Rumor: Mass Effect Movie?

As we all know, the world of video game movies has been a tough one for studio execs to crack. Nearly every movie based on a video game has been wretched, and it just doesn’t seem to show any signs of letting up.

However, it seems that Avi Arad, one of the bigwigs responsible for Marvel’s recent comeback, has optioned the rights from EA to produce a movie based on the RPG Mass Effect. Pretty wild.

Continue reading Rumor: Mass Effect Movie?

The Super Mario Wish List

For many, the name Mario is synonymous with platform gaming and console gaming as a whole. Nintendo’s mustached mascot has become a global icon over the past couple of decades, and his self-titled platformers seem to show no signs of slowing down any time soon.

With the release of each successive proper Mario title (let’s just exclude Super Mario Bros. 2 and Super Mario Sunshine, shall we?), Nintendo has found ways to up the ante, building on the formula and shaking it up enough to make it new and exciting.

SMB3 added super suits and a huge world where players could explore new areas by choice, Super Mario World expanded the exploration and included new platforming elements, Super Mario 64 blew open the Mushroom Kingdom into three dimensions and Super Mario Galaxies stretched those dimensions upside down and around curved planetoids.

Continue reading The Super Mario Wish List

Dear Gears of War 2 Diary

Gears of War 2 is looming, and the hype machine is ever-marching towards you and your XBox360. That’s why Epic has released another developer diary to tide your insatiable hunger for all things Gears of War 2 related. This new video features the weapons in the new game, along with a few other treats.

Despite the hype that is going to be all over this, I can’t help but be excited. I loved the campaign of the first game, and the second seems like it’s going to top it in nearly every facet.

Wii Music: Harpsichord Beats Dog

After the recent “dog” demonstration from Nintendo, I had to say that my hopes for Wii Music were all but dashed upon the rocks of my sanity. There’s no way on the lord’s green earth that you would catch me playing a dog instrument.

However, the new Harpsichord demonstration definitely looks promising. Beyond just waggling and dongling, the player looks to be totally engaging with the instrument in a realistic way, without paying $200 for a box full of goofy plastic peripherals. Cool stuff. Maybe I can play the wicked riff from “In My Life” by the Beatles.

More Diablo III Crazies

We all know that the Internet is full of crazies. Loonies. Nutsos. Especially when it comes to tampering with their favorite hobbies, namely gaming. When that game happens to be Diablo III, it seems that people move from regular crazy into the territory of slobbering fanboy crazy, which is a different kind of crazy altogether.

After all of the months of moaning about the brighter more colorful approach to the world of Diablo, Blizzard says that fans will have more reasons to hate them in the near future, when they release the next class of character that can be found in the game.

Continue reading More Diablo III Crazies

Portal Begins

A new Half Life 2 mod is underway called Portal:Prelude, which is exactly what it sounds like. The huge mod (19 test chambers and 400 lines of dialogue) is a fan-made prequel to last year’s beloved Portal, and will be completely free to download. 

The project seems ambitious and terribly impressive. They’ve even been contacted by Valve, which is more than some of us who work with the Source engine can say… If you’ve played Portal, I’m sure you’ll be interested in this.

Source- Kotaku via Portal:Prelude

Star Wars Retro Action

If you’re familiar at all with the Gametrailers “Retrospective” features, then you know that they totally rule. Typically, they will do several weeks of retrospective videos leading up to the release of a new and exciting game.

This time, in anticipation of The Force Unleashed, the “Retrospective” series has focused on Star Wars and all of the videogames that the popular science fiction franchise has spawned in its wake. They are all the way up to 10 installments now, but I thought I’d share number 7, which features Shadows of the Empire and KOTOR, two of the better Star Wars games ever made (though nostalgia may be helping Shadows out a lot).

Ah, memories. Did you guys ever play these games?

Little Big Release Date

Since it’s been more than, I don’t know, a few days since we’ve posted anything related to LittleBigPlanet, I figured we were about due for some kind of excuse to talk about Sackboy. Well, that excuse has arrived.

Kotaku reports that Sony Europe has now set the release date for LittleBigPlanet as October 24th, which is way too close for words. Granted, this is the European release date, but one can only assume that the U.S. release will be coming on or around the same time. Excited yet?

Source- Kotaku

Mercenary Stunt-Off

While I never played the original Mercenaries game, I found the idea terribly appealing, since I’m a lover of all things open world-ish but also causing general mayhem. It seemed to be right up my alley. Needless to say, I’ve been very tempted by Mercenaries 2, which just recently saw the light of day at local retailers.

This new stunt video is making my mouth water. Do want. Did any of you guys play the original? Have you played the sequel yet?

Halo Haters: 5 Things Under Appreciated About Halo

Halo is this weird kind of dividing line within the gaming community. On one hand, it’s overrated by the throngs of people who go crazy over it and swear that it could perhaps be the greatest FPS on any platform, PC or otherwise, EVER. On the other hand, there are people that just don’t seem to “get” Halo and what makes it fun, and in fact, would rather hate the game just to hate it, regardless.

For some reason, there are many hardcore gamers that have never been able to embrace the franchise or its signature character, Master Chief. Either they are blinded by the fanboy ravings, their own fanboy prejudices, or they’ve never give the game the time of day. So I thought I’d put together a little list to take a look at what makes Halo unique.

Continue reading Halo Haters: 5 Things Under Appreciated About Halo

Creative Expressions on Spore

We all know that people have been quite upset about Spore’s DRM debacle, which limits user ownership of the game and only allows one account per PC. It’s definitely somethings that’s ticked off the game’s users, and it doesn’t sound like EA is going to relent at any point in the future.

How have people expressed this? Well, apparently, Spore is capable of producing more than just genitalia monsters, as gamers have started to make creatures that proudly show off displeasure at the DRM.

Continue reading Creative Expressions on Spore

No Place Like Home

For those of you PS3 owners who, like me, are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Home, it seems like it’s finally getting closer after all these months. In case you’ve forgotten about what this new online lobby/world is going to feature, there is a new video out that fills you in on all of the goodies. Definitely worth a watch.

Personally, I think this could be just what the PS3 needs to give Sony’s console that shot in the arm that the dashboard functionality gives to the 360. Thoughts?

Source- PS3 Fanboy

Dark Knight Plus TF2 is Awesome

As the title indicates, there are some things that are absolutely stupendous when throw together, much like eggs and bacon. Recently, the TF2 death icon generator was released to the public, and already an Internet gem has risen from its depths.

Over at Ubercharged, someone has thrown together The Dark Knight retold as a string of TF2 kills. It’s really humorous if you’ve seen the movie, but beware of spoilers!

Personally, I loved The Dark Knight, so it’s neat to see all the little fan spoofs that keep popping up.

Source- Ubercharged

Sonic Unleashed Equals Do Want

So for a bit now, I’ve had my eye on Sonic Unleashed. One thing that I love about old-school gaming that seemed to die out was the idea of 2 1/2 D, which is my favorite D of all. Last week, a new trailer for the return-to-roots Sonic appeared, and I have to say, I think it looks incredible. It seems to have the right mix of challenge and speed that made Sonic such an appealing franchise.

Your thoughts?


Hey dudes, got caught in a bit of a tough pickle known as Hurricane Ike here in Houston, and virtually the entire city is without power, including us (I’m at my brother’s now writing this).

Anthony will keep updating with some game-related news as he can, but I won’t be posting until I get some power back, and who knows when that will be.

Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Personally, one of the things that shocked (in a good way) me most about the 360 when I bought it was the dashboard. I thought it was such a clever user interface, and it had a nice slick look to it. For me, it changed it into something more than a console, so I’m really excited about the completely revamped interface, coming soon.

For anybody else that’s interested, Gamerscore Blog is now going to be updating each Friday to bring tips and explanations about all the features of the new 360 dashboard.

Continue reading Get Informed About the New Dashboard

Left 4 Dead Demo to Eat Your Brains

As some of you know, I’m kind of a huge nut about most things Valve-related. Whether it’s head crabs, crowbars, portals, layzorz, scouts, I’m all about it. Another thing I’m a huge fan of is Zombies. Also, co-op play. Mashing all these things together like potatoes gives you Valve’s upcoming gave Left 4 Dead.

So, it was to my delight that Gabe Newell confirmed that a Left 4 Dead demo is going to be hitting XBox Live and the PC soon. If I’m frothing at the mouth, it’s not the T-Virus, it’s just that I’m so happy.

Continue reading Left 4 Dead Demo to Eat Your Brains

Seth MacFarlane Does Mario

In the classic case of two great tastes that taste hilarious together, Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, has introduced a new web product called the Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. One of his first installments tackles Super Mario Bros. More specifically, Mario saving the Princess.

If you’re a fan of the humor of Family Guy, this should be right up your alley. The Star Power tune gets me every time.


Fanboys Unleashed

So, we all love Star Wars, us nerds. We’re quite fond of it. Especially those who are like me, and gobble up any table scrap that kindly ol’ Lucas throws down to the floor. If that scrap is a demo for a new Star Wars game where I get to do whatever I want with The Force? Watch out.

Apparently, I’m not the only one with an XBox 360 who feels this way. It seems that in a rush of fanboy zeal, the Force Unleashed demo has broken records on Xbox Live.

Continue reading Fanboys Unleashed

World’s Most Useless Toaster

But it makes for a pretty awesome NES system, no?

Once again I am baffled by the ingenuity of some people. This seriously has to fall under maybe the coolest Nintendo mod I’ve ever seen. It even has a “making of” video to match! Seeing the SMB3 cartridge in their is wrecking hell on my nostalgia gland, as well.

If you guys had a thing like this sitting in your room, which old games would be the first ones you pulled out?

Source- WiiFanboy