The white whale has landed: Grand Theft Auto V has been in our hot little hands for over a week now and with the white whale comes the white lies: people making up all manner of tall tales, the kind that spread through message boards and social media like a digital Ebola virus. In the old days, outrageous claims were difficult to confirm. You had to try it yourself, usually several thousand times while wondering if you were following that jerk on the playground’s instructions exactly or if he was just a being a tool.
Thankfully, in this age of Youtube, we can test out some of these myths and legends for ourselves. And that’s just what DefendTheHouse has done on its Youtube channel: they’ve rounded up some of the biggest GTA myths out there and set about to prove them true or false. From towing a pursuing police car to stabbing a shark while underwater, these myths get put to the test. My personal favorite is the one about a car’s backfire igniting a gasoline trail. Little details like that really make the game stand out.
So take a look at the video below and tell us about your favorite video game myths, from GTA and from other games. Remember: busting makes you feel good. Go!
Source: DefendTheHouse
Ahh DefendTheHouse, I just watched this the other day. I love these guys. They used to test Halo 3 myths, and the way they present the myths is very well done. They always put great background tracks in to accompany said mythbusting too! I also agree with you, @Anthony, the backfire igniting the Jerry Can gas trail was my favorite, too. I could not be more impressed with Rockstar really doing justice to those fine details. I appreciate all those little things that they’ve done.