Merry Christmas to all you fine GamerSushi folk. We’ve said it before, but we’re grateful and thankful to have an awesome community like this one. You guys are smart, funny and have some mighty fine taste (your gravitation toward our ramblings not withstanding).
Even though it’s just Christmas Eve and not Christmas, I’m sure many of you have already started the experience of unwrapping all of your gaming loot this year, including the illustrious and addictive Steam sale. I’ve already picked up Fire Emblem and Zero’s Escape for the 3DS, along with Stanley Parable, Arkham Origins, XCOM: Enemy Within and Papers, Please! from Steam. Still looking at Gone Home and State of Decay, along with The Testament of Sherlock Holmes. I’m unsure about those last few, so if anyone’s played them, let me know what you think.
What about you guys? What games or gaming items have you gotten so far this year? What do you think you’ll pick up? Go!
Holding off for now, mostly as I haven’t gone to convert my GameStop credit to Steam wallet funds yet. Looking forward to picking up Stanley Parable, probably AC IV, not sure what else honestly. As for your potentials, I loved Gone Home, though I knew going in that it was a sure thing for me. Testament of Sherlock Homes is still sitting in my queue, though I’ve played some of the previous games – they’re a bit uneven and quirky, but I enjoyed them, and the quality seems to be improving over the life of the series.
I bought a Mario and Luigi Dream Team 3DS XL bundle and Zelda A Link Between Worlds from Target when they had all 3DS models $50 off and everything at the store was 10% off after the security breach last Saturday. All that for under $200. Christmas gift to myself. This is also the first handheld I’ve owned since the Gameboy Color.
I haven’t picked up anything on the Steam sale yet but the allure of Dishonored marked down is tempting me bad. Sort of gaming related but I just recently received my second Loot Crate in the mail. It’s a fantastic subscription box that mails out a bunch of neat gaming and geek related stuff that’s focused around a theme each month. It’s worth the price of admission so I recommend it. I’m also getting Fire Emblem: Awakening from my sister for Christmas so I’m really excited to add another 3DS title to my collection. It’s safe to say that I’m thoroughly enjoying my 3DS as just as @Chris mentioned, this is the first Nintendo handheld I’ve owned since a Gameboy Advanced SP I had when I was younger
I loved zero”s escape! make sure you play the first game 999 on the ds first Eddy, both are pretty good. I finally got a ps4 and have been busy playing everything and anything. Ive also started on the Chivalry series on steam which is a little buggy but so much fun.
So far I have picked up Max Payne 3 and CS:GO on Steam but keeping my eye out each day for the deals. There are a bunch more I want like NiGHTS but waiting to see if they go down further otherwise I will pick them up before the sale ends.
My sister got a 3DS so may have to pinch that at some point and give it a try.
I raked in Pokemon X, Forza 5, and Lego Marvel. Pokemon X is my first Pokemon game since Silver so I’m constantly walking down memory lane, and Forza is my first racing title I’ve ever owned. I’m loving it so far; driving in that game is exhilarating, and experiencing the One’s rumble triggers utilized in a way that greatly enhances the game is worth the price of admission alone.
Nice posts everyone, sounds like you guys got some decent stuff.
@Jules: thanks for the write up on Sherlock. That helped convince me.
@Drell: Friend code, please.
@Vanilla: 999 was maybe my favorite game on DS, so I can’t wait to play Zero’s Escape.
Can’t wait to try out both Gone Home and Stanley Parable. About how long is Gone Home?
I’ve picked up a few games for myself, namely The Wolf Among Us which is absolutely fantastic, especially because normally it’s the type of content I really hate. TellTale just has a fascinating way of nailing it. Also picked up Reus, The Cave, and Van Helsing, along with receiving a few gifts from nice steam friends.
@Eddy Gone Home is like the emotional equivalent to Stanley Parable being hilarious. I’d say neither games really justified their full price tag, but on sale, both excellent,
State of Decay was very interesting, but when I played it it was still early access and had quite a few glitches and bugs. It’s kind of like playing a single player DayZ and having a ‘home base’ safe zone. Worth a try.
Testament of Sherlock Holmes I installed and barely made it through the tutorial. The controls were terrible and I found it difficult to properly do what the game wanted me to. Kind of like a really uninteresting Telltale game, where you’re just going through the motions of clicking on everything until a cut scene pops up to advance the story – except you don’t give a shit. That was my experience anyway.
I love The Stanley Parable and Papers, Please, great games.
I got a few games through the Steam sale including BioShock Infinite and Tomb Raider (2013), so I’m looking forward to those as soon as I’ve finished BioShock 2 (workin’ on that gaming backlog of mine).
Also Merry Christmas.
Glory to Arstotzka.
I got Fire Emblem as well for a gift and $50 on Steam (which is nice because a $50 CAD card automatically turns into USD).
Fire Emblem is confusing.
Batman: Arkham origins, Zelda for 3DS, Killzone, NBa 2K 14, XCOM Enemy Within and Ratchet and Clank.
@ Mitch – did you get an official Steam Gift Card? I thought they didn’t have them in Canada still?
Yeah, it’s an official Steam Gift Card. They’ve had then for a few months now.
Started this Dark Souls thing I heard so much about from Jeff and Anthony a while back on many a podcast. 😛
It’s possibly one of the best games I’ve played in recent years.
Didn’t get any games for Christmas this year. Too much of a backlog and no new console, so I’m playing catch-up.
Friend Code:0344-9371-0405
My Gone Home playthrough on Steam clocked in at 77 minutes, and that’s with a good amount of exploring. You set your own pace a bit, but I would think my playthrough is like a typical player’s. I would highly recommend playing in one sitting, it’s really important to just let the game wash over you at once, I think that the experience would be lessened by having to pause and resume another day.
I was about to say I was going to add you on my 3DS, Drell, but then I remembered we swapped fruit. 😉