Today’s WTF- Gold Farming Site Bought for 10 Million

goldMaybe I’m in the wrong business. You see, I didn’t know that you could make money by selling fake money. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know all about gold farming in MMO’s (accruing lots of gold so you can sell it in real life), but I guess I just didn’t realize it was so lucrative. Like, ten million freaking dollars lucrative.

Yes, today,, a gold farming site, was purchased by an equity company for ten million big ones. So not only can fake money be sold for real money, but you can sell a company that does this for even bigger money.

Only in WoW, eh? What a world.

Source- Kotaku

Batman Gets Pwned

Ah, the thought of extraordinary people doing extremely ordinary things is always a good one. Take superheroes like Batman, for instance. Does he play video games? Perhaps he plays himself in Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe. If you imagined all that, you’d end up with this new short, Batman Gets Pwned. This video is cheesy and goofy, but it still made me laugh. Especially love the puns.

My Spartan Girl Music Video

One of my favorite machinima groups, Darkspire Films, has released some more comedic gold today with their new music video, My Spartan Girl. It’s essentially dedicated to all the girl gamers out there, specifically in Halo 3. It’s kind of tasteless, hilarious, and maybe also slightly NSFW.

One other word: hawt. And if you really want, you can download the song here.

GamerSushi Asks: Getting Robbed Online?

onlineWe all know the feeling. Placing the crosshairs on an enemy forehead, only to not score the kill. Getting assassinated from the front in Halo 3. Feeling like your head must be the size of a balloon in the rival teams’ sniper scopes. Experiencing these things online can be frustrating.

Just this evening, I was playing a match of versus in Left 4 Dead. We were on Blood Harvest, stage 4, the portion that ends with the long bridge to the caboose that acts as a safe room. As the zombies, we had weakened the team significantly, waiting for that home stretch when the tank would spawn on their final run. And that would be the end of it. Or rather, it should have been.

You see, even though they got a tank when they were zombies, we didn’t get a tank during our round. So, all 4 survivors ran, barely alive, down the bridge and to safety, putting them out of reach for the game. We got robbed.

I’m sure these kinds of things happen to you dudes game online too, no matter what the game is (though mine seem mostly to be in Halo 3). What are some of your worst “we got robbed” stories from online multiplayer? Answer away!

7 Most Ridiculous Video Game Economies

With new President Barack Obama sworn in as King Dude in the U.S., it’s no secret that there’s a lot of work to do out there, particularly when it comes to the festering maw that is our nation’s current economy. Since the fiscal temperature has moved from a state of “cool with low humidity” to “frigid with a high chance of sucking”, we’ve seen our share of absurd ordeals.

However, if you think that our economy is wacky, then perhaps you haven’t spent too much time inhabiting many fictional video game worlds. For those of you who are looking to relocate somewhere better, we’ve put together a small travel guide for virtual visitors. If these places were real, they would be bizarre and unbelievable.

Here are the 7 most ridiculous video game economies, good and bad.
Continue reading 7 Most Ridiculous Video Game Economies

This Left 4 Dead Shirt Rules

l4dshirtI don’t own a whole lot of extraneous video game merchandise. That’s not to say that I choose not to, or that I’m categorically opposed to filling my house with bizarre video game paraphernalia (my wife would throttle me), it’s just not financially viable all the time. Sure, kicking back with my life-sized Solid Snake cardboard cut-out would rule, but unfortunately, it’s not meant to be.

Enter a shirt that might make me spend my money like it’s going out of style. This Left 4 Dead shirt is kind of one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. It totally adheres to the “less is more” policy as far as t-shirts go, and I find that to be a welcome thing. Who says you can’t kill zombies in style?

So, who else is drooling over one of these? What’s the coolest video game merchandise you own?

Source- Zazzle

GTA IV Machinima: Dirty Brake

Zachariah Scott of LitFuseFilms is at it again with some more GTA IV machinima tests, the newest of which is called Dirty Brake. This one involves some good old fashioned driving and destruction, something we can all relate to in terms of the GTA series. A particularly epic shot has to do with a light pole. You’ll know it when you see it. Also, make sure to check it out in HD.


V.A.T.S. in Halo 3

I love gaming amalgamations. Combining all kinds of fun flavors to make new and exciting things is simply fascinating. Take this mash-up of Fallout 3 and Halo 3, for example, where someone added the V.A.T.S. combat system to the beloved Bungie shooter. Awesomeness ensues.


The 2008 Sushis: A Year in Review

Like most gaming sites, we here at GamerSushi are all about year-in-review awards, in which we give prestigious designations to some of the best (and easiest to make fun of) video games from the year before. The Sushis are no laughing matter though, and represent the highest standard in gaming opinion.

Ok, well maybe that last part isn’t true. But they sure are fun.

The Sushis are basically just our take on the last year, for better or for worse. Some of the awards are goofy and some of them are legit. We hope you get as big of a kick out of it as we did of playing these games. So, without further ado, here are the 2008 Sushis, picked out by both Anthony and yours truly.

Continue reading The 2008 Sushis: A Year in Review

The Fanboy Letter Mad Lib

fanboy1Fanboys. Got to love them. Actually, you don’t have to, I take that back. Personally, I think fanboy-ism is completely ridiculous in the sense that you’d defend a console or company no matter what, out of loyalty. But whatever, what do I know.

What I am sure of, though, is that making fun of said fanboys is hilarious. Which is where Hardcasual enters the scene with their new angry fanboy letter activity. Basically, it works just like a mad lib, where you insert different words to create the absurd fanboy rant to a company that has changed a beloved franchise.

Read the full contents after the jump!
Continue reading The Fanboy Letter Mad Lib

Video Games’ Worst Voice Acting

We’ve all been there. That painful cringe as a voice actor in a video game lets loose another putrid sound byte. While gaming has come along way in this regard, there are so many bad spots in the past that its fun to reminisce upon them, much like this video does.

I have to say, I’m glad that both FFX and the original Resident Evil ended up here. That “master of unlocking” line is brutal.

Hilarious Super Mario Bros Show

If you are at all familiar with the Matrix ping-pong video that circulated a million years ago in Internet time, then you should recognize the same style that’s going on in this awesome Super Mario Bros video. I love that this is all done on a stage, it’s terribly creative and executed so well, to boot. Watch!


7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

As those experienced in the realm of nerdery, we gamers know what it is like to be social outcasts more often than not. We understand that there are certain codes, unwritten rules to being a part of circles, and what must be done to infiltrate them.

The same is true of the gaming community, perhaps more so than other clubs. To keep our hardcore gaming membership card secure in our wallets, there are certain appearances we must uphold in order to earn the respect of the gaming community at large.
Continue reading 7 Things a Hardcore Gamer Should Never Admit, Vol. 1

LittleBigPlanet Rolled!

If I was really mean, I would say this is something other than what it is: Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up” performed in LittleBigPlanet. Some fun machinima work right there. Since you know what it is, it’s not technically a Rick Roll, right? Right?


Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy: Advent Ghosts

There are lots of things that work when mixed together. Pizzas and being fat. Hamburgers and cheese. Poker and dudes. But Ghostbusters and Final Fantasy 7? I didn’t really expect that. I’m not really sure that it does work, but hey, it’s funny. Love the magazine/newspaper covers littered throughout.

Don’t cross the lifestreams!

LittleBig Michael Jackson Planet

LittleBigPlanet has been used to make lots of things. Calculators, music composers, wedding proposals and even side scrolling shooters. Apparently, you can also make music videos to Michael Jackson’s “Beat It” and “Thriller”. Yes, there is even some moonwalking. One of the coolest parts of all? The dude that made this actually made it for a machinima class at USC. Good way to make the grade, I guess.


The Metal Gear Solid Cast Improv Therapy

Sounds just as confusing as the plot of MGS4, no? Basically, there is a new video out that features the voice actors of the MGS games (Raiden, Snake, Roy Campbell, Naomi Hunter and Otacon) all doing an improv session. The idea behind the skit is that they can’t separate the game characters from their actual lives.

It’s completely made up on the spot (improv, duh), and is sometimes bizarre and somteimes hilarious. My favorite bits are when David Hayter busts out the Snake voice, and when they jump in with the “Snaaaaaake” bits. Some good stuff, give it a watch.


Boomer In A Thong Makes Left 4 Dead Sexy

boomer-thongBeing out of the PC gaming scene for awhile now (not by choice, it’s just that updating rigs is expensive), I sometimes miss out on one of the coolest aspects of it- community content. The mods, the skins, the updates, it’s all totally worth it to buy a game because over the course of a couple of years, you get what you paid for from what people add on.

It seems this is already the case with Left 4 Dead, as there are already mods and such for the zombie shoot-em-up. This one, however, just about made me pee my pants in laughter. The boomer in a thong. That’s right. He’s big. He’s burpy. He’s thongy. And he’s sexy as hell.

You should definitely check out the screenshots for a good laugh. Heck, download it yourself and get in on the sexy action. Anybody else seen some good L4D mods/skins?

Source- FPS Banana. Also, Slowa found this at Left4Dead411, as well.

Today’s WTF: Lady Puts Credit Card in Wii

credit-card-wiiWow, starting the new year off with a bang, eh kids? Already we’ve got a pretty epic fail/wtf-inducing moment to talk about. And this one just takes many a cake.

Apparently, a poster over at NeoGAF has informed the gaming community this his neighbor broke her Wii by putting a credit card in it. The defense? She was trying to buy VC games and she took “put in your credit card” a bit too literally. Now her Wii is broken.

Funny thing is, there are just as many games to play on it… Ok, I kid. I bash on the Wii too much, but let’s transfer that negative energy into making fun of this silly lady. How’s that for an epic fail? View some pics of the ordeal here.

Source- Kombo