Sweet, merciful heavens. Has it really been almost a year since our last Pop Quiz? My, how time flies. In my defense, the last Pop Quiz arrived about a week before my daughter did, so it’s interesting to note how little humans tend to disrupt things like, you know, writing features for a gaming site.
So, since it’s been a year since our last getting-to-know-you game, we wanted to ask some questions about the upcoming year, last year, and where your head is at as a gamer for the time being. While 2012 was certainly an interesting and fun year for gamers, 2013 looks to be no slouch, either. Already we’ve had Ni No Kuni and Devil May Cry making waves, and Dead Space 3 is just around the corner next week. Seems like we have a good opportunity here for some questions.
If you haven’t joined us for a Pop Quiz before, it’s simple. Just answer with as much or as little of an explanation as you like, and nobody will judge you. Too much. OK, scratch that, I’m always judging.
1. What would it take to make you consider purchasing a next gen console at launch?
2. Are you more excited about the prospect of a Steam box, or a new console?
3. Bioshock Infinite is not so much of a direct sequel as it is a spiritual successor, much the way Final Fantasy handles it sequels. Would you prefer more games like this, or do you prefer direct follow-ups?
4. Do game delays make you nervous or hopeful?
5. In recent years, what developer do you think is head and shoulders above the others?
6. What game from 2012 do you feel has been overhyped? What game has been underhyped?
7. Soapbox: What gaming issue has been on your mind lately?
1. It would take a fair deal for me to consider purchasing a next-gen console, especially considering I made the move to PC again six years ago, and I haven’t looked back since then. The console would have to offer something I cannot get on a PC…it would have to be pretty convincing and selling. Or, if Valve released Half-Life 2: Episode Three on console-only. But that’s not happening as far as I can see. However the current state of PC-gaming and how easily one can do so will also have a great deal to do with this. If ultimately Windows does not improve, in years to come I may have to switch to a Steambox.
2. Steam box. Reason: Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are way behind on things in many ways.
3. I prefer whatever is most suiting to the experience that is trying to be made. Knights of the Old Republic 2 is a great example of a sequel made under the gun. New features were made and they definitely improved upon designs in the first. The story, universe, and world feels far more expansive, unique, and interesting as it dives deeper into things that happened before the first game, but entirely in a post-event state. You find old characters and new and, like Half-Life 2, the first game is used as a jumping point for a bigger, or different picture in the sequel. Silent Hill for example rarely connects characters from one game to the other while the setting is the constant. Either one works, it’s just a matter of how it’s used or planned.
4. Neither. I’ve been waiting over five years now for HL2: Episode Three. Delays just are a slight irritant to me as I’m used to having things delayed: https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/Valve_Time
The general consensus for me though is that if it ensures the released title is good, by all means, polish and correct the crap out of that game.
5. This depends on where you’re looking. So far, big time developers that bring forward services as well as just content creation (EA with their Origin service, Ubisoft with Play, etc. etc.) are STILL catching up with Valve. However if you want to look at just through pure content creation, I’d say Telltale games or some of the other smaller, or less popular studios such as Frictional Games, Yager, TheChineseRoom, perhaps 4A Games, Cockroach Inc, and others. Mainly because these developers I feel are giving out the most meaningful experiences yet in video games, which are a big point in creating something beyond fun.
6. Black Ops 2 was overhyped. I’d like to say Spec Ops The Line was underhyped however it seems to have gotten a lot of great reception as it deserves. Ah! The Darkness 2, definitely underhyped, but it came in early from the side this past year and did a great job.
7. It’s a constant issue that’s on my mind these days: People still looking at games and playing them and buying them for the wrong reasons or playing them because they won’t enrich themselves otherwise. Extra Credits described “fun” as the sugar to a plate of video game dinner, an important element to nearly any game, however it should not be a necessity. Unfortunately, it’s the most used ingredient in games today. People will still buy Call of Duty, and still play it long after it’s worn out its welcome just because the controls, mechanics, and design of the game are made to be “fun”, something we can always go to. I believe we should always have fun games on our shelf, I love going to a shooter every once in a while just because it’s fun. But when people won’t pick up a GREAT game because one or two experiences will point them in other directions, I’m not only saddened they won’t get to experience more of this great game, I’m worried they’ll keep going to the same cookie jar over…and over…
1. Im already on a pc so unless they come out with a bunch more games that are console only I dont care to
2. Steam box is what I care for.
3. I prefer a bit more direct sequeals like jak and daxter.
4. Delays get me hopeful
5. Square Enix
6. Any of the cod games feel over hyped. While DayZ felt partly under hyped because it only applies to PC gamers.
7. How much the dedicated servers of today have changed to the previous way of running them
1. As much as I hate to admit it, I’ll probably be a sucker for anything Sony or Microsoft announces as long as they’re announcements go smoother than the Wii U. Show me a promising game or two and then they’ll really have me. What makes this worse is I already have a damn good gaming PC, but I still use my consoles a lot. I would be more inclined to wait for a PS4, though, since I mainly use it for Blu Rays and single player games (never multiplayer, so I wouldn’t feel the need to buy it ASAP).
2. Since I already have a gaming PC as mentioned above, a Steam box isn’t really appealing to me, but Steam Big Picture definitely is. Consoles are still on my radar though.
3. Depends on the franchise. Bioshock is the best suited for it because the best part of Bioshock 1 was the fact that Rapture was unknown and so mysterious (which is why I didn’t enjoy Bioshock 2 as much, since I already knew what to expect). Columbia in Infinite is so much more exciting because it’s something new. However, Halo or Mass Effect, are defined by their set universes and stories that are continuing rather than one-off stories like Bioshock 1. So with those, I would much rather standard sequels.
4. Depends. If a game has been delayed for the third or fourth time (see Prey 2), then I get concerned. However if its only one or two, it makes me feel confident that the final product will be more polished. The integrity of the developer/publisher who’s doing the delaying also factors into it.
5. There really isn’t, in my mind. I have my fair share of favorite devs, but all of them have had their faults. Bioware is my favorite, but Dragon Age 2 wasn’t all it could be. Bethesda has been knocking it out of the park with Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, but their PS3 ports have left much to be desired. Blizzard has had continuous great games, but Diablo failed to deliver on many promises and lacked the longevity that many expected. And before someone jumps on the internet-favorite Valve, the only game they’ve made in the last 4 years is Portal 2 (if you don’t count Alien Swarm and Dota’s pre release). There are plenty of other good developers to list, but most have been working on only one franchise so I wouldn’t count them (Visceral or DICE, for example).
6. Going for COD just seems so easy, but since I haven’t played it I will retain my integrity and not pick it. I would have to say Diablo 3. The campaign was fairly short but pretty enjoyable (although the story wasn’t up to Blizzard standards, I thought), however after completion I felt no desire to replay the game. So much of the game’s reputation comes from acquiring better gear and levels, but I didn’t feel up to the task at all. On the underhyped side of the coin, I got to go with one of my favorite games of the year, Spec Ops. I’ve been raving about it on the the Sushi since June so I won’t talk about it any more, but needless to say, I liked it. A lot.
7. EA hate, and more broad, the majority of the gamer population’s inability to understand how businesses work. Although its not a popular opinion, I am a big EA fan. Do I agree with everything they do? No. But they publish and provide me with so many of my favorite games per year, that I find it hard to hate them at all. And like any publicly traded company, EA has to make some money, so sometimes they have to make decisions (like micro transactions in Dead Space 3) that make the company more money and keep shareholders happy. Many gamers see this as EA coming into their house, stealing the contents of their wallet, and then kicking the family dog on the way out. However what they fail to realize is that this is optional. And don’t even start with the “so I have to pay X amount to get the full experience?” No, all of the special skins and weapon packs are not the “full experience”. If you want them, buy them for a measly couple of dollars, if not, just play the game normally and ignore it. I could go on for hours on this subject but I’ll spare everyone and stop here, lol.
1. What would it take to make you consider purchasing a next gen console at launch?
2. Are you more excited about the prospect of a Steam box, or a new console?
Steam box. I’ve been putting together specs of current gen consoles to build a cheap yet effective, small form-factor PC that I can hook up to my TV and play games on, but if Valve can really deliver on something like that, I’ll hop on board and spare myself the headache, as I’m sure Nick has endured time and time again.
3. Bioshock Infinite is not so much of a direct sequel as it is a spiritual successor, much the way Final Fantasy handles it sequels. Would you prefer more games like this, or do you prefer direct follow-ups?
I wouldn’t say I prefer one or the other, but spiritual successors are definitely interesting ways of continuing a franchise. They’re especially good if you’ve already wrapped up a character’s story; you can continue the same gameplay style or experience through other characters and/or universes.
4. Do game delays make you nervous or hopeful?
Hopeful. Almost excited. What it means is that developers are saying “Hold up, guys. There’s something wrong with our product, and we don’t want it going into stores like this. We need to make sure this problem is fixed before we let people enjoy it.” It’s part of the reason why I’m so patient with Valve. We’ve had pretty much no word about the next Half-Life game, but in all honesty, if they had tried to get a sequel to market when they planned to years ago, it wouldn’t have been a benchmark. I give them the benefit of the doubt because when they’re ready, I know they’ll deliver.
5. In recent years, what developer do you think is head and shoulders above the others?
I hate to keep pulling this card, but definitely Valve. The flat structure, the fact that it’s privately held, and the quality of their products and services. It really does feel like they care about me, not just as a customer, but as a gamer.
6. What game from 2012 do you feel has been overhyped? What game has been underhyped?
I think Assassin’s Creed 3 was so overhyped. If they hadn’t changed the setting, it would have been a resounding lull, but I feel like that simple setting change made people go nuts over it. Also, because it’s AMERICAAAAAAAAAAA
Underhyped would probably be Spec Ops: The Line. I haven’t played many games that came out last year, so I just went for the obvious.
7. Soapbox: What gaming issue has been on your mind lately?
The biggest issue has to be a tie between storytelling and marketing. Storytelling, in that developers just aren’t experimenting like they used to.
Marketing, in that there’s way too fucking much of it. I understand that sales can make or break a game, but seriously, pre-order exclusives, day-one DLC, Call of Dew-ty promotions, and microtransactions are all terrible concepts that do nothing but utterly turn the concept of a video game from something fun into something you pump your cash into. I don’t buy games in stores anymore because the egregious amount of advertising and shoddy promotions I’m surrounded by keep reminding me of why I don’t play many games this generation (or how poor I am, because I can’t afford the Sam Goody exclusive pre-order collector’s edition map pack with double XP and access to day-one DLC).
1. What would it take to make you consider purchasing a next gen console at launch?
In all honesty, once next-gen console launches..it’s not a matter of if you’ll buy it or not, it’s really just a matter of when. People who are fortunate enough to have a stable income I’m sure will buy a next-gen console at launch without regards to its capabilities. I honestly can’t give a straight answer. I’m both a console and PC gamer, but the one thing that would definitely have me sold on buying a next-gen console would be if they were somehow able to mesh PC gaming AND Console Gaming into one entity..which brings us to the second question.
2. Are you more excited about the prospect of a Steam box, or a new console?
Not excited at all for a new console. I mean yeah it’s whatever if and when it does come out, I’m most likely going to buy it but I’m not at all wowed by the next-gen console promises.
Steam Box – I’m more curious than excited. To me it seems like Valve is trying to build the most powerful mini-pc. Minus the bullshit that actually makes up a PC and more of just games only. If Steam box becomes successful it would be such a game changer cause not only are they going to be competing in the console scene, they already hold the majority of the PC Gaming Market. Hopefully with its release it’ll push Sony or Microsoft to be even more innovative with their products.
3. Bioshock Infinite is not so much of a direct sequel as it is a spiritual successor, much the way Final Fantasy handles it sequels. Would you prefer more games like this, or do you prefer direct follow-ups?
Yes, and no. I would prefer direct follow-ups IF and ONLY if they would actually end the series that leaves the players going “Holy fucking shit that was an intense ride, I am quite satisfied with this ending.” However SOME games NEED a “spiritual successor”, *COUGH* ASSASSIN’S CREED *COUGH* It just really depends on the game and how emotionally attached you are to the story line.
4. Do game delays make you nervous or hopeful?
I hate being a pessimist. It’s just a state of mind. I’m hopeful and understanding that the devs know what they’re doing.
5. In recent years, what developer do you think is head and shoulders above the others?
I’ve got a couple of developers, but I’ll go ahead and mention two.
343 Industries. These guys managed to revamp the Halo series from Bungie, put a stamp on it saying “Yeah we made this bitch,” while also keeping the feel of a Halo game. I think this is a pretty great achievement considering how big of a franchise Halo is.
CCP Games. The makers of Eve online. The reason why they made my list is because they are releasing a PS3 Downloadable game called EVE: Dust 514. It is a free to play FPS Shooter that is directly connected to their MMO EVE Online. By doing this they are greatly increasing the “meta” aspect of the game. Clans/Guilds/Corporations of EVE Online can hire mercenaries in Dust 514 to take over planets for them. In my opinion, they’re the first developers who have managed to find a way to mesh PC Gaming and Console gaming flawlessly.
6. What game from 2012 do you feel has been overhyped? What game has been underhyped?
Overhyped: Diablo 3. Oh my God that game was so overhyped. Maybe it would have been a good game had the developers taken their head out of their asses. This game’s sales and popularity at launch was literally BUILT on Diablo 1 and 2’s success. Had this game not carried the Diablo title it would be a steaming pile of poop.
Underhyped: Planetside 2. It’s actually a pretty good MMOFPS. As of right now, I would consider it a blank slate, but the developers have so much room to add in features to it. Think about it this way. Planetside 2 is Battlefield on steroids. It’s what battlefield STRIVES to be. It’s a never ending battle of territory capture. Get enough people to join your squad and the battles get intense. It’s worth a try. I wouldn’t try it alone though, grab a couple of buddies with you and start this bitch up. Best part about this game? It’s a free to play download. And I can assure you, this game is not pay to win.
7. Soapbox: What gaming issue has been on your mind lately?
Call of Duty and the starting trend of *BUY THE SEASON PASS AND GET ALL THE MAP PACKS FOR FREE* Essentially, you’re buying a $110 game. Are you FUCKING kidding me? That is the biggest reason why I just decided to quit Call of Duty. I gave MW3 a try and BLOPS2, but man. Activision is adamant on milking the shit out of this series. I don’t care, I fucking hope these series die out like the guitar hero/rockband games. Keep releasing so much CoD that people just lose interest. But yeah, real talk. $50 for a season pass? It just pisses me off how they already have the map packs planned out. So they give you a season pass. DLC is something that’s like an idea that wasn’t finished while the game was being developed, and now you’re releasing for a price. NOT SOMETHING THAT WAS ALREADY PLANNED AND READY TO GO FOR THE PUBLISHER TO SELL. /endrant
1. What would it take to make you consider purchasing a next gen console at launch?
As soon as Microsoft announces the next generation xbox, my wallet will be open.
2. Are you more excited about the prospect of a Steam box, or a new console?
New Xbox Console. All my other gaming is done on a pc.
3. Bioshock Infinite is not so much of a direct sequel as it is a spiritual successor, much the way Final Fantasy handles it sequels. Would you prefer more games like this, or do you prefer direct follow-ups?
I wouldn’t be qualified to give an insightful answer to this since I haven’t fully invested myself into the Bioshock games. However, I will be purchasing Bioshock Infinite; that’s all I can say.
4. Do game delays make you nervous or hopeful?
Game delays make me frustrated. Once the release date is set, I mark it on my calendar and count-down the days until said time. When that date gets pushed back, it makes me want to punch my console. Don’t really know why.
5. In recent years, what developer do you think is head and shoulders above the others?
I’d say Bioware. The decision making aspect they incorporate into their games stands out as very unique, and serves to immerse the player into a universe influenced by their decisions.
6. What game from 2012 do you feel has been overhyped? What game has been underhyped?
I would have to say BlackOps 2 was overhyped, but that might be influenced by the fact that I’m not particularly keen on the franchise.
7. Soapbox: What gaming issue has been on your mind lately?
Don’t really have any pressing concerns at the time. What’s new with you?