This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules

l4dshirtI don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.

Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?

So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?

Source- Zazzle

Today’s WTF: Chrono Trigger at GameStop

As we all know, Chrono Trigger is considered to be one of the greatest RPGs, if not one of the greatest games of all time. It features a great cast, an epic storyline, and everyone’s favorite story trope, time travel. The game was just recently re-released on the Nintendo DS, and I absolutely can’t wait to pick it up.

However, apparently the re-release, according to GameStop, is slightly different from the version we all know and love. From their website:

If the physics depicted in TV and movies are correct, and we have no reason to doubt that, then messing with the time-space continuum always results in wacky adventures. Join Crono in this updated old-school favorite as he travels through time and space in order to go back to 1982 and throw a football over some mountains to win the state championship.

Wow. That sounds like it could be even better than the original. I’m not sure how long this will stay up on the GameStop website, so go check it out while you can!

Source- GameStop, via Kotaku

GamerSushi Asks: What Did You Play?

As we all know, Thanksgiving, and the holidays in general, are a time where we get some much needed down-time for not only family and eating, but also getting in some good gaming time before we go back to the grind. In addition, Black Friday brings the opportunity to save on systems, devices and games that we’ve been waiting to play.

Over the weekend, I mainly played the junk out of Left 4 Dead, along with some Dead Space, and even a little bit of Halo 3 for good measure. I flirted just a tad with Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core on the PSP. Left 4 Dead is still blowing me away due to its awesome versus modes (a coordinated zombie attack is bliss) and sheer replayability. And the only thing Black Friday yielded was a few DVDs and Kung Fu Panda on BluRay.

What about you guys? What did you play for the extended break? Anything you wanted to play more of? Get anything for Black Friday? Answer away!

NXE Hands On, Part 2: Netflix

So after experiencing some more actual time with the NXE, I felt it was necessary to provide an update. While I wasn’t too thrilled after my first exposure to it, last night I played Left 4 Dead for awhile and got to tinker quite a bit. I have to say, I really enjoy it.

For one, it’s faster to browse than the Dashboard was, by far. I remember sometimes I wouldn’t want to answer messages just because it was so slow to do that right in the middle of a game. With the NXE, browsing through the blades is quick and easy and feels just right.

In addition, I spent some time with the Netflix streaming last night… Let me say, if you have a Netflix subscription, the XBox 360 just got 10 times cooler. Adding movies to your instant queue is a breeze, and in no time at all, I was streaming HD TV shows (they’ve got a selection that includes things like 30 Rock, The Office, Heroes, etc) to my 360 instantly. The quality is spectacular, too. This is by far my favorite feature of the NXE now.

So how many of you have Netflix subscriptions and a 360 and will be using this to its full?

Hands on with the NXE

So apparently, if you filled out an application for the NXE a few weeks back, you can already get online and grab your update for the XBox 360. I turned on my 360 earlier tonight and was pleasantly surprised to be greeted with a new update, which then promptly replaced the old dashboard with the slick shiny new one.

All in all, while I like the way they’ve re-organized things, it all just seems overwhelmingly unnecessary, though I understand that something had to be done about all the clutter with the marketplace and the usability in general. I like the sleek look of it, and I can’t wait to test out the party system, which will let me bring several friends into games at once and do private chats with groups of people.
Continue reading Hands on with the NXE

Valve Proves its BadAss-ness with Complete Pack

If you needed any further convincing, Valve has just confirmed that they are, in fact, complete and utter badasses. How did they do this? Well, first of all, by making some truly classic games, with a great track record. Second, for being the only gaming company that understands how its gamers want to use the Internet to buy things.

And lastly, the new Valve Complete Pack, which includes essentially every Valve game ever made, including Left 4 Dead and the Orange box, HL2, HL, CS, CSS, and all kinds of other things. How much does this cost you? $99. Seriously. It’s almost $140 in savings.

This is perfect for me because I actually don’t own the Orange Box and I was thinking about getting Left 4 Dead on the PC anyway. Anybody else going to hit Valve up on this?

Source- Steam

A Pleasant Trip to GameStop

Wow. After all these years of loathing GameStop, I think they may have softened my heart of stone. Tonight, I finally decided to bite the bullet and trade in a big pile of games in order to save money on some of the upcoming Winter releases. I figured full well that I might get ripped off (last year I traded in 6 games for a total of like 35 bucks), but that I needed to save wherever I could, lest the wife take out her vengeance.

I was pleasantly surprised.

Continue reading A Pleasant Trip to GameStop

Portal: Prelude Ready for Download

Portal:Prelude is the incredible fan-made prequel to Valve’s Portal, and it is now available to download. It features a chapter count bigger than the actual game, some wicked puzzles, and lots of dialogue. Best of all, it’s free for you to enjoy.

As I noted above, this game is huge, so the download won’t exactly be a short one. And obviously, it requires Portal already installed to even play it. But surely, if you’re interested, you already have that. Download it, play it, report back and let us know what you think.

Source- Portal:Prelude

Great Deal On A PS3 HDD Upgrade

Is your PS3 memory getting filled out more than an application? I know mine is. My puny 40 GB HDD is down to a measly 10 GB and with Little Big Planet and Fallout 3 looming in the near future, steps must be taken. Thankfully, I have found a great deal on that I wanted to point out to you guys. Simply click the link above and feast your eyes on a 320 GB with FANTASTIC reviews from people who used it for their PS3. The price? $83.90.  Not too shabby, huh? So what are you waiting for????