Left 4 Dead Opening Cinematic

Wow, do I want this game something awful. Here is the opening 4 minutes of Left 4 Dead, Valve’s upcoming co-op zombie shoot-em-up. I for real can’t wait for this. After Gears of War 2, it’s my most anticipated title of the Fall. Just watch it. There’s not much else to say about how awesome this game looks.

Dead Space: Protagonist Video

Who here has gotten to play Dead Space? I’m still waiting for it to get to me in the mail with GameFly. I’m not always into survival games (on the count of me acting like a wuss), but I’m really curious to see this one, because of the cool sci fi setting. I loved this new video about the main character.

Anyone played it yet?

Resident Evil 5 Interview

Well, one game that is managing NOT to find its way into the public sphere over the next month is Reisdent Evil 5, which actually doesn’t come until March of 2009. Good thing, too, because I’d hate to miss it while playing the other 80 games on my plate (that’s an exagga-lie).

Anywho, a new video interview is out, going over the control schemes found in RE5 as well as some other tidbits. Lots of sweet gameplay footage (the graphics are ludicrous), including co-op and even some vehicle combat. Good times.

Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Impressions

To be honest, there are so many great games on their way that I literally forget about a few of them every now and then. Just yesterday, I was browsing through a list of games and marking “buy” or “rent” next to them, and then I slapped myself in the forehead when I came to Left 4 Dead. I can’t believe this game is almost here.

Shacknews has posted some impressions from their lengthy play-through of Left 4 Dead’s versus mode, where people get to play as humans, zombies, and everything in between.

Continue reading Left 4 Dead Versus Mode Impressions

Dead Space Reviews Trickling In

For those of you interested in Dead Space and its crazy limb dismembering gameplay (in space no less!), some reviews are starting to drop in for the game’s release, which happens to be today.

So far, the reviews are really solid, ranging right around the B+ scale from several reviewers including IGN, 1Up and GameSpot. The consensus? Dead Space is the start of a great new franchise and is a suspenseful and chilling sci-fi tale with incredible audio and visual design that just happens to be a tad repetitive.

Not bad at all for the start of the holiday game barrage. Go check out the reviews if you’ve been considering this game.

Dead Space: Blood and Gore

More crazy videos out about Dead Space, this one highlighting the blood and gore you’ll be seeing when you play this game later this week. Watching these videos makes me want to play more and more, but like I’ve said before, I’m a little girl when it comes to scary games.

TGS: Resident Evil 5 Trailer

I’ve got to be honest, I’ve never been a big slobbering fan over the Resident Evil series, but RE5 is starting to gather my interest more and more. I know RE4 was great and all, it’s just nothing I had seen from this new game ever really seemed to grab me.

Plus, I’m a coward and zombie games are scary. Sue me. Here’s a new trailer for Resident Evil 5 from the Tokyo Game Show, and it’s looking pretty slick. There actually seems to be much more of a story, too. So- who’s excited about this game?

Dead Space And “Strategic Dismemberment”

I don’t do too well with scary things. Ask any of my friends, and they’ll tell you that I scream like a little girl and cover my ears during most horror movies (or games). Needless to say, I have never been a fan of the survival-horror genre for this reason, though I will give grace to things concerning Zombies.

Dead Space, however, combines survival-horror with science fiction, and it looks delicious. I’m particularly intrigued by the unique lack of a HUD, and the UI is incorporated into the environment, really making the gameplay experience feel like a literal camera attached to the hero. It just oozes atmosphere, and not all games have that. Plus, strategic dismemberment just looks insane.