GamerSushi Asks: Desert Island Gaming

Imagine that you wake up on an island. You know, kind of like in Castaway or Lost, minus the smoke monsters and the volleyballs and the weird. And it’s just you there, for the rest of your life. Only, imagine you find a small room (a hatch, if you will) with a TV, and some game consoles, and a small box full of just a handful of games…

Cheesy intro aside, everyone’s got that list, you know? The desert island list. People make them for movies, books, music, other people, or just favorite items in general. You know what I’m talking about: if you were stuck on a desert island for the rest of your life, which games would you like to be stuck with?

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I Want a MegaMan Costume, Too

Look at this kid. He is a badass and he knows it, sporting his MegaMan costume for Halloween and looking utterly awesome. Apparently, his dad built the whole thing about of of a plastic cup, some LEDs, lots of black electrical tape, some cloth and some wires.

This is maybe one of the coolest video game related costumes I’ve ever seen, particularly because even if this little kid has never played MegaMan his entire life, he still looks rad, so he’d want to wear it anyway. What about you guys? Any gaming related costume ideas for Halloween?

Source- Destructoid via Gizmodo

GameCop Vs LameCop #2

GameCop vs. LameCop is a feature where Anthony and I argue about video game issues, taking on the persona of either the GameCop or the LameCop as we do so. The GameCop has your best interests as gamers at heart, while the LameCop is just what he sounds like: a total loser.

This week, we tackle several issues including silent heroes, Playstation Home and Blizzard’s epic wtf weekend.

Continue reading GameCop Vs LameCop #2

Today’s WTF: Future Won’t Be Free

Come on, Blizzard. In just a few days, you’re tarnishing any street cred you may have gained through years of hard work and devotion to your fanbase.

You’ve now hit two massive WTF’s in just one short weekend. What’s the deal?

Apparently, during a BlizzCon panel, Diablo III director Jay Wilson said that Blizzard is looking to monetize Guess who’s paying for it? No, not Blizzard, silly fanboys. We all know that they’re so hard up for that green.

Continue reading Today’s WTF: Future Won’t Be Free

Gears of War 2: Horde Mode “Do-Nots”

For those of you who don’t know, Gears of War 2 features “Horde Mode”, where you and 4 friends are holed up in an area, attempting to survive wave after wave of next gen baddies.

While this sounds like co-op heaven, multiplayer games are tarnished by just one d-bag that doesn’t know how to play the game or refuses to play by the rules.

Well, OXM has released its list of the “7 Deadly Sins of Horde Mode” in preparation for the big GoW2 release date.

Read up and get familiar with the sins in question so you don’t muck up my Horde game!

Source- OXM

Top 5: Video Game Binges

As you well know, the holiday season is looming, teasing us with its glowing goodness and promise of days off of work and school alike. However, there’s one other thing that the holidays bring to us every year, lumbering towards us like great Godzilla-monsters ready to trample our social lives to ruin: video games.

Sometimes, in these awesome and terrible times with nothing but free time and a pile of gaming to get through, we do things we are not altogether proud of: We binge. It’s like that inner beast takes over, a beast that isn’t satiated until we finish those games. You know what I’m talking about.

I bring you several instances where this happened in my life. Here are my top 5 video game binges:

Continue reading Top 5: Video Game Binges

Mega Man Create-A-Boss

Now that Mega Man 9 has landed, it seems like the retro craze is firing up. I was a big fan of the Mega Man series on the original NES, so I’m really pumped to see this one finally out. Like we’ve said before, it seems that some styles of gaming never get old.

All of that lead up is to introduce a new app from Destructoid that is blowing my mind: the Mega Man 9 Boss Maker. Yes, it is exactly what it sounds like. You can mix, match, customize and name your own boss character for the Mega Man series, and it’s a blast.

Continue reading Mega Man Create-A-Boss

EA Cancels Tiberium, Comment Fight Ensues

Nothing like a good old fashioned blog war. In case you hadn’t heard, EA has canceled Tiberium, the sci-fi RTS/FPS that had you playing as generic space marines fighting some generic bad guys. Wait, why was this canceled again? I think there’s a market for that.

Anywho, what’s even crazier than this game getting canceled is the comment fight that erupted at Gamasutra, where several disgruntled developers have weighed in on what the real development problems were with the game, naming names and crucifying producers and execs.

Continue reading EA Cancels Tiberium, Comment Fight Ensues

Lame: GamePro’s Best PC Games

So a few weeks ago, I cried foul about GamePro’s not-so-great “Best 360 Games” list. Well, I’m here to break it to you: the newest installment, “The 32 Best PC Games of All Time”? Even worse. Yes, believe it.

Once again, I understand that this is all opinion, but just take a gander at the positioning of some of these great games, and where they fall. To give you a little hint: Doom, even though it’s perhaps one of the most influential games of all time, didn’t even land on the list, and World of Warcraft is declared the number one PC game of all time.

Continue reading Lame: GamePro’s Best PC Games

Embarrassing Gaming Moments

As you know, we here at GamerSushi love lists. We have this kind of mad obsession with them. It’s such an easy way to categorize the information you’re looking for, and it helps even more when they list some great humorous quotables about gaming.

Last week, GamesRadar released “Game Moments You Don’t Want A Loved One Walking In On”, and it makes for a great read. In particular, I remember the one about MGS being kind of weird for me as a young gamer. And I totally agree that getting caught playing an MMO these days is the equivalent to being caught with adult material.

How about you guys? Got any of these yourselves?

Source- GamesRadar

Machinima: Katy Perry Sings Simlish

For those of you who don’t know, “Simlish” is the language spoken by those oh-so-lovable Sims. Recently, Katy Perry, singer of “I Kissed a Girl”, that song that gets annoyingly stuck in your head, re-recorded her song “Hot N Cold” in Simlish for this machinima music video.

While it’s weird to here a song this way, it’s pretty nuts what the Sims is still capable of in terms of machinima. Fun stuff.

Rayman Raving Rabbids: Heroes Spoof

I enjoyed the first Rayman Raving Rabbids for the Wii alright. It was a good time, I had fun with some of the mini-games, but let’s get real- the rabbids were the best part of the darn game. And even better than the game, the promotions and commercials they appeared in always made me chuckle.

This newest commercial even pulls a spoof on the new season of Heroes, poking fun at the Level 5 business we’ve been seeing on all the teasers. Fun stuff. Any of you dudes into Heroes, or does your heart pull favorably towards some other show? Me, I’ve lost some faith in Heroes recently…


Wow, the possibilities just seem endless when I look at LittleBigPlanet. Take this new video, for instance, where a student re-created a Colossus from Shadow of the Colossus in LBP as a level. When I see stuff like this, it makes me both tingle with excitement and ashamed of my own lack of creativity.

Today’s WTF: Wario Dominates YouTube

This falls under the category of the oh-so-rare “good” WTF. Nintendo just put up a new Wario video on YouTube, and I demand that you go watch it. It’s a very clever piece of marketing from Nintendo, and I admit to giving out a “WTF” once I saw that something wasn’t quite what it seemed.

Normally, I would just embed this, but in this one instance, it would kind of ruin what Nintendo’s got going on. So go ahead. Go check out Nintendo’s YouTube Wario video. You won’t regret it.

A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

I have a weird love/hate thing with “best of” gaming lists. They’re addictive as anything to read, but a lot of times you want to just slap the writers of them in the face for the way they have ranked the games. While a lot of that is expected and just typical subjectivity, sometimes dudes just get it wrong.

Take GamePro, for instance. While I’m sure they mean well with their new “Best of XBox 360” list, they are sadly, horribly, woefully misguided in the way they’ve placed the appropriate titles. There should be terrible punishments for people that are this far off.

Continue reading A Gag-Worthy “Best Of 360” List

Creative Expressions on Spore

We all know that people have been quite upset about Spore’s DRM debacle, which limits user ownership of the game and only allows one account per PC. It’s definitely somethings that’s ticked off the game’s users, and it doesn’t sound like EA is going to relent at any point in the future.

How have people expressed this? Well, apparently, Spore is capable of producing more than just genitalia monsters, as gamers have started to make creatures that proudly show off displeasure at the DRM.

Continue reading Creative Expressions on Spore

Dark Knight Plus TF2 is Awesome

As the title indicates, there are some things that are absolutely stupendous when throw together, much like eggs and bacon. Recently, the TF2 death icon generator was released to the public, and already an Internet gem has risen from its depths.

Over at Ubercharged, someone has thrown together The Dark Knight retold as a string of TF2 kills. It’s really humorous if you’ve seen the movie, but beware of spoilers!

Personally, I loved The Dark Knight, so it’s neat to see all the little fan spoofs that keep popping up.

Source- Ubercharged

Seth MacFarlane Does Mario

In the classic case of two great tastes that taste hilarious together, Seth MacFarlane, creator of Family Guy, has introduced a new web product called the Cavalcade of Cartoon Comedy. One of his first installments tackles Super Mario Bros. More specifically, Mario saving the Princess.

If you’re a fan of the humor of Family Guy, this should be right up your alley. The Star Power tune gets me every time.
