GamerSushi Asks: Your Summer Backlog?

Tropico 4

Hello, GamerSushi gents and ladies. You might not remember me, since I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks, but my name is Eddy. How do you do?

Me, I’ve been a bit busy recently, which has left me with very little time to both write for the Sushi and play some games, but hopefully all of that is changing very soon. Part of the issue is that this is a slow time for gaming news, because frankly it’s just a slow time for games. Thankfully we all have our backlogs and a ridiculous Steam Summer Sale to keep us busy.

Before the Fall arrives (which I’m considering to be the release date of Borderlands 2), what games do you think you’ll be tackling in the meantime? As for me, my plan of attack revolves around Walking Dead, Tropico 4, Civ 5, Day Z and more Diablo 3. I also finally plan on putting Skyrim to rest after many months of sitting on the expansive main quest. And who knows, maybe I’ll rent Spec Ops: The Line after all the great things I’ve heard.

So what are you guys playing? Let us know your Summer backlog. Go!

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I write about samurai girls and space marines. Writer for Smooth Few Films. Rooster Teeth Freelancer. Author of Red vs. Blue, The Ultimate Fan Guide, out NOW!

19 thoughts on “GamerSushi Asks: Your Summer Backlog?”

  1. Man this Steam Sale isn’t helping the ol’ backlog. I just completed Max Payne 3, and now I have Darkness 2, Left 4 Dead 2, GTA Complete Collection, some more SWTOR, maybe go back to a little Diablo and BF3. I got some work today. Oh and Eddy: Spec Ops.

  2. I recently picked up Fallout New Vegas, and I’m having fun with it again. I’m gonna start a new game after I finish my first one and side with Caesar’s Legion. It’s more fun than I remember, and the companions have some excellent writing.
    Other than that, I’m playing Persona 2 on PSP, and it’s my favorite of the Personas. I’ve played P3 and P4, but P2’s combat is more interesting because you can communicate with demons, and its story is a bit darker. It’s still funny most of the time, but it’s not as summer Anime-ish as P4, and its more punkish than P3. It’s hard to explain, but I like it more.

  3. I’ve been surprisingly restrained this summer. I went out and bought the Hitman collection and Penumbra: Black Plague. Stuff like ARMA II and Crysis 2 are on my wish list, but they haven’t fallen to a cheap enough price range yet.

    My backlog is crazy as it is, anyway. I can’t even list it, it’s so bad.

  4. @ Drell: what did you think of Max Payne 3?

    My life required Day Z. After some reading and tweaking with different beta patches I got the game working, and had an extremely stressful (as in fun) time crawling through an awful lot of grass. I need someone who knows the ArmAII map to know where to go; I’ve basically been floundering in a strange land. But what an experience the first day has been.

    I’ve been watching the Summer Sale, and aside from ArmA Combined ops I haven’t picked anything up. I’m debating Metro 2033 for 4.99 right now, but man, I should really pay off some other gaming debt first ;).

    (PS If you vote Risen 2 for 33% off in 7 hours I’ll probably also pick that up)

  5. I’m downloading the first two Mass Effects after their price reduction on Steam. At long last I’ll be able to play the series fully.
    My backlog isn’t particularly expansive. I’ve had Dear Esther sitting in my library, untouched, so I’ll try to do that AND finish off Dead Space 2. Oh, and HL2 Episode 2. And Diablo 3. :/
    I bought Max Payne 3 and Trine 2, but haven’t downloaded them yet. I’ll probably wait until I go down to Uni so I can have access to REALLY good internet (98.6mb download? Making it 100x faster than at home? Yes please!). So, big back catalogue, no ability to play it.

  6. [quote comment=”19672″]@ Drell: what did you think of Max Payne 3?

    My life required Day Z. After some reading and tweaking with different beta patches I got the game working, and had an extremely stressful (as in fun) time crawling through an awful lot of grass. I need someone who knows the ArmAII map to know where to go; I’ve basically been floundering in a strange land. But what an experience the first day has been.

    I’ve been watching the Summer Sale, and aside from ArmA Combined ops I haven’t picked anything up. I’m debating Metro 2033 for 4.99 right now, but man, I should really pay off some other gaming debt first ;).

    (PS If you vote Risen 2 for 33% off in 7 hours I’ll probably also pick that up)[/quote]
    I was really surprised by Max Payne. The campaign clocks in at a whopping 16 hours (unheard of for a shooter), but never once does the story or gameplay feel like filler. The gameplay is really fluid and doesn’t get old, not to mention it has ridiculous amounts of polish. I’ve heard the MP mode is really good too. I’d recommend it for sure. Also, get Metro. It’s a gem that went unnoticed.

  7. Yeah, I finished the campaign in around 15 hours according to STEAM, which including a /ton/ of dying in the final mission. I really liked the story for the most part, I just couldn’t stand the amount of unnecessary cut scenes though.. It totally took the game from a 9 to a 7.5 for me. I haven’t given the MP any try at all, CS:GO is really soaking up all my online social life.

    And I just picked up Stacking for super cheap. Maybe I should grab Metro too…

  8. [quote comment=”19676″]Yeah, I finished the campaign in around 15 hours according to STEAM, which including a /ton/ of dying in the final mission. I really liked the story for the most part, I just couldn’t stand the amount of unnecessary cut scenes though.. It totally took the game from a 9 to a 7.5 for me. I haven’t given the MP any try at all, CS:GO is really soaking up all my online social life.

    And I just picked up Stacking for super cheap. Maybe I should grab Metro too…[/quote]
    I’m a sucker for cutscenes, and MP3’s were really well done so that was actually a plus for me. And I couldn’t recommend Metro enough, it’s very unique and it’s sequel, Last Light, is shaping up to be very good as well.

  9. This summer hasn’t been doing my backlog any favors, as my PC gathers dust amidst half a house worth of stuff piled at my in-laws’. With travel and (dear god please) moving on the horizon, I may get a month at best to clear some backlog before fall hits. Hopefully I’ll at least finish off Skyrim and Arkham City. Meantime, my trip to RTX highlighted the atrophy of my meager Halo skills, so I picked up Halo Anniversary, and then there’s the Steam sale – I’ve been good, only picked up Dear Esther and Arma II so far…

  10. Yakuza 4
    Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia
    MGS 2
    Sly Cooper
    Jak and Daxter
    Fallout New Vegas

    I am enjoying my backlog and may not buy a game for a while.

    Although The Last Story is coming in August. But after that, I may wait a bit.

  11. *deep breath in*

    Max Payne 3
    Star Wars: KotOR
    Crysis 2
    Darkness II
    Orcs Must Die!
    Payday: The Heist
    Their: Deadly Shadows
    Alan Wake

    I am almost finished with Alan Wake and Bastion but I won’t be able to get them off this list until I get my gaming PC back from Gateway for repairs.

    Other than that I’ve been stocking up on games like I’m preparing for the apocalypse becasue I know I am going to be broke once I get into college

  12. I’ve a bit of a backlog, so it would be time consuming to list them all. I’m doing a play through of Rainbow Six Vegas 2 after a couple years of not playing it. Then, as soon as I can afford a reliable PC to handle my more graphic heavy games, I MUST get a crack at Day Z because it just looks fantastic to play. I’d also like to test out the Arma 2: Combined Operations, vanilla. I’m playing through GTA 4 Complete Edition again as I thought TBoGT was great and TLaD was decent as well. I’d like to play Fez as well. By the time September hits though, Borderlands 2 will consume most of my time.

  13. Hey Anthony, I see Jak and Daxter and MGS2 on your list.
    How’s Jak holding up? I played the HD collection recently and Jak 2 is harder than I remember. Like, a LOT harder.
    And (since it’s the black sheep of the family) how’s MGS2 going? I enjoyed the article you did on MGS1 I’m hoping you’ll do the same for 2. 🙂

  14. [quote comment=”19684″]Hey Anthony, I see Jak and Daxter and MGS2 on your list.
    How’s Jak holding up? I played the HD collection recently and Jak 2 is harder than I remember. Like, a LOT harder.
    And (since it’s the black sheep of the family) how’s MGS2 going? I enjoyed the article you did on MGS1 I’m hoping you’ll do the same for 2. :)[/quote]

    No idea, lol. Not on it yet. Also, I forgot Dragon Quest VI.

    I already played MGS 2 back in the PS2 days, so likely no feature on that this time. but have a few other things in the cooker.

  15. I’m less clearing up my backlog and more playing old games I haven’t touched in a while, as well as showing a complete lack of restraint with the Steam summer sale and buying lots of stuff.

    I was replaying all the Mass Effect games earlier in the month, but I’ve put it on hold for now. I’m replaying Assassin’s Creed II and Brotherhood, fine games, but I have yet to even pick up Revelations. I’ve been slowly playing through the entire Company Of Heroes series, and playing some Halo: Reach, Battlefield 3, Minecraft Xbox, and Killing Floor with friends. I’ve also put my Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic play-through on pause.

    I’d like to get to Metro since I picked it up on sale, as well as some of the Total War games. I’m sure I’ll replay some Fallout: New Vegas too, even though I’ve already played that perhaps a little too much.

    Heck, I may even go outside. 🙂

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