Ghostbusters Trailer Shows Ghosts, Busting

When there’s something strange, in the neighborhood… Who you gonna call?

Addictive song aside, this trailer actually arouses an incredible fanboy lust inside my nerdy heart. The Ghostbusters franchise is one that I love, and I’ve always felt that there was lots of untapped potential there in terms of more stories for the crew. This game will feature 4 player co-op from what I’m told. Just don’t cross the streams!

Blood of Bahamut Trailer Has Colossi

So, the new DS RPG from Square titled “Blood of Bahamut” (there is no Final Fantasy in the title, my bad on that one) has a brand spanking new trailer out for it. The comparisons to Shadow of the Colossus look to be correct, as the trailer pits 2D sprites against these enormous stone and moss beasts. I like the style of it, but I’m not sure what I think of the gameplay just yet. Still, it’s an interesting concept. What do you guys think?

Final Fantasy: Blood of Bahamut for the DS

So the other day, a spooky but crazy epic Square countdown site launched, teasing gamers with an awesome looking shot of Bahamut over what looks like a colossus from Shadow of the Colossus. Oh, and the colossus has a city on its back.

While gamers speculated over what it was, it looks like the news has been broken by Jump Magazine in Japan. It is a teaser for a new Square game called Final Fantasy: Blood of Bahamut for the Nintendo DS. FF:BoB (as I’ve dubbed it) is a 4 player co-op action RPG game that has 2D sprites running against 3D backdrops. Which sounds incredible, by the way.

Even cooler? The premise has the characters living in the city perched atop the giant creature’s back. Only problem is, lots of other huge douches keep coming to attack your walking city. No fun. But I’m all for that. This game sounds terribly compelling and inventive. Anybody else excited?

Source- Nintendo DS Fanboy via Final Fantasy Union

The Big Nintendo Release List

So Nintendo has taken the time to put together a big mega list of every Nintendo game being released in 2009. This list includes both Wii and DS titles from first, second, third and every party in between. There are a surprising amount of games on there, so it’s definitely worth a look.

Now, how many of these games will be good and how many am I looking forward to? Umm… that part is a little harder to quantify. In a season where we’ve seen so many great releases and Nintendo has offered nothing, it’s hard to get excited about an Animal Crossing title in 2009 or a Dead Rising port.

But then again, I’m cynical. I do want Sin and Punishment and Super Punch Out, though.

What about you guys? Anything on the list you’d like to get your hands on for next year?

Source- Kotaku

Dragon Quest IX Trailer

I’m not sure how many of you have ever partaken in the Dragon Quest series, but it’s among the RPG elite out there, and I think Dragon Quest VIII for the PS 2 may have been one of the best RPG’s I’ve played in years. The games have some fun combat, tons of depth, and art by Mr. DBZ himself, Akira Toriyama.

Dragon Quest IX is coming in 2009 for the DS, and this trailer is kind of wicked. It’s really hard to believe I’m looking at a DS game when I see some of the cut scenes and gameplay. Crazy what a handheld can do these days, no?

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Trailer

Ok, so it’s got one of the stupidest names I’ve ever seen, but Kingdom Hearts DS (as I’m going to refer to it from here on out) looks pretty cool. While I didn’t play KH2 because the story looked convoluted beyond believe, this actually is intriguing to me. What really grabs my fancy is the 4 player multiplayer arena clip, which just seems to be a blast. Thoughts? Who has played the other KH games?

Trailer: Suikoden TierKreis for the DS

Suikoden III ranks among one of my favorite games of all time. It was a tremendous RPG with a great, unique story told from three different perspectives and had a huge cast of characters. I haven’t been crazy about a Suikoden game since then, but Suikoden TierKreis for the DS might just change that.

It seems like more and more traditional RPG’s are headed to the handhelds. This is totally ok with me, seeing as how it’s easy to pick up a handheld for a few minutes at a time and then be done with it. Did any of you guys play any of the other Suikoden games?

The Definitive Holiday Gaming List

We all know that lots of games are coming out this Fall/Winter. We’ve been through this drill many times as gamers. We’ve gotten used to it. However,  I don’t know if I remember another year quite like this one, with so many quality titles coming out across a variety of platforms.

GamesRadar has put together an awesome list of “The 28 Best Games Still to Come in 2008”, to help you get an idea of what’s in store for you. It’s really wild to see them all listed together like this. I think I want to play about 14 titles on it.

Hooray for going broke this holiday season? How many make your list?

Source- GamesRadar

Goofy Nintendo Points Are Goofy

Nintendo, I love you, but you’re killing me, Smalls.

Maybe they just don’t understand the intertubes, or maybe they’re glorious money-grubbing bastards, or maybe they’re a little of column A and a little of column B- but Nintendo’s latest move with its recently re-purposed Nintendo Points cards is a little befuddling.

Basically, if you buy a Nintendo Points card and then use it on your Wii, it then becomes tied to that console. And you only get that one. So your new Nintendo Points are now useless for your DSi. Why did you change the name from Wii Points in the first place, Nintendo?

Continue reading Goofy Nintendo Points Are Goofy

Introducing: Nintendo DS-i

Maybe they’re trying a little too hard to be like Apple with the name, but nonetheless, Nintendo has announced the DS-i, the new Nintendo DS.

The DS-i will feature a .3 megapixel camera (640 x 480), larger screens and no GBA slot. There will also be an SD card slot to save those pictures onto, as well as some audio enhancements. All in all, this will run you about $180 early next year, whenever this thing comes to the US.

Continue reading Introducing: Nintendo DS-i

Make Way for the New DS

While lots of rumors and speculations have been swirling about a looming announcement from Nintendo, it seems that someone has finally broken a story. MCV is reporting that tomorrow morning, Nintendo is going to be announcing a brand new and upgraded model of the Nintendo DS.

Apparently, this DS is going to be designed to compete with the PSP, which is kind of rocking the DS in terms of sales recently. While nobody knows all of the additional features, it seems that it’s going to feature both an MP3 player as well as a camera of some kind. Looking forward to seeing more about this tomorrow. Who else is excited about the new DS?

Source- MCV

New Final Fantasy for the Wii

Since the Tokyo Game Show is on its way soon, you can expect tons of new info to come out of Japan like this over the next few weeks. In the newest issue of Shonen Jump, Square Enix has dropped that a new FF: Crystal Chronicles game is coming to the Wii in January.

The new game is called Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. It’s no Final Fantasy XIII, but hey, Final Fantasy is Final Fantasy. Apparently, it’s coming to the DS too, and will allow online playability between DS and Wii users.

Continue reading New Final Fantasy for the Wii

Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

It’s time for all the good boys and girls to make lists for their loved ones for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever holiday festival you choose to celebrate. I celebrate Christmas, so this is a Christmas list. If that bothers you, don’t worry. I eat poorly and will likely die an untimely death. Now, on with the countdown…er count up, since I start with #1. Continue reading Top 5: Games I Want For Xmas

Sonic Rolls for Initiative

Sonic the Hedgehog was just about one of the best reasons to own a Genesis back in the day, but dude hasn’t aged all too well in the recent years. In fact, he is said to be on street corners, selling his fur and… other… unmentionable services to random passersby.

However, things seem to be on the up and up for our dear spiky blue friend, what with Sonic Unleashed showing off totally retro 2 1/2 D gameplay full of all the Sonis tropes we know and love. And now, there’s the Sonic DS RPG that’s set to hit at the end of this month, produced by none other than developer Bioware.

Continue reading Sonic Rolls for Initiative

Neo-Geo on the DS

I’ve never been one to do much homebrew action. But I know that some people out there are into violating their own electronics like a prison cellmate, so I thought I’d post this guide I came across over at DS Fanboy about playing NeoGeo games on your Nintendo DS through NeoDS.

Metal Slug X and King of Fighters, anyone? You can find the actual guide at RacketBoy. Video demo below.