So I imagine you guys are all aware of this little title called Killzone 2? Yeah, thought so. The 360 fanboys hate it already and the PS3 fanboys are ready to canonize it, so I thought I would take a look at it myself. Having read dozens of reviews of the game already, I had a good idea of what to expect and my main complaint was that the demo was really too short to make a firm judgment about anything. This preview will also answer some things I have seen pop up online regarding the demo and the game itself.
Continue reading GamerSushi Impressions: Killzone 2 Demo
Category: FPS
Review: Call of Duty: World at War
Some time ago, I asked GamerSushi user Sean to write a review for us. I’ve known Sean for a few years outside of GS, so I thought it’d be cool to have him contribute a guest feature. He was very prompt and did this right away. I, however, having been a bum, did not post it until just now. So, here’s a guest review of Call of Duty: World at War!
Continue reading Review: Call of Duty: World at War
Battlefield 1943 Has Fewer Classes But Comes Cheap
Some more details are dropping from the New York Comic-Con today concerning Battlefield 1943: Pacific, which comes out this summer from EA. I’m terribly excited about this, as the original game was one of my favorite PC shooters ever, and had some truly epic and memorable battles. Here are some of the new bits of info released for the game today…
Apparently, the game is going to be a $15 to $20 purchase, and will only be about a 350 MB download. In addition, the game will feature fewer classes than the original Battlefield titles, having removed medics and heavy weapons soldiers. To make up for this, all classes will be better suited to deal with tanks and vehicles, and will have regenerating health and unlimited ammo. Also, environments are destructible, which rules.
Personally, while I don’t like having fewer classes or unlimited ammo, I’m curious how the experiment works out in terms of having a smaller, cheaper game that releases paid DLC in small bits. To me, this could be better than dropping $60 bucks on a game that you dont utilize all of the features for. Should be interesting to see how this turns out.
I know that there already people disappointed about this (looking at you, Mitch). So what do you guys think?
Source- Kotaku (thanks to Mitch for pointing this article out to us)
Valve Announces Left 4 Dead Survival Pack
Rejoice my fellow Left 4 Dead-ites, for Valve is releasing the much anticipated Left 4 Dead DLC this spring. And goodness me, that’s just a few short months away.
Firstly, there will be a new multiplayer mode titled Survival, which I’m guessing is just what it sounds like: surviving against tons of zombies. I’m wondering if this only takes place on the finale levels, or if it just doesn’t give you health packs and puts you into the campaigns as they are. We shall see. In addition, there will be two brand new campaigns, playable in co-op or versus mode.
On top of all of that, PC users will also get access to the SDK for the game, which will open up the floodgates of user-generated content. Sounds like L4D is about to get a lot cooler, and especially so for the PC.
Source- Shacknews
Introducing: Battlefield 1943!
So, apparently EA just announced Battlefield 1943 this morning, which is coming out this freaking summer. This is a welcome surprise, and seeing as how Battlefield 1942 is one of my favorite PC shooters ever, I can’t wait to create me some more sticky bombs out of moving jeeps.
They even did us a solid and released an awesome trailer, full of vehicle combat, turrets and straight up mayhem. Who else thinks this news totally rules?
Source- Kotaku
Adam Sessler Responds to Fanboy Wars, Is Pissed
Wow. Adam Sessler is a super nice guy, at least from the time that I met him at PAX. He was super busy, and in a rush, but took the time to talk to me and even accepted a business card from me. Super swell fellow.
Well, this happy-go-lucky man is a bit pissed off in the newest edition of “Sessler’s Soapbox”, in which he responds to the fanboy wars between XBox 360 and PS3 fans after X-Play’s review of Killzone 2. Basically, after the review, people accused XPlay of being biased towards the 360, and also of lacking integrity, for getting paid off to review the game the way they did.
The best part of all? They gave the game a perfect score. Yeah. I can see why he’d be pissed. He really gets going by the end, too.
Sup Chief, Episode 1: Mister Chief
I’ve posted a few videos by TheDuoGroup, some of my favorite machinimators. Well, they’re now breaking into the live action realm with a new Web series called Sup Chief?, about a group of guys that gets a new famous roomie from the Halo series. This first episode has its moments, but I’m really curious as to how they’re going to stretch this into a series without the premise getting stale. I’m sure they’ll figure it out.
GameSpot Tries to Show Some Killzone 2 Integrity
Some of you know me to complain about modern video game reviews. To me, you shouldn’t review a video game until you’ve had some extensive time with it, enough to really sit down and tell people what’s what, and if this thing is worth their money. For instance, many Grand Theft Auto IV reviews are based on only 8 hours of total play, which is almost criminal.
Well, it seems the same is happening to Killzone 2, as GameSpot revealed today that any reviews of the game so far are based on just 3 hours of multiplayer play (they have gotten to play all of single player, however). And not just 3 hours back-to-back of multiplayer, but rather, 3 single hour sessions held for the press over the last month. As a result, GameSpot is actually holding off their reviews until they can spend more time with this aspect of the game.
This trend is incredibly disturbing to me, especially considering that all the major publications have already released reviews of the game. Hell, IGN even gave it a 9.4. Kind of odd considering these people only played the multiplayer aspect of the game online at 3 press events. Seems to me that there should be separate reviews for multiplayer and single player these days. What do you guys think? Fair/foul for video game reviewers?
Source- GameSpot
Left 4 Dead Valentines Equal Time 4 Love
As some of us men with a ball-and-chain (love you sweetie) know, Valentine’s Day is coming up just around the corner. Yes, that commercial holiday in which the meaning of romantic love is boiled down to buying each other trinkets and doodads.
However, if you’re feeling a bit out of sorts, and are looking for the perfect way to tell that special someone how you’re feeling, then fortunately, there’s a solution for you. And yes, it does involve zombies. Left 4 Dead valentine cards!
Created by a Penny Arcade forum goer, these guys kind of rule. I’m a sucker for puns, and these are about as silly as they come. My favorite is the tank. Anyone else know of any other good gaming related valentines?
Source- Penny Arcade forums
The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been
This list is actually kind of sad. You see, Goldeneye was supposed to be released for XBox Live Arcade at some point over the last year or so, but Microsoft and certain other parties couldn’t act like big boys and get the thing to happen. So as a result, we, the gamers missed out on the re-release of an old classic. I mean, imagine an XBL deathmatch in this game. Sigh.
An all too painful reminder of the Goldeneye that could have been graced the Intertubes today, namely in the form of supposedly leaked achievements.
While these aren’t the confirmed actual achievements from the game, the names seem to speak for themselves.
Continue reading The Goldeneye Achievements That Could Have Been
Tornado Chasing Comes to GMod
I’m sure that many of you are familiar with the Facepunch forums, especially those of you that are HL2 fanatics of different shapes and sizes. Like most forums, it’s full of its own amount of useless drivel, but occasionally, you’ll find a truly precious gem in its hallowed annals.
This particular gem is gm_tornadochase, a new GMod map being built by user monkeyjoe_, who has had real life experience chasing tornadoes. Yes, the premise is exactly what it sounds like. There is a big freaking tornado on the map, complete with realistic physics and swirling debris, and your job is survive by building structures. Also, you can release research probes up into the vortex to gather data for the stormchaser team.
To me, this is one of the most creative things I’ve ever seen out of a gaming community, and I wanted to share it here. It’s not quite finished, but apparently it’s getting there. There are lots of pictures and even some video demonstrations available in the thread. What do you guys think? Is this bad ass or what?
Source- Facepunch
My Spartan Girl Music Video
One of my favorite machinima groups, Darkspire Films, has released some more comedic gold today with their new music video, My Spartan Girl. It’s essentially dedicated to all the girl gamers out there, specifically in Halo 3. It’s kind of tasteless, hilarious, and maybe also slightly NSFW.
One other word: hawt. And if you really want, you can download the song here.
Fallout 3: Operation Anchorage DLC Trailer
The Fallout 3 DLC which so confusingly this week is now being enjoyed by gamers far and wide. Up until now, I’ve only seen screenshots of the thing, which is why it was nice of to Bethesda release this shiny new Operation Anchorage trailer to whet our appetites for some RPG shooter action.
I have to say that I’m an extremely huge fan of the ninja. So who all has played this? Thoughts?
Bethesda Short Changes PS3 Owners
For me, one of the coolest parts of finishing an open world game such as Grand Theft Auto IV or Crackdown or Fallout 3, is the ability to continue on around the world after everything is said and done. Especially in RPGs, where there might even be loads of sidequests yet to complete, so that you can truly experience all that the game you purchased has to offer.
A lot of people were upset with Fallout 3’s ending, which didn’t allow you to do this. So, Bethesda has heard the cries of discontent, and are releasing a patch this week with the DLC to allow 360 and PC users to continue exploring the post-apocalyptic paradise of Washington, DC. Cool deal, huh? Well, not if you’re a PS3 owner. Apparently, Bethesda has no plans for a PS3 Fallout 3 patch as of now, and they’re ok with that.
Kind of a crappy deal if you ask me. I’m not sure how game developers feel like this lack of support is ok for the gamers. Fair or foul for Bethesda? What do you guys think?
Source- MTV Multiplayer
EDIT: Confusing much? According to The Bitbag, there is no patch for the 360 and the PC. Rather, this update is all part of the DLC- which the PS3 is still not getting. Hope that clears things up a tad.
Riddick: Dark Athena Opening Cinematic
I’m a total sci-fi tool. I will admit it before anyone else even thinks it. That’s why I am kind of losing my junk over this video, the first four minutes of Chronicles of Riddick: Dark Athena. It’s definitely got a cool sci-fi feel to it, and I’ve always loved the universe of the Riddick stories.
Best part of all? This video game is only two months away. How does it look to you guys?
GamerSushi Asks: Getting Robbed Online?
We all know the feeling. Placing the crosshairs on an enemy forehead, only to not score the kill. Getting assassinated from the front in Halo 3. Feeling like your head must be the size of a balloon in the rival teams’ sniper scopes. Experiencing these things online can be frustrating.
Just this evening, I was playing a match of versus in Left 4 Dead. We were on Blood Harvest, stage 4, the portion that ends with the long bridge to the caboose that acts as a safe room. As the zombies, we had weakened the team significantly, waiting for that home stretch when the tank would spawn on their final run. And that would be the end of it. Or rather, it should have been.
You see, even though they got a tank when they were zombies, we didn’t get a tank during our round. So, all 4 survivors ran, barely alive, down the bridge and to safety, putting them out of reach for the game. We got robbed.
I’m sure these kinds of things happen to you dudes game online too, no matter what the game is (though mine seem mostly to be in Halo 3). What are some of your worst “we got robbed” stories from online multiplayer? Answer away!
Today’s Do Want: Real Portal Gun
There really aren’t a whole lot of things I can say about this. I mean, I can talk about how I’ve always wanted to be a handy person (again), or how I like video game things and want them near me or on me. You know how it goes. But really, words can’t quantify how ridiculously cool this fanmade portal gun is.
Basically, a dude made it for his girlfriend because he knew she loved the game so much. It looks like a ton of care went into the project, and I can’t believe how good it turned out. I think I may love this man.
Anywho, check out the pictures yourself. I can has?
Source- Kotaku
Leaked Killzone 2 Opening Cinematic
Well, Killzone 2 is just around the corner, bringing months of Sony hype into its inevitable fail/win Internet declarations. You know how these things go.
Furthering this speeding engine, the Killzone 2 opening cinematic has been leaked onto our glorious Web tubes for all to see and gawk at. Like other videos having to do with this game, it excites me at some points, makes me say “meh” at others. What do you guys think?
Oh, and obviously, there are spoilers.
This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules
I don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.
Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?
So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?
Source- Zazzle
Call of Duty 4 Machinima: The Spectator
Here’s a new machinima short from some of my favorite machinimators on the planet, The Duo Group. It’s actually created with Call of Duty 4, so that’s rather unique as far as machinima goes. While it’s a little unbelievable that this man would survive, I still love the way it all looks. Great voice acting, too.