thing that recaps the story of the first game. Yay for me!
Nice find, Eddy!