Day Z Makes the Jump to Standalone Game

day z standalone

Day Z, the mod scene’s recent obsession, is now wearing the big boy pants: that’s right, Day Z will be a standalone game developed by Bohemia Interactive and headed up by Dean “Rocket” Hall.

The new Day Z will follow the Minecraft route where people can purchase an Alpha that will be continuously and quickly iterated upon. Day Z the mod will exist alongside the full title, and will continue to be improved upon as well. There isn’t much more information availible at this time, but the new Day Z has its own website, so check there for updates.

It’s kind of crazy to think that almost three months after our interview with Dean Hall, when his mod was just gaining steam, Day Z is fast on its way to becoming a fully-fledged game. Not that being a mod was a knock against it, but I think Bohemia is moving in the right direction by turning it into a Minecraft-style title with a community Alpha. This allows the game to retain the same feel while at the same time moving it out of the mod scene (and of course, generating new income).

As always though, we’d love to get your thoughts on this development. Is Day Z becoming a standalone game good news for the players? Should it have stayed a mod indefinitely? Could this be a move by Bohemia to get out ahead of the recently announced The War Z, or has this been in the cards for a while?

Source – Day Z Dev Blog, Day Z Game

Written by Twitter: @mi7ch Gamertag: Lubeius PSN ID: Lubeius SteamID: Mister_L Origin/EA:Lube182 Currently Playing: PUBG, Rainbow 6: Siege, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Total War: Warhammer 2

6 thoughts on “Day Z Makes the Jump to Standalone Game”

  1. Very excited for Dean and the team, they’ve done such a good job so far it’s great to see them get a good reward.

    Kudos for continuing to support the mod too. It would be very easy for them to just drop support and say “Buy the full game”.

  2. What Nick said.

    Also, hopefully as a standalone game it will be a little more stable. Constantly changing patches and trying to get into servers can be pretty frustrating, especially when it takes /minutes/ to load your already-existing character (assuming you hadn’t died the last time you played).

    I’m excited, and will definitely participate in the alpha/beta!

  3. I’m throwing my money at the screen but nothings happening :(. I will most certainly participate in the alpha. This game is such a refreshing step in the right direction. The ability for the player to make the stories come to life just from playing and experiencing what this mod/soon-to-be game puts you through is fantastic. I agree with Nick as well. PLEASE LET THIS BE A THING INTERNET

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