Back again after taking the month of June off, it’s time for our monthly poll where you tell us what upcoming release you are most looking forward to. June had a game or two, but it was quiet for the most part. With all the E3 hoopla, who has time to actually release a game, making June a good month to work on the old backlog.
Sadly, July isn’t much better. There are a few good games coming out, but most of it is for the niche crowd, such as JRPG fans and college football fans. Nothing wrong with that, as I am (Shocker!) apart of both demographics, but it looks like July will be another month to chew my way through The Witcher 2. Although The Last Story is something I plan on getting, it comes out at the end of the month. And that Final Fantasy music game for the 3DS is tempting ,e to buy a 3DS. Grr. I take it back. This is a good month for some games.
So hit the poll and hit the comments and let us know what July release you are looking forward to playing!

Looks like a good ol’ backlog month. I feel the need to let everyone know that they need to check out Spec Ops: The Line. While it’s gameplay is for the most part typical third person shooter affair, the story is absolutely fantastic and it really nails its modern Apocalypse Now theme. For the sake of this comment already being a little off topic I won’t keep going, but I couldn’t recommend it enough. Also, thank you Anthony for being the first of the Gamersushi staff to finally sink their teeth into Witcher 2.
Had to flip a coin for the poll. But football wins out over jrpgs today.
I’ve been playing the demo for Theatrhythm:FF and it’s great fun so I plan on getting it asap.
Drell, I played the demo of Spec Ops and I must say I was rather impressed. The gameplay was fine (nothing new, just done very well). The dialogue between your squad was incredibly well written I thought. It’s good to hear some recommendations for it as the reviews seem to vary wildly. It’s £30 on Steam, but I’m not sure if the campaign is long enough to justify it or if there’s any replay value. Can you help me decide, Drell? 🙂
Also, as soon as I complete The Witcher, I’m getting the second one.
[quote comment=”19599″]I’ve been playing the demo for Theatrhythm:FF and it’s great fun so I plan on getting it asap.
Drell, I played the demo of Spec Ops and I must say I was rather impressed. The gameplay was fine (nothing new, just done very well). The dialogue between your squad was incredibly well written I thought. It’s good to hear some recommendations for it as the reviews seem to vary wildly. It’s £30 on Steam, but I’m not sure if the campaign is long enough to justify it or if there’s any replay value. Can you help me decide, Drell? 🙂
Also, as soon as I complete The Witcher, I’m getting the second one.[/quote]
Absolutely Skuba. I played it on Steam as well, so I could see that my playtime for the campaign was clocked in at 8 hours (which felt like the perfect length) as soon as I was done with it. I won’t go into too much details with the story because that would ruin the fun, but I’ll give you (and hopefully anyone else who’s interested) reason to play it.
The demo began at the beginning of the game, and you can see it starts out like a normal military shooter. You’re given an objective, you have a wisecracking squadmate, and you got the typical squad banter that you would expect. That doesn’t last. As the game progresses, the different morals and personalities of you and your squadmates clash, and with the craziness that happens, the wisecracking goes out the window real fast. These changes aren’t just noticeable in cutscenes. For example, at the beginning of the game, when you order your squadmates to take out an enemy, your character might say “Take him out!”. You know, standard stuff. Later, he might say, “GODDAMMIT TAKE THAT FUCKING SNIPER OUT!”. And rather than simply saying yes sir, they might respond “ALRIGHT, THE FUCKER’S DOWN!”. If your character starts getting swarmed with enemies late in the game, he might vent his frustration on his squadmates by saying something like “GET THESE FUCKERS OFF OF ME DAMMIT!”. So basically what I’m trying to say is the gameplay matches the story, and new lines of dialogue are recorded for what seems like every mission. Not to mention the character models change on a mission to mission basis, showing cuts, burns, bullet wounds etc. along with your deteriorating military uniform. The story flows nicely and builds to a pretty surprising finale, and the voice acting is superb as well. The main character is voiced by Nolan North, but before you roll your eyes at how it’s another game with Nolan North, know that this is a game unlike anything he’s done. Gone is the Nate Drake attitude, North really delivers a great performance in a very serious role, and one of his last lines in the game has stuck with me since I completed the game a few days ago.
Sorry I felt like I wrote a lot, but I am sad that this game is going to go unnoticed and I’m trying to tell as many people about it as I can. If you’re tired of the typical military CoD and BF campaigns, you need to pick this game up. You haven’t played anything like it.
Drell, I’m sold.
I’m not sure if I can wait to check out the Steam sale or not.