GamerSushi Asks: Biggest Let Downs of 2010?

Final Fantasy 14

As the end of the year draws nigh, it’s only natural that every site in the world is going to come up with a series of “Best Of” lists regarding the nearly late but still great 2010. We try to vary things up around here when we can, but since there’s no news, you’ll probably be getting a few of these lists as we find them, because hey, we like to post. Sort of.

Anyway, Gamasutra has been doing a series of lists about 2010 in review, including this new one I enjoyed where they covered the year’s Top 5 Disappointments. The list covers everything from the giant cluster that was the Final Fantasy XIV launch through the removal of the Taliban in Medal of Honor. I suppose it could also be called the biggest fails of 2010, but hey, it’s their list. I think if I’m going over my list of disappointments, it would include Little Big Planet 2 getting moved to next year, and Microsoft’s focus on Kinect at E3.

So what about you guys? What were your top disappointments of 2010?

Source – Gamasutra

Poll: Favorite Announcement of VGA’s?

Well, the 2010 Spike Video Game Awards have come and they have gone, leaving us slightly more forgiving of the show’s shortcomings this year, thanks to the plethora of awesome reveals dumped on us. Honestly, I was expecting something pretty cool, but what we got was beyond awesome.

Which leads to our poll. Vote for the announcement that got you most excited and let us know why. Personally, confirmation of Mass Effect 3 being released this year coupled with Elder Scrolls V and seeing just a snippet of gameplay of Uncharted 3 was my favorite part. I know, I picked 3 things, sue me, it’s my post. Also, did you like the trailers we saw or would you prefer more gameplay? Vote now!

Most Exciting Announcement of the 2010 VGA's?

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The GamerSushi Show, Ep 13: VGA Special

VGA 2010Wow. So the VGA’s happened last night, and anybody that’s remotely interested in gaming news has probably heard by now – 2011 is going to be insane. With Portal 2, Uncharted 3, Mass Effect 3, Elder Scrolls V, Forza 4, Resistance 3, Killzone 3, Dragon Age 2, Twisted Metal, Last Guardian and Gears of War 3… it’s looking like many of us are going to go broke just trying to keep up with everything.

As I’ve said previously, I’m not exactly a fan of televised video game anything, because it seems that the people producing the material have no idea what really appeals to gamers. While the VGAs had some gimmicky and annoying bits about them last night, they were certainly better than years before, primarily because a lot of the content skewed towards gaming more than it has in the past.

Anyway, before all of this insanity happened, the GamerSushi dudes got together to record a podcast and make some predictions. We thought it’d be cool to post just after, so you can fact check us against everything that happened. Here’s the list of official VGA 2010 winners if you’re interested. Beyond the VGA’s, we play another one of Nick’s awesome games and even talk about the reveals of Uncharted 3 and Mass Effect 3.

Hopefully you guys enjoy our goofy rantings. Once again, please go rate this cast on iTunes and subscribe with the handy links to the right. Enjoy! Continue reading The GamerSushi Show, Ep 13: VGA Special

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Trailer is All Hot and Bothered

Besides Mass Effect 3, the other eagerly awaited trailer at the Video Game Awards was for Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Before the Game of the Year was announced (congrats to Rockstar for that, by the way), we got a quick peek at what sort of peril Nathan Drake will be in come November 1, 2011. The trailer also shows a little snippet of gameplay, something that made it stand out amongst the pre-rendered trailers of the night. Have a look see, I know you want to.

November alone is going to be kind of a ruinous month next year because we’ve got this, The Elder Scrolls 5, possibly Mass Effect 3 and who knows what else dropping. If I give this year an S game wise, I might have to give 2011 an S+. What do you guys think of the Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception trailer? What do you hope Naughty Dog will do with the game?

Craving Sleeper Sequels

Dark Alliance

Uncharted 3 is real, Mass Effect 3 looks to be real and we all know another Halo game will one day grace our consoles. But that’s a given. Let’s face it, even as excited as I am about the aforementioned games, I knew they were going to happen because they are all part of successful, blockbuster franchises. But not every game is and some sleepers can be overlooked.

Which is why I was thinking about what possible sequel that could be announced, however unlikely, that would make me squeal and drive to GameStop with a 5 dollar bill in my hand and tears of joy streaming down my face. It’s a tough question, but honestly, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance 3 would do it for me. I loved the first two games so much and the thought of a next-gen, online capable version of that game…chills, dude. Chills.

I want to know what game out there that isn’t a massive hit that you want a sequel for. This is your chance to make a pitch for that unsung game that you love. Testify!

GamerSushi Asks: Big 2010 Games That You Didn’t Play

2010 games you missed

Father Time is a cruel master, marching forward inexorably without a care for our mortal whims, such as the real and growing concern that there were too many games this year and just not enough time to play them all. True, I’m not really one to talk given how many games I’ve put away since 2010 started with Mass Effect 2, but there were some that I’ve missed. Final Fantasy XIII tops that list, followed by Gran Turismo 5 and a couple downloadable titles like Super Meat Boy and Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

True, some of the games passed me by simply because I was busy playing other ones, but every year there’s always a few that slip through my fingers regardless. Since we had such a banner year release wise, with something new to play almost every month, I was wondering if you guys had any games you missed out on. While it is true that we can always go back and play ones that we forgot, 2011 is quickly coming up and the bevy of games that are going to be available then look tasty indeed.

So what games got by you and why? Any you regret missing, or any you passed up on purpose? Go!

Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception Revealed for 2011

uncharted 3

In the grand Internet tradition of revealing things days in advance of when we’re supposed to find out, Sony and Naughty Dog have popped the cork on the official reveal of Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception before the first legitimate trailer goes up Saturday on Spike’s Video Game Awards show.

In a post on the Official PlayStation blog, Arne Meyer, Naughty Dog’s Community Strategist, dropped some knowledge about the upcoming Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception. Like the previous game, globe hopping will be a main attraction but most of the plot centers around the search for a so-called “Atlantis of the Sands”. The game will pull inspiration from many sources, but Lawrence of Arabia is once that’s getting touted a lot. Players will also get to explore the relationship between Drake and his long-time partner and mentor Victor Sullivan, which is good news if you’re into some potential stubble-on-mustache action.

Also returning are the co-op and multiplayer modes that made their debut in Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, but this time around they’ll be a bit more robust. Single player also includes some new gameplay mechanics like being able to go toe-to-toe with multiple enemies. Naughty Dog also mentioned that Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception will be available in high-definition stereoscopic 3D so you can have a little motion sickness with your platforming.

Not much else has been revealed aside from the potential release date of late 2011, but I expect that Saturday will uncover more about Drake’s third adventure. So, are you guys excited about the return of Nathan Drake? What do you want from Uncharted 3? Go!

Source and image – Official PlayStation blog

Today’s WTF: A Whole Decade of The Old Republic

The Old Republic

I think a few years back, if you told me I was going to get 10 solid years of the Knights of the Old Republic universe I would have either called you a liar or maybe pushed you into a pile of broken glass for the way you were taunting my gaming psyche. However, now that I know that the next entry into Bioware’s beloved Star Wars RPG franchise is actually going to be an MMO, that makes a little more sense. Sort of.

According to EA CFO Eric Brown, the gaming giant isn’t just hoping for something to come along and help them take a shot at WoW, but they also want a game that can be sustained for the better part of ten years. I’ll let him explain:

“We think we can run and operate a very successful and profitable MMO at different levels… The key thing here is to really perfect the product. We’re shooting for an extremely high quality game experience. We view this as a 10 year opportunity.”

Yikes. That’s a long time to stick on the same MMO. Obviously, the big dog on the block here is WoW, and if you’re wondering they are in the middle of their 7th year. I’d say it’s pretty ambitious to shoot for a new MMO in this market in general, but to hope that it has the same staying power as the PS2 seems more than a bit optimistic. Considering that the game is coming out in 2011, that means they could still be milking this thing in 2021. By then, “old” will be the most appropriate title imaginable. But hey, I’ve been wrong before.

What do you guys think? Am I being a Debbie Downer here?

Source – Eurogamer

Cataclysm is Not World of Warcraft’s First Disaster

Lord Kazzak

As you might be aware, things are changing in the world where war is the primary craft. With the release of Cataclysm, millions upon millions of WoW addicts will be fully engaged in their favorite/most hated past time and likely some who fell off the wagon will poke their goblin heads in again to see what all the fuss is about.

Not being an MMO player, I sometimes feel like I am missing out on something that I might enjoy. But then, I read an article like Wired’s list of the 7 Most Catastrophic World of Warcraft Moments and I’m sort of glad (and bemused) that I have not yet taken the plunge. As you would expect, in such a busy and interconnected landscape, things can sometimes go awry. My favorite entry on the list has to be the boss that escape it’s lair and had to be erased by Blizzard after wreaking havoc on a city. You literally can’t make stuff like that up.

Are there any other such glitches or unexpected disasters to befall other MMOs or even other games? Was anyone present for any of the entries on the list? Speak now!

Experience PC Envy with the 3DMark 11 Launch

If you PC gamers were unaware, 3DMark 11 dropped today with a few versions for you to try out on your fancy machines and see how it stacks up in today’s market. Strangely enough, the last time I attempted a PC benchmark was all the way back around 2002 or 2003, back when I was still into the whole PC gaming scene. As I’ve said on numerous occasions, the rig I’m working on right now was built in 2005, so I imagine my benchmark leaves quite a bit to be desired.

Here’s a video of the test from version 11 in all of its glory and fidelity:

For those of you that are super serious about the whole benchmarking thing, there are a couple of advanced versions of 3DMark 11 for you to grab, including one professional installment that will cost you $995 big ones. I don’t know anyone that hardcore about it, but there you go. For the rest of us normal dudes, the free version should suffice.

Did anyone else try this out? What was your score? Go!

Source – 3DMark11

Rooster Teeth Plays Horse With Halo: Reach

Rooster Teeth is back once again, this time showing us the amazing versatility of Halo: Reach. Forge mode, for those of you unfamiliar with the game, is a level editor of sorts, allowing you to tweak weapon layouts and add pieces of geometry to maps. While you can’t change the base layout of the level, you can add little additions to it, like ramps off of cliffs and floating platforms in the middle of nowhere. This functionality forms the basis of the video that RT put together, which combines Halo: Reach’s malleability with the old fashioned game Horse.

The hosts say it a couple of times in the video, but this just shows the amazing versatility of a game that ostensibly shipped as just a First-Person-Shooter. The fact that you can put away your guns and play home-made games of your own devising within minutes speaks volumes for Bungie’s design.

GamerSushi Asks: Who’s Playing Cataclysm?

world of warcraft cataclysm

Last night, the evil dragon aspect Deathwing burst from the core of Azeroth, forever changing the face of the world that millions of people have been adventuring across for the past six years. After journeying to Outland and then to the frozen wasteland of Northrend, adventurers are called back to the main continents of the World of Warcraft to see how the Cataclysm has changed the planet.

As we all know, World of Warcraft: Cataclysm brings some big changes to “vanilla WoW”, as the base game is also known. The landscape, which had remained mostly static for the game’s lifetime, has been radically altered by an apocalyptic event. While the expansion does add a bunch of things under the hood, increases the level cap to 85 and re-tools a bunch of quests, this virtual face-lift is the most noticeable aspect of the the changes WoW has undergone.

While I’ve manage to avoid being sucked back into the hype, I know there’s a couple users here (like SK Beans and my friend The Nage) who are busy flying around Azeroth grinding out levels until they reach 85. Amazingly, someone has already reached the level cap for Cataclysm, so no pressure. If you’re playing Cataclysm, what are your impressions? Does it breath new life back into the World of Warcraft? What do you want to see from future expansions?

Gaming’s Most Bizarre Endings

Solidus Snake

There’s nothing more satisfying than beating a video game that you’ve been sinking a lot of time into. For me, watching the resolution of all of those hours of gameplay is pure bliss, especially if it comes on the heels of some long dungeon grinding or a particularly epic boss fight to tie off the whole experience. I love that feeling of setting the controller, and then kicking back to see what kind of ending I earned. You know, unless that ending sucks.

Sadly, this has happened more times than ought to, and I think the most recent examples of this for me would be Alan Wake. My wife even looked over at me after it was finished and asked if I was mad, following that question up with “I would be if I just played that crap.” Usually, when I’m slapped in the face with a bad ending, I just kind of stare at my TV in shock rather than anger. I don’t know, maybe I hope there’s a secret ending hidden somewhere.

It seems that I’m not the only one who’s experienced bad endings though, seeing as how UGO put together a list of the 11 Weirdest Game Endings of all time. Here’s a hint: MGS2 is number 1, because of that weird Solidus Snake business. Definitely worth the read, and you’ll be able to laugh at it alot, unless of course you played those games and were burned by them.

What game endings have left you dissatisfied with the outcome? Any games that were particularly weird? Go!

Source – UGO

Game Informer Unearths Details About the New Lara Croft

game informer tomb raider

Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light was my biggest surprise of 2010 by a large margin. The previous Lara Croft games haven’t been all that great (I’m being kind, here), so I wasn’t honestly expecting much from a top-down Diablo clone with guns. Once the Great Mustachioed One (also known as Nick) started raving about it, I decided to give it a try. The formula, a mash-up of Resident Evil 5 and Diablo, was a refreshing change from my normal video game fair and it was also a blast to play in co-op.

Since Lara Croft had once again found purchase amongst gamers, many of us began to wonder what was going to happen with the future of the franchise. There were rumors of a reboot of the age-old series flying around, and it seemed like Guardian of Light was meant to tide us over rather than serve as the foundation for a new chapter in the Lara Croft saga. So what do Square Enix and Crystal Dynamic have planned for the heroine?

Continue reading Game Informer Unearths Details About the New Lara Croft

GamerSushi Asks: Favorite Sleepers of 2010?

Pac Man

Every year, there’s a bunch of games that seem to slip through our nets as gamers. As frantic as we are about our hobby, there’s absolutely no way we can manage to grab or buy everything so that we can get a full sample of the year for review. I know that in my life, I pretty much have to narrow down my buys to a handful of games and really cut it off there, for fear of an angry wife or an empty checkbook.

Because of this whole “not enough money and time” thing that reality constantly slams us with, occasionally a few great games slip by the wayside. On top of that, sometimes the gaming media at large doesn’t always properly cover everything in a way that highlights some of the greats. They tend to focus on the Halo: Reach’s, the Valve games, the Call of Duty’s out there while ignoring some of the other sleepers.

For instance, I keep hearing things about the following games: Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Pac-Man Championship Edition DX, Vanquish, Enslaved, Super Meat Boy, Donkey Kong Country Returns, and Amnesia: The Dark Descent for PC, but haven’t been able to see or play any of these games as of yet. I think that needs to change.

So what do you guys think? Do you have a favorite sleeper hit of 2010 so far? Is there a game that you’ve been loving lately (or even earlier) that doesn’t always seem to get a lot of buzz? Share!

GamerSushi Asks: Most Beloved Genre?

Lost Odyssey

I recently found a nice deal on GameFly for Lost Odyssey, the JRPG for the Xbox 360 from Mistwalker, some of the makers of Final Fantasy, so I jumped on it, bolstered by some of the good to great reviews I’ve read. And I am glad I did, too. See, while I loved Final Fantasy XIII, it was different enough that it didn’t really scratch that JRPG itch that has been irking me lately, but boy does Lost Odyssey do the trick!

That got me to thinking about why I love the genre so much. I’ve easily played JRPGs more than any other type of game in my life. I don’t even mind random battles, so you know I must be pretty far gone. Sure, some of the character designs are pretty outlandish and at times, feminine, but it’s like comfort food for me. I know what to expect and I’m not usually disappointed. Chicken soup for the gamer’s soul, one might say.

Which leads me to the asking: what genre do you swoon for? We all have that one genre that we try anything and everything that might be remotely connected to it. Mine is JRPGs. What’s yours? Go!

Rooster Teeth’s Immersion Episode 2 Shows the Effects of Online Gaming Distractions

Way, way back in the Before-Times (April, to be precise), we posted a video depicting the folks over at Rooster Teeth making a car with a camera rig to simulate the driving in Grant Theft Auto. As it happens, this video was the pilot episode for Immersion, a series where the RT crew explores various video game tropes in real life. The second episode of Immersion just came out, and it features some guest stars doing what online gamers do best: life-destroying trash talk. But when the target is a real solider, what’s the effect? Have a watch and be advised: this is NSFW due to the massive amounts of potty-mouth.

Pretty funny, no? I think this is a really cool idea for an ongoing series, and I’m looking forward to what they’ll have in the future. What do you guys want to see them cover?

Little Big Planet Fan Gets his Dream Job

Little Big PlanetI’ve got to be honest. Every time I hear awesome stories about people that are fans of games getting to work at those studios, I go through a range of emotions. On the one hand I’m insanely jealous and maybe a tad annoyed (SFF fans should understand), but more often than not, I’m just happy that one person gets to live out a really awesome story. Because I’m a human, I love these tales.

Take John Beech, who also goes by “johnee” on PSN. A construction worker by trade, John also happened to be an advent map and level creator for Media Molecule’s Little Big Planet, the sprawling sandbox game that allows players to do virtually whatever they can think of. CVG has posted a cool look at Beech’s story, which goes from his time designing maps with a blanket over his head and the TV (so he wouldn’t wake his sleeping girlfriend) to his near-death experience on a construction site, and how it lead to him asking MM for a job… and then getting it. Beech now works as a designer on Little Big Planet 2, and it sounds like he’s totally living the dream.

The whole story is really kind of touching. The craziest part of the whole thing to me is that Beech didn’t have any other work experience except construction, and didn’t even have a resume with him when he visited Media Molecule. A brief excerpt of the encounter:

I didn’t even have a CV, and I hadn’t done anything except be a builder my whole life, which they thought was hilarious. Then I loaded up my PlayStation and started showing them one of the things I had done.

Two minutes in Kareem, the art director, told me to stop and said, ‘Hold on a second.’ He went and he brought half the company back in and then said, ‘Okay John, you can carry on now.'”

Anyway, I highly suggest reading it for the “warm fuzzies” factor. Do you guys have a talent that you’d love to turn into a video game job? Personally, I’d love to write stories for someone like Bioware.

Source – CVG

Gaming Pop Quiz: Winter Edition

Well fellow gamers, it’s now officially December, so that means that all around the land, people are jumping into holiday mode. It’s kind of funny actually, that once November passes everyone runs around like crazy all the way until Christmas-ish time, and then everything gets calm again. At least that’s the way it is around here.

As we’ve been discussing, winter and holiday season naturally means one thing for all of us and our interests: games, and lots of them. Over the years, I know that all of us have received a bountiful harvest of great gaming goodness, and we’ve played games until we couldn’t stand them any longer. Traditionally for me, December is the time that I play more games than any other.

I’m setting all of this up to give you some sweet gaming questions, naturally. As always with our getting-to-know-you type games, feel free to answer with as much or as little as you like. Answer to the best of your ability. Go! Continue reading Gaming Pop Quiz: Winter Edition

Desert Bus For Hope Rides For Charity

Every now and again we get wind of a gaming marathon for charity. You know the kind I’m talking about: a bunch of friends get together and play Halo for 24 hours straight or something like that. It’s always for a good cause, but come on: it’s Halo. How much are these people really suffering by playing a Triple-A title? Enter: Desert Bus.

What is Desert Bus you might be asking yourself right about now?It’s part of an unreleased Sega CD game from 1995 called Penn & Teller’s Smoke and Mirrors, starring the comedic magicians we all know and love. The game is a series of mini-games designed to fool your friends, such as entering in a code to suddenly make an impossible game really easy when it is your turn to play.

Back to Desert Bus, probably the most infamous aspect of this game. The objective is to drive from Tucson, Arizona to Las Vegas, Neveda, in one straight shot, which takes 8 hours. And you can’t save. Or Pause the game. It’s one, long drive with nothing to do. Truly, a test of stamina.

This one group has been doing this for a few years and last year they managed to raise over $140,000 for Child’s Play, in order to help sick children. The latest edition just ended last week and they topped their record by raising over $200,000 this time, which is pretty impressive. I’ve embedded a video of Desert Bus after the jump to give you a sense of how much dedication playing this game for even 10 minutes would take, let alone for a full day. Continue reading Desert Bus For Hope Rides For Charity