The GamerSushi Show, Ep 53: Oppan Sushi Style

gamersushi show ep 53

What ho, faithful Sushians, we’re back with the opener for Season 3 of the podcast! While the break was a little shorter than we anticipated, we still had lots to talk about, ranging from the recent Wii U announcements to Hero Academy, The Walking Dead, CS:GO and Mark of the Ninja. Oh, we also played a little Over/Under.

It’s a longer cast that our last few, clocking in at about an hour and a half, but it was super fun to get back into the groove of recording it. We’re a bit rusty, and Eddy disappears a couple times, but I think it’s a fine return to form. Oh, also, a wild Nick appears right before we launch into our game, so you’ll get to hear his bearded tones once again.

Since it’s been a while, I’ll remind you how this goes: listen, rate the cast, and always remember, OPPAN SUSHI STYLE.

0:00 – 3:19 Intro
3:20 – 20:31 Wii U pricing and launch date
20:31 – 28:56 FF7 Twenty Fifth anniversary
28:57 – 36:42 Hero Academy
36:43 – 43:50 Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
43:51 – 54:14 The Walking Dead
54:15 – 1:04:57 Mark of the Ninja
1:04:58 – 1:24:28 GAME TIME Over/Under
1:24:29 – 1:26:17 Outro Style

Written by Twitter: @mi7ch Gamertag: Lubeius PSN ID: Lubeius SteamID: Mister_L Origin/EA:Lube182 Currently Playing: PUBG, Rainbow 6: Siege, Assassin's Creed: Origins, Total War: Warhammer 2

7 thoughts on “The GamerSushi Show, Ep 53: Oppan Sushi Style”

  1. CS:GO is a really good mix of 1.6 and source, I’m glad you guys are also liking it. And yeah, $15? What a steal. PC gaming is very expensive by comparison; it can take a big investment early on and then you’ve gotta cross your fingers that your machine lasts to the end of the generation that consoles are on. Hopefully you need a powerful computer for other tasks, because it can get a little extreme just to game.

    To the Moon is a game where the gameplay isn’t the central feature at all and there are definitely no traditional RPG elements. The story is the draw though and it is a lot better to play it with a controller.

    Great cast guys! Excited for season 3.

  2. Good to see you guys back, good extra long cast this time (love all of the Breaking Bad references scattered throughout). I too am loving the Walking Dead, and Anthony you need to come to terms with the fact that TF2 in Hero Academy is most definitely not OP. Glad to see the Beard back as well, and I am disappoint about the over/under of Halo 4. Especially Jeff.

  3. Hey guys, late post, sorry. Loved the podcast, really! Was good to have you back but that said. WHERE ARE YOU NOW?! It’s been too long since this cast! Iwannaanotheronerightnowwwww!!!!

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