Resident Evil 5 Interview

Well, one game that is managing NOT to find its way into the public sphere over the next month is Reisdent Evil 5, which actually doesn’t come until March of 2009. Good thing, too, because I’d hate to miss it while playing the other 80 games on my plate (that’s an exagga-lie).

Anywho, a new video interview is out, going over the control schemes found in RE5 as well as some other tidbits. Lots of sweet gameplay footage (the graphics are ludicrous), including co-op and even some vehicle combat. Good times.

Portal: Still Alive Released

I’m not sure how I missed this one. Portal: Still Alive was released on XBox Live Arcade today. If you’re not aware, this game includes all of the original Portal plus 14 new bonus levels. Pretty sweet deal for just a measley little 15 bucks over XBL.

The download itself is pretty huge, which people are making a big deal about, but who cares? It’s more Portal gaming goodness, and I’m pretty pleased to see that it’s finally here. I’m just surprised that it made such a small splash, news wise over the last week or so. Have people gotten over Portal so fast?

Who’s getting this?

Source- Destructoid

Warcraft Retrospective, Part 1

I’m a huge (if I could write that word really big and spray fireworks off it I would) fan of the Retrospective series of videos from GameTrailers. They’ve tackled Star Wars, Final Fantasy, Zelda, and so much more. Each one bringing its own sense of nostalgia, along with some great nerdy info you couldn’t get without reading loads of wikipedia pages, no doubt.

The newest entry into the Retrospective series is titled “WarCraft: The Drums of War”, and is the first in a several part series which will chronicle the many iterations of the universe of WarCraft, as well as its evolution. Definitely informative and pretty interesting, even if like me, you’re not into WoW.

Penny Arcade Episode 2 Out Next Week

As if there’s not already enough great games to play, Penny Arcade’s Xbox Live Arcade and PC title, “On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 2” is going to hit next week, on October 29th. It will run about $14.95 in moneyz or 1200 MS Points, depending on which medium you choose to play it in.

Supposedly it totals in at around 6-10 hours of gameplay, with more levels than the first, new areas, and new jokes, of course. I’m not sure how many of you guys were able to play the first game, but I found it to be pretty enjoyable, especially for an XBLA title. I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you’ve got the MS points, or if you’re a fan of PA in general.

Also, Episode One is finally hitting the PSN this week as well, so if you’re a Sony guy, you can finally experience that.

Source- Kotaku

Alan Wake Trailer Has Extra Sizzle

So Alan Wake is a game that made quite a splash a couple of years ago, but has been scarcely seen since then. It boasted a unique atmosphere, cool cinematics and what looked to be an interesting story about an author whose books take on a life of their own, apparently.

Finally, some more news has resurfaced, with a brand new trailer out that shows some pretty awesome cut scenes. Obviously, we’d like to see some more gameplay, but what’s going on here is relatively hot, and looks to be in real time for at least a few of the shots. Looking forward to more info on this.

Bioware Announces the New KOTOR MMO

Ah, at last we have arrived. Even though people have known about this project for months, it’s finally official: Bioware is indeed working with LucasArts to create a new KOTOR MMO titled The Old Republic. It takes place about 300 years after KOTOR, and centers on the war between the Old Republic and the Empire.

IGN has a writeup of one of the pillars of the game– characters and story, something that’s lost in MMOs typically. Bioware’s goal is to let you feel like you are actually part of the narrative. Rather than having some big general story that everyone kind of participates in, there is an overarching story for each class. Sounds incredible and ambitious.

Continue reading Bioware Announces the New KOTOR MMO

Sexy Metal Gear PS3 is Sexy

In what may be one of the hottest and most awesome custom consoles I’ve ever seen, Morpheon Mods has listed a Metal Gear Solid themed PS3 on EBay. The console and controller are fitted with all kinds of crazy modifications to make this thing sleek as hell, and you can even view the design at night, because of a bunch of LEDs fitted to it. Oh yeah- Kojima signed, it too.

In addition, it comes with a bunch of MGS goodies, some of them rare and unique. On top of all of that, 15% of sales will be going to the Penny Arcade “Child’s Play” charity.

I am seriously in awe. Go check out the pictures!

Source- EBay via PS3Fanboy

Scratching the Fable II Itch

Wow, I can’t believe we’re already at the Fable II launch. I must admit that some recent videos have left me doubting about how the final product’s going to turn out, but this new TV special really gave me that itch again. It goes over the story, the world, the art, pro-creation and all kinds of goofy stuff. Give it a watch.

And now I must ask- who’s getting it?

Left 4 Dead Achievements

I’m sure most of you know this, but Left 4 Dead is less than 30 freaking days away. November 18th is when it hits, to be more specific. Since the release is drawing closer and closer, it seems like more info is coming our way in those final moments. Today, the list of the Left 4 Dead 360 achievements was released, informing those of us who are achievement whores about what lies in store for our profane hunting.

Some of the more notable ones include the Zombie Genocidest, which involves killing a total of over 53,000 zombies. There’s also the 101 Cremations achievement that you receive after setting 101 zombies on fire. Definitely worth a look if you’re interested in the game, and many of them seem do-able with a lot of work and patience. Excellent!

Source- XBox360Achievements

Dragon Quest IX Trailer

I’m not sure how many of you have ever partaken in the Dragon Quest series, but it’s among the RPG elite out there, and I think Dragon Quest VIII for the PS 2 may have been one of the best RPG’s I’ve played in years. The games have some fun combat, tons of depth, and art by Mr. DBZ himself, Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Quest IX is coming in 2009 for the DS, and this trailer is kind of wicked. It’s really hard to believe I’m looking at a DS game when I see some of the cut scenes and gameplay. Crazy what a handheld can do these days, no?

Saint’s Row 2 Thugs Me Out

So after forcing myself to finish GTA IV last week and feeling slightly underwhelmed, I decided to grab Saint’s Row 2, having heard from several gamers that it is just maddeningly fun. I wasn’t too impressed with what I played at PAX, but that was an early build, so I gave it a go…

As of now, I’ve dumped about 5 or 6 hours into the game in just a day, and I have to say, I could see it being more fun than GTA IV by the time I’m done.

Continue reading Saint’s Row 2 Thugs Me Out

FarCry Fridays Video

As one of the bigger releases of the holiday season, I think FarCry2 has gone a bit under-hyped in terms of some great first-person action. Just a look at this video shows some of the great things that the first game was loved for. Namely, the graphics, the variety and all the crazy explosions. Looks like a good time.

Ubisoft Making Tom Clancy Mega Game?

So in a pretty ambitious move, it seems that Ubisoft is aiming to turn all of its Tom Clancy properties into one gigantic mega-game in the neart future. Basically, each game will feed off of each other, branch into the next one, and maybe even features missions set under different styles of gameplay.

While I’m not sure how this all will work, the idea of it is pretty hardcore. If it’s just a matter of one story continues into the next game, I doubt anyone will really care. I mean, I’m not too jazzed about the Tom Clancy universe personally, though I’m fine with the snippets I get here and there.

Also, if it’s all just crammed into one game, might it be a case of doing lots of styles well but none of them great?

Continue reading Ubisoft Making Tom Clancy Mega Game?

GamerSushi Asks: Desert Island Gaming

Imagine that you wake up on an island. You know, kind of like in Castaway or Lost, minus the smoke monsters and the volleyballs and the weird. And it’s just you there, for the rest of your life. Only, imagine you find a small room (a hatch, if you will) with a TV, and some game consoles, and a small box full of just a handful of games…

Cheesy intro aside, everyone’s got that list, you know? The desert island list. People make them for movies, books, music, other people, or just favorite items in general. You know what I’m talking about: if you were stuck on a desert island for the rest of your life, which games would you like to be stuck with?

Continue reading GamerSushi Asks: Desert Island Gaming

Resistance 2: Last Hours Trailer

A new trailer just launched for Resistance 2, titled “Last Hours”. It’s a pretty epic collection of things from the game that I have to admit got me pretty pumped. This is another one of those games that keeps falling off the radar and then jumping back into my peripheral… I think the thing I’m most excited about is the co-op mode, which can be done with up to 8 players from what I hear. Fun times.

Who else is getting this game for sure?

O Noz! Worldwide LittleBigPlanet Delay!

Wow. In news that’s just downright shocking, it was announced today that LittleBigPlanet is being recalled worldwide, which will result in a delay. The game was supposed to release this next week, but will now be shipped again on Oct. 27th.

The reason? Apparently, there are some audible phrases of the Qu’ran playing in the background of a portion of the soundtrack. It seems that a group wrote to Media Molecule informing them that mixing music and the Qu’ran is deeply offensive to muslims, so all copies of the game are being pulled worldwide.

Continue reading O Noz! Worldwide LittleBigPlanet Delay!

I Want a MegaMan Costume, Too

Look at this kid. He is a badass and he knows it, sporting his MegaMan costume for Halloween and looking utterly awesome. Apparently, his dad built the whole thing about of of a plastic cup, some LEDs, lots of black electrical tape, some cloth and some wires.

This is maybe one of the coolest video game related costumes I’ve ever seen, particularly because even if this little kid has never played MegaMan his entire life, he still looks rad, so he’d want to wear it anyway. What about you guys? Any gaming related costume ideas for Halloween?

Source- Destructoid via Gizmodo

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Trailer

Ok, so it’s got one of the stupidest names I’ve ever seen, but Kingdom Hearts DS (as I’m going to refer to it from here on out) looks pretty cool. While I didn’t play KH2 because the story looked convoluted beyond believe, this actually is intriguing to me. What really grabs my fancy is the 4 player multiplayer arena clip, which just seems to be a blast. Thoughts? Who has played the other KH games?

Dragon Age Coming to Consoles?

One of the more interesting things I saw at PAX a few months back was Dragon Age: Origins, from famed developer Bioware. It looks to have some great hack and slash gameplay and a great story to boot. From what I saw, it was one of my more anticipated games of the next year along with Diablo III.

Well, for those of you who refuse to play games on your PC, this should be some good news, then. It seems that Dragon Age is coming to consoles in late 2009. A Bioware dude even confirmed that it would be coming to both the 360 and the PS3.

Trust me, this is good news. This game is going to be awesome. Who’s excited?

Source- November 2008 Game Informer