I’m going to go ahead and apologize in advance for what you’re about to witness. You see, I have a secret love for Dragonball Z and everything about it. There, I said it. It saddens me that a terrible movie is getting made regarding this ridiculous anime. Maybe they should have consulted these dudes first. Cheesy, but awesome. Much like the show itself, no?
Category: Humor
Black Friday Shoppers are Brawlers
Silly Black Friday shoppers. Don’t you know you can find just as good if not better deals on the inter-tubes for all of your crazy holiday consumerism needs? I suppose not, because then they wouldn’t be at this Wal-Mart fighting over a pile of XBox 360’s with Guitar Hero bundles that aren’t really all that special. The best part is the dude laughing.
GamerSushi Asks: Left 4 Dead Stories
So Left 4 Dead is out and I’ve been playing the junk out of it. What I can’t deal with about the game (in a good way) is just how epic everything is when you’re playing with a group of friends, battling zombies in campaign or becoming them in versus mode. I’ve played the game for hours already with no signs of letting up anytime soon.
As you know, if you’ve played the game, the thing that’s just awesome is that each playthrough is different, resulting in wildly imaginative tales after your harrowing escapes. I thought it would be a good time to recount some of ours.
Gaming’s Biggest Turkeys
Ah, Thanksgiving. When we eat and stuff our faces like we might never taste food again. It’s the time of year where we get to play extra video games, and where we long for Christmas to get the last few that we haven’t bought. In light of this holiday, I thought I’d leave you guys a short feature before departing on my great Turkey adventure tomorrow.
In honor of these great birds on which we feast upon, I wanted to discuss gaming’s biggest turkeys. What do I mean by turkeys? Basically, anything that flopped or completely fell under your expectations. Anything that you devoted your time to that turned out extremely disappointing. That game that broke your heart and that you wanted to be good, but sadly, it just sat there like a lame duck. Er, turkey.
Let’s begin!
Disney’s Haunted Mansion in Counter-Strike: Source
Wow. Who needs Little Big Planet when you’ve got Counter-Strike: Source? Here, someone has literally created the whole Haunted Mansion ride and ported it into the game. Knowing a little bit about map building myself in Hammer for Counter-Strike: Source, I have no idea how this guy pulled off some of the stuff he did here. And planting the bomb in it is just mean.
GTA IV: Get Sprunk
Here’s an example of what you can do with the new GTA IV PC video editor, out in the wild. This video is good for a quick chuckle, and I’m liking some of the camera moves you can do as well. Can’t wait to see what it’s capable of, first person. Guess we’ll be seeing lots of machinima from the GTA IV community, perhaps. Anyone else plan on getting this for the PC?
Video Game Characters Secret Confessions!
The REAL Bike Hero… Douchebags!
Ok, this is hopefully the last time I ever post about Bike Hero again, but that’s probably because this is maybe more epic than the actual video. In it is a response from a Guitar Hero player towards the viral marketing campaign, showing them bitches how to do it right. He does this while playing “Through the Fire and the Flames” on Expert… while riding a bike. From the video’s description:
No closed roads, no CGI, no planted cars or joggers, no hidden cuts in camera moves. Just Dragonforce, a pair of wheels, and cojones the size of grapefruits.
Trust me. It’s totally worth it.
Source- Kotaku
Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4
Do you ever finish a game and don’t know what to play next? Man, I agonize over this sometimes. Should I go back and play some more Oblivion, but if I do will I not want to play Fallout 3 when I get it for Christmas? Do I want to finish Final Fantasy X-2 or find more prizes in Little Big Planet? When in doubt, I play Call of Duty 4.
Continue reading Bragging Rights: Pwning Call of Duty 4
Today’s WTF: The Great Solid Snake Escape
Video games teach us to do lots of things. Drive exotic cars, love exotic women and even jump on the heads of turtles. In the case of a 42 year old Turkish man in Germany, they taught him how to pull off a prison escape.
That’s right, a dude escaped from prison last week using a cardboard box. How very Metal Gear Solid of him. He hid inside of it and loaded himself into a cargo truck, which promptly drove him from the grounds, where he cut through the tarp and leaped to his freedom. This is both hilarious and scary, but I can’t help but laugh just a little on the inside. Dramatization below:
Source- Shacknews
Fallout 3 Scenes in GMod
Ah, silly GMod dudes. Mingebags, roleplayers, and the like. You always come up with the most creative stuff. In fact, you were Forge and LittleBigPlanet before there was Forge and LittleBigPlanet. Why, here’s an example of someone re-creating some scenes from Fallout 3 in G-Mod, complete with Megaton and even a little dancing hula lady. Shame it’s not faceposed, and the camera work is pretty bad, but it’s still quirky enough to get on my good side.
Calling All Pervivores- RPG Innuendoes
If you laugh at this, you are a perv. Go ahead, try not to laugh. This is a clip from a PS2 RPG called Ar tonelico: Melody of Elemia that’s just begging for you to watch. Though be careful… there are some who might consider the material racy. But only if their mind is in a naughty place.
For the record, I lol’d. Muchly.
Finish Him, MK vs DC Universe Style
A new video is out that showcases some of the finishing moves found in the soon-to-be-unleashed Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe game, which is pretty much exactly what it sounds like. While the middle schooler in me wishes that these were proper Mortal Kombat fatalities from the days of yore, it’s still incredible to see Superman whack-a-mole a dude down into the earth.
What were some of your favorite Mortal Kombat fatalities? I was a big fan of Liu Kang’s dragon bite in MK 2, personally.
You Got Link in my RE4
We don’t like to post two videos in a row here, but this one is so cool I just had to make the exception. This is some kind hack/mod of Resident Evil 4, where a Link model was added. It is kind of awesome looking, and I kind of wish that the whole thing was in Hyrule, etc. Give it a watch.
Pitch Your Game: Ridiculous Version
Here at GamerSushi, we’re not only about talking about our favorite video games, we’re all about being creative and making them, too. Granted, none of us are developers, coders, artists, and any of that stuff. But we can play a mean lick on Guitar Hero or pull off a triple jump on Mario. That should be enough right?
Since we’re completely qualified to make up new games, we figured we’d start off with some of the most ludicrous, ridiculous, cheesy and stupid ideas for video games that we could think of, in a new feature called “Pitch Your Game!”
Today’s WTF: Video Game Endings
So I stumbled across MasterofHyrule’s YouTube page today, and he’s got some pretty hilarious videos concerning video games on his account. I think maybe the best and most awesome series has to be “Lame and Horrible Video Game Endings”, of which there are four installments. Basically, he just shows some of the most ludicrous (and WTF enducing) video game endings of all time, for your enjoyment. Check out his page and give this one a watch.
The Gaming Fortune Teller
Welcome to a new GamerSushi feature wherein Anthony and I interview The Gaming Fortune Teller, the world’s most famous gaming prophet. He is blessed with the uncanny ability to predict gaming events before they happen. He even called the fall of the Virtual Boy, and we all know that came out of left field.
So without further ado, I present to you our recent sit-down with the Fortune Teller, who only appears once in a lunar cycle, coincidentally. Something about vaccinations. We asked him some of our more pressing questions concerning our favorite pasttime, video games.
Zombie Infection in WoW
Starting last weekend, zombies began appearing in World of Warcraft, infecting all in their path with their hatred of the living and their love of tasty non-NPC flesh. Basically, anybody that came into contact with a zombie had to get a cure, or become a zombie themselves.
Hundreds of thousands were infected. It was meant to be a fun Halloween game plus a promotion for the upcoming expansion, Wrath of the Lich King. However, Blizzard had to put an end to the blight yesterday. Why, you ask? Because grumpy WoW players couldn’t have any fun, and were upset that the zombies were ruining their gameplay experience.
I guess not everyone shares my feelings that Zombies make everything better.
End War: Parrot Vs Parrot
I know, it’s pretty silly, but it made me laugh to watch this video of two parrots showing down against each other in Tom Clancy’s End War, the voice-activated RTS. When you think about it, it’s pretty remarkable that the game can recognize the commands coming out of the mouths of the parrots.
I haven’t played an RTS in a while, but the more I see, the more I’m interested in End War. Who’s grabbing it when it comes out on November 4th?
Penny Arcade Episode 2 Out Next Week
As if there’s not already enough great games to play, Penny Arcade’s Xbox Live Arcade and PC title, “On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness: Episode 2” is going to hit next week, on October 29th. It will run about $14.95 in moneyz or 1200 MS Points, depending on which medium you choose to play it in.
Supposedly it totals in at around 6-10 hours of gameplay, with more levels than the first, new areas, and new jokes, of course. I’m not sure how many of you guys were able to play the first game, but I found it to be pretty enjoyable, especially for an XBLA title. I’d definitely recommend checking it out if you’ve got the MS points, or if you’re a fan of PA in general.
Also, Episode One is finally hitting the PSN this week as well, so if you’re a Sony guy, you can finally experience that.
Source- Kotaku