Happy New Year, GamerSushians!
Pretty hard to believe that we’re in the year 2013, eh? I’ll avoid the typical jokes about flying cars and Kardashian-related apocalypses, and instead say that we’re glad you’re all here with us to keep talking about video games.
Since there’s not much in the arena of gaming news besides the stuff we’re all no doubt sinking our teeth into after the holidays (guess who beat XCOM today?), I wanted to ask a couple of questions about 2013, and the number of possibilities it holds for our beloved hobby. With games like Bioshock: Infinite, The Last of Us and the probably launch of new consoles, there’s a lot of potential for this new year.
So, here are your questions…
- What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
- What new release are you most looking forward to?
- What game are you dying to hear about?
- Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
- What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
Hit us up with your answers, and let’s talk about what to expect from 2013. Cheers!
Only answering two questions.
What game(s) are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Games I own and need to start/finish or complete
– Chronicles of Riddick (Escape and Assault)
– Heavy Rain
– Mafia 2
– Trine
– Trine 2
– Just Cause 2
– The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim (platinum)
– 3D Dot Game Heroes
– Enslaved
– Bioshock
– Infamous 2 (platinum)
– Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
– Red Dead Redemption (GOTY Edition)
– XCOM: Enemy Unknown
– Mirror’s Edge
– Final Fantasy 12
– Psychonauts
– Killer 7
– Zelda: Ocarina of Time
– Zelda: Majora’s Mask
– Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
– Castlevania: Circle of the Moon
– Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance
– Final Fantasy 6 Advance
– Earthbound
– Secret of Mana
– Chrono Trigger
– Bastion
– Amnesia
– Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
– Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth
– Dear Esther
– From Dust
– The Walking Dead
– Deus Ex: Invisible War
– Mass Effect (played 2 and 3, just bought 1 on PS3)
– Shadow Complex
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
HELL NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! (see above list)
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
-Dishonored, which I’m playing now. As a stealth nut it’s a total blast, and I love the various ways to tackle missions. I definitely plan on 100%-ing the achievements too.
What new release are you most looking forward to?
-Bioshock. Bioshock 1 is one of my favorite games of all time that changed the way I thought about video games. Last of Us is a good second though.
What game are you dying to hear about?
-Dragon Age 3. I’m already ready for the next Bioware release, and after the lukewarm reception of DA2 I’d like Bioware to come out and knock DA3 out of the park, and hopefully shut up the Bioware naysayers for a while.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
-Most likely. I’m always a sucker for early adoption and I’ve been ready for new consoles for a while now.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
-Star Wars: The Old Republic. Say what you want about it, but the game is Star Wars and Bioware put together, and I love its world dearly. I have 4 characters at max level and I’ve subscribed since day one, and I have yet to get tired of this game. I really hope its able to stay afloat.
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Skyrim…bc it’s been there forever!
What new release are you most looking forward to?
Bioshock Infinite. Duh!
What game are you dying to hear about?
The Last Guardian
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
Probably not.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
Far Cry 3
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Spec Ops. I’m having qualms with the cover and sprinting systems, but the story and set pieces are excellent. Enjoying it so far. And Skyrim, I’ll just take one day and finish the story. I promise I’ll do it this time!
What new release are you most looking forward to?
Within sight? Bioshock Infinite. What seems like forever away? Rome 2. Super excited to be back in Rome after seeing how far the series has progressed.
What game are you dying to hear about?
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
Goodness no.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
My backlog considering I’ve actually started clearing it!
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog? – Nothing. i have too much free time.
What new release are you most looking forward to? – Either SimCity or Dead Space 3
What game are you dying to hear about? – Uhh…Battlefield 4? I dunno.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year? – It all depends on how things shape up. If there’s a screen on the controller or some bullshit, I’m out. I’ll save that 300 something dollars for a new video card.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to? – Battlefield 3. WHAT IS THIS SPELL IT HOLDS OVER MEEEEE
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Probably Black Mesa, I know it’s only a mod, but I must complete it! Half-Life is always a must.
What new release are you most looking forward to?
Oh damn, this is a tough one. It’s a toss up between The Last of Us and Bioshock Infinite. I think I’ll add SimCity in there as well because for some reason that 10 min. gameplay trailer made me want that game baaaad.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
Ehh, not really. Can’t afford another console as it is, and I just don’t feel content in moving towards another when I still have a PS3 that’s good and in fine running condition.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
I have to agree with @Anthony on this one and say Far Cry 3, as it takes so much of my time when I play it, I try not to play it all the time as I’ve got other gaming adventures to look forward to as well. I just bought Fallout 3 and New Vegas with all the expansions off of Steam and it’s wonderful holiday sale that’s going on right now for 19.99 for both!
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Probably The Witcher 2 – fantastic game but others just seem to get in the way of me completing it.
What new release are you most looking forward to?
Nothing in particular, I tend to take releases as the come.
What game are you dying to hear about?
Nothing right now but I will be interested to hear about the first group of next gen games.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
Metro 2033 – My favorite game from the THQ humble bundle, I’m surprised it hasn’t scared me away yet.
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
Skyrim, I wish I knew how to quit you.
What new release are you most looking forward to?
High hopes for Beyond: Two Souls.
What game are you dying to hear about?
The Last Guardian. Still. Don’t break my heart, Ueda.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
Not bloody likely.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
I’d say Skyrim, but honestly I did expect that more or less. I guess I expected to have finished off Arkham City by now.
What game are you most anxious to remove from your backlog?
-There are just too many. I’d say right now it would be Hitman: Absolution that I want to play but can’t (video card issues)
What new release are you most looking forward to?
-I’m so curious about The Last of Us. Thank God my roomate has a PS3.
What game are you dying to hear about?
-Half-Life 3… You know it’s coming with the Steambox.
Will you be taking part in whatever console(s) launch this year?
-I want to see what comes of the Steambox stuff, so it’s a big maybe. But X720/PS4? no.
What game will you still be playing in 2013 that you weren’t expecting to?
-I am actually playing GTA III right now haha. Playing on PC with mods is such a fresh change to the game I played so long ago. I also wasn’t expecting to pick up Sleeping Dogs, but those damn sales made everything so tempting. Will for sure give it a go at some point this year.