It’s already June, Sushians, and you know what that means: another installment of What Are You Playing, the recurring post where you get to tell us what currently occupies your PC or console and what you think of it.
May saw a couple big releases, namely Max Payne 3 and Diablo 3, but given that we’re also in somewhat of a draught from now unti September, this is also a good time to catch up on your backlog.
Personally, I’ve been getting back into Battlefield 3 a whole bunch, especially since it’s just had another huge patch which has fixed some of the glitches that the last patch brought on and has tweaked some things that needed it, like suppression and a number of weapons. It’s nice that DICE is committed to upkeep on their game, but this just shows how unprepared Battlefield 3 was when it launched in October of last year. The game has changed in a lot of fundamental ways and I expect it will continue to do so with all the DLC coming out over the next year.
Enough about me though, what are you guys playing? Something new, or maybe catching up on the backlog?
I’ve recently been playing Skyrim and making a lot of progress. I’ve also just completed the GTA IV DLC Ballad of Gay Tony, which I really enjoyed, and I’ve completed the campaign in Max Payne 3, a fairly enjoyable game in my opinion. Something else is that I’ve been playing Diablo II, very fun.
Plenty of Skyrim. Playing it on PC with mods is so much more fun than on PS3. I’m still hunting down the remaining Riddler trophies in Arkham City (and I’m still finding new things to do in it). FFXIII (trying to chip away at it bit by bit), Medieval 2 Total War and League of Legends. I had a two week break from LoL and now I’m out of practice. That or else top lane has become even more dangerous since my absence. ¬_¬
I’m dancing around on games lately. Minecraft, Diablo, Saints Row 3, and lots of Ghost Recon, but I want to get back into Battlefield 3 and SWTOR. Where I will find the time for all of that, I have no idea.
I’ve been skirting back and forth between Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer, which is still holding up well and very fun to play, and just recently finish a playthrough of Sniper Elite V2, which turned out to be a little gem of a game as I bought it on a whim, out of sheer want of something different and new to play. So definitely check that out if you’re intrigued by it. Kind of nice to return to the WWII era again with all these modern day war titles.
I’m about 6 – 8 hours into Max Payne, and although they’ve fixed some major issues (-nomouseaccel command line comes to mind…), there are still some HUGE problems that aren’t really “problems” to people who are so used to modern games. I’m mostly talking about Check points instead of Quick Saves and a mother f$*#&ing cut scene after every 10 or 15 seconds of gameplay – and that’s not even an exaggeration…
But, the story is pretty interesting so far.
Also, I got a CS:GO Beta key so I’ve been spending way more time in that than anything else. I’ve run into many of the same people out there, so if any of you have a key and see [MEAN] Julez, well that’s me ;).
A 3rd playthrough of Fallout 3 + Minecraft + cs 1.6 in between, as usual!
I just got done with Batman: Arkham City. I don’t know how much you all discussed it, but I was kinda disappointed with the ending. It was too abrupt and misplaced. It probably also cements the idea that rocksteady is done with the Arkham franchise.
Despite that, holy crap that game is great. I honestly felt like Batman when I was playing it. The game really encourages you to try new tactics. It also fills the void that used to be satisfied by Splinter Cell.
[quote comment=”19489″]I just got done with Batman: Arkham City. I don’t know how much you all discussed it, but I was kinda disappointed with the ending. It was too abrupt and misplaced. It probably also cements the idea that rocksteady is done with the Arkham franchise.
Despite that, holy crap that game is great. I honestly felt like Batman when I was playing it. The game really encourages you to try new tactics. It also fills the void that used to be satisfied by Splinter Cell.[/quote]
Blasphemy, the ending was the best part! And if you play the side missions, there are multiple seeds they planted for a sequel.
Bit of Batman Arkham City, finally. I only bought it 6 months ago, but I’m finally getting around to playing it. So far its pretty good, but I think I’m going to end up prefering Asylum. I don’t know, somethings just not clicking for me.
I’m also playing Aquaria on Steam. I’m not far in, but its basically an underwater Metroid style exploration game. Got some gorgeous music too, so its already halfway to winning me over
I’ve been getting back into Rome: Total War lately, while also going back to Gears of War III and GTA IV. I bought both GTA IV DLCs a while back but have only played Lost and Damned so far, so I might power through those. I also played some Counter Strike: Source last night for the first time in a while.
I’ve had to take a couple weeks off, due to it being the end of the school year and my grading stack is sky high, but I plan on returning to Arkham City as soon as I can. Just started really getting into that game before I had to take a break. And hopefully pick up Portal 2 co-op, though I haven’t talked to my partner in weeks, so he may have broken up with me. Lastly, I’m going to need to check out Lollipop Chainsaw. It could be exactly what I need in a game right now, like Shadows of the Damned was when it came out.