While I’ve yet to take a step into the brave new world that is the “next-gen” (or current gen, I suppose), I’ve become a little disillusioned that my expectations for Sony and Microsoft’s new systems aren’t exactly being met.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited to own a PlayStation 4 at some point, but I don’t feel like the next-gen is living up to its potential. Take this news from CVG for example, where the Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition, an up-scaled version of a game that came out last year for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC, can’t run at a consistent 60 fps at 1080p. According to the report, Tomb Raider will hit 60 fps “some of the time” on PS4 and the Xbox One version is more or less locked at 30. Square Enix reportedly wanted the game running at 30 fps at 1080p, which both consoles succeed at.
This may be a case of having my cake and wanting to eat it too, but after all the hubbub about these new consoles I was certain that we were looking at 1080p and 60 fps as the norm, not the exception. I’m not a huge stickler for these kinds of things, but to me it seemed like the next-gen promised something it can’t really deliver.
What do you guys think? As developers get more familiar with these systems will we eventually hit this lofty goal, or will we have to wait for the next hardware cycle?
Source – CVG
I think that developers will be able to utilize both systems more over time, though how much more is questionable. But I also think that using Tomb Raider ‘We need more money edition’ as an example for the benchmark of the new consoles doesn’t truly represent what both are capable of. Infamous SS and Quantum Break would be better to test the mettle of both consoles I would think.
I’m pretty certain that this is something developers will resolve as they get more experience with the systems. Both systems came in hot and many developers have not had access to them for long, so it’s going to take a bit of time for game’s to actually start to show a major difference.
It’s only been 2 months since it launched. All we have are launch games, which are historically bad and not indicative of the future. I don’t really care about 1080p or 60 fps at all, but Tomb Raider isn’t an indication of anything either. Square Enix is trying to cash in on the next-gen without doing the work. That’s hardly a reason to indict the entire generation.
Ideally, when we get games this fall, it will be better, but I am hoping that infamous: Second Son and Titanfall showcase the these systems before then. It is all a matter of expectations, so I guess it depends on how you manage those.
But only two months in is far too earlier to make a judgment, based on the sample size we have thus far.
I have no doubts these systems can run full-res games, but I do have doubts that Square Enix would forth the effort to get there.
Yeah, I don’t want to overreact to some of this stuff, but at the same time it’s kind of weird that with supposedly much better hardware that these guys are having trouble matching some decent PC rigs. Seems like 60fps at full 1080 shouldn’t be an issue, but I’m not the kind of guy that knows that much about it.